

Thursday 17 November 2016

HDYGG Gardening in Dubai

I found some time to finally get round to planting some seeds that I've been collecting. In typical 'Suzanne' style I haven't labelled anything, threw the empty packets out and I have no idea what will come up, where or when.

 I was totally amazed to see the lettuce and cress sprouting the following day. These are inside the house, the tray outdoors took 5 days to sprout.

There was a trip or two to the garden centre and I'm loving all the Christmas decorations.

The weather is cooling, but it's not consistent. At 4.38 on Tuesday it was 26c and on Friday at 7.11am it was 19c. It makes me laugh that the weather app on my phone says 'mostly sunny'

We've been spending as much time as we can outdoors. Dubai is simply stunning, this picture was taken after work at Costa Coffee.
 The new Dubai Water Canal is now officially opened. The skyline has changed dramatically. I'm looking forward to Safa Park being fully restored.


  1. Dubai is a great example of the fact that money can do everything, they can transform lifeless desert into a beautiful city

    1. they really do, do things very well and quickly here

  2. What an adventurous life you live! Hope to see more of the new plants in the future.

    1. doesn't feel that adventurous to me, its rather mundane

  3. Fingers crossed for those seedlings!

    1. they're all coming through but i dont recognise anything yet

  4. good luck with the seedlings - amazing the indoor ones germinated so quickly, and more quickly than the outdoor ones. Must be like living in a greenhouse :0

  5. Love that your gardening season is just beginning as mine slows down!

    1. it should've started a while ago, but I'm too busy with work

  6. I like your scatter gun approach to sowing. I do think I spend far too much time faffing about with seeds. If nature was as fussy as me there wouldn't be a single plant or tree!

  7. That has to be the nicest Costa Coffee view ever!
    Sounds like our sowing methods are pretty similar - but the weather not so much! That mad fast timing for sprouting.
    Do you enjoy it being slightly cooler?

    Thanks for joining in again pickle, loving the Christmas vibes - tempting me to hit the garden centre this week!

    1. am loving the cooler weather and it has to be the best view in the world

  8. Gas grills are maybe the best answer for investing energy outside with loved ones in hotter months. They can be situated at a reasonable level with wooden decks or boards. Plant seats, then again are those furniture that can even be worked by hand.
