

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Visiting Santa without the kids. Christmas with Pets in Dubai.

When in Dubai.........

And why not? I say.

Since leaving school I've made friends via the work place and through having kids. But when you relocate from one country to another and your kids are all grown up and you don't work, then how do you make friends?

Well you join clubs/groups/attend coffee mornings. But that's not my style. In South Africa I did volunteer work and met the most amazing people and made life long friends. In Dubai, I took my dog out and about and met people. I even spent a year teaching in FS1 in an Arabic school after meeting a woman out walking her dog in the desert.

As my husband works away a lot and spends the days in the office talking to people he likes to come home in the evenings and switch off, me? I like to quite literally chew his ear off out of boredom, so Bob and I go out and join Dog groups, meet people, explore new places and generally have fun.

This is our 4th Christmas in Dubai and they do Christmas here big in all the malls and shops and as well as catering for all nationalities they also cater for our 4 legged friends. Bob and I attend Valentines lunches and Halloween parties and we love nothing better than a visit to Father Christmas.

We have 2 events this year. A secret Santa and swimming session at Dog Walk this coming weekend and last weekend we visited Santa at Paw Parking.

Oh and on Thursday Bob and I are going for a spa day. I'm off to have a manicure and pedicure ready to see John Bishop in the evening and brunch on Friday, while Bob is off for a grooming session at Paw Parking for the day.

And don't forget the cat. Pushkins joins in with Christmas also.
I'm pleased to say she doesn't mess around with the tree or the presents, but she did attack and eat half the contents of her advent calendar when left unsupervised.


  1. Oh, I love this! Brilliant that you can do so much for Christmas with pets over there. I love places that include pets in things, I find it quite difficult sometimes, hate leaving the dogs at home but it can be difficult to find places to take them. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas. #animaltales

    1. sadly they're aren't many places one can go with dogs in Dubai, i just tend to search them all out

  2. Awww, looking quite spiffy in their Christmas outfits! I love that there are pet-based activities in Dubai (never been there). Happy holidays to you! #animaltales

  3. I love that the dog went to see Santa! :) Also laughing at the cat attacking her advent calendar! Just like kids, really, aren't they? #animaltales

    1. they sure are. 'never work with kids or animals'

  4. Dear Friend,
    My name is Nerissa and I am Filipino and Italian. I am an expat, a traveler, and a mother. I have just created a website called to talk about the stories of people that for different reasons live or travel around the world.
    I hope you could contribute with your personal story to this website. I would also appreciate if you can also publish summaries of some of your best articles that are currently on your blog/website also on (obviously, I will give you credits for your posts).
    I thank you for your precious time and, whatever your belief is, I wish you a peaceful time for Christmas.
    All the best,

  5. I think we must have a faulty cat - he completely turned his nose up at his Advent calendar - rude! He's now single-handedly trying to strip the tree of all of its baubles and shred all of the fluffy toys that sit around the bottom! Good job we adore him so much!! #TweensTeensBeyond

    1. oh my word, our cat is sat firmly outside the bathroom door waiting for her calendar

  6. Ahh! It sounds like pets are well loved in Dubai. I have never heard of a dog visiting santa! I love it!

  7. Hope you had a lovely Christmas, and the dogs did too!

  8. You sound like you have your Christmas well and truly organised. I spent a couple of Christmas' there as a teenager and it was an experience I won't forget. Hope you have had a lovely time and look forward to seeing you again in the New Year. #TweensTeensBeyond

    1. Happy New Year and I'm looking forward to 2018

  9. What a fantastic thing to do - lucky Bob. Dubai is somewhere that I would love to spend Christmas! Thanks so much for all your support of #TweensTeensBeyond in 2017 and I hope you have a peaceful and happy 2018.

    1. Christmas is great here in Dubai, but I'd rather be out for the New Year, just too busy, looking forward to 2018 #tweensteensbeyond

  10. Saari would run a mile if we ever tried to take her to see Father Christmas as he represents everything she is most fearful of, men, old me, men in big coats, men with beards!! Bob is obviously a lot more load back and or brave!

    Thank you for adding this post to #AnimalTales and apologies for being so late reading and commenting. I have been struck down by an evil lurgy and am only just getting back on track. The next linky opens tomorrow so I hope you can join in.

    1. hope you're feeling better soon, Bob is fine with everyone, probably ok with burglars too, it's the cat one needs to watch out for and she hates men
