

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Plants in Dubai that are dangerous to pets.

The desert rose, scientific name, Adenium obesum, also known as impala lily, kudu lily, desert azalea, mock azalea and wabi star.

Popular all over the world and considered scared in some places.

Tribes in Africa use the sap of the plant and pollen to get poison for their arrows. it is so toxic it can even kill an elephant.

The entire plant is toxic if ingested by your dog.

There's space in my garden for a new shrub, since I found out this plant was extremely toxic to cats and dogs and can cause serious illnesses including heart failure from ingesting any part of the plant, just from licking any part of the plant.

There are hundred's of these plants in Dubai, usually grown in pots to keep them more ornate or they grow into mid sized trees.

They produce the prettiest of flowers and adorn almost every garden in Dubai.

This plant has been re homed to live outside the garden gate.

Meanwhile the dog has been posing for his latest GQ centre spread.
Not taken with a soft focus, just need to replace the cover on my phone
Bob got a stone in his paw, out in the desert, growled at me when I went near him, so I threw his precious ball in the water which he limped after and the stone came free.
Found a dog friendly coffee stop.
Bedtime for the cat, when she's ready for bed, she follows me around and sits and looks at me like this until I give her, her treats in her bed.
The cat went into full on attack mode, seconds after this picture was taken, poor Bob had to run for his life.
You're never alone when you let a cat and dog into your life, waiting for peas and sweetcorn, the cats favourite snack.

The garden is looking a little dire, the plants are growing but they're not growing as big and as fast as they did last year despite the recent rain. I've moved the houseplants outdoors for a few weeks before the weather gets too hot and they seem to be doing well.
* rained and we had storms. Half the plants died so are now back indoors.


  1. I'm amazed that plant would be capable of killing an elephant, that's a big animal! Sorry to hear about your plants in the storm :(

    1. it amazed me too, i resolved the issue of the dead house plants by buying new ones

  2. My cats used to like peas and sweetcorn too - they can be funny old things, and love the typical cat sat on the mat photo too. Glad Bob recovered and wow that's a seriously mean plant.

  3. Looks like life is never dull with your pets around! We have quite a few desert roses both in our garden and in the compound. Luckily the cat is an indoor beast as she loves chewing greenery (we have had to get rid of anthurriums, lillys and all sorts of other stuff). THe dogs stay away from it. THe compound cats seem to also be aware not to eat the stuff thank goodness.

    1. my pets stayed away from the plant, but once i found out about it, i thought i'd best move it, just in case

  4. I had no idea that plant was so toxic, I will remember that, thanks for sharing!

    1. your welcome, i will be keeping an eye open for them when i go out and about now

  5. Apologies for the late reply to this #AnimalTales post, I really thought I had read and commented and then realised I haven't done any and the next Animal Tales is tomorrow. Am I forgiven? Lovely pictures of your pet and I am glad you realised the plant was poisonous before it was too late. We are currently puppy sitting and it makes you much more aware of what might be dangerous to animals when they are prone to put absolutely anything in their mouths.

    1. these plants are everywhere in Dubai as they grow quickly and have such beautiful flowers

  6. Wow a dangerous plant indeed! And that capture of your cat watching Bob peaking in by the french window...:)

    1. i was lucky to get that shot, within a few seconds the cat launched an attack at poor bob

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