

Saturday 23 March 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 12 More rain and some stunning views

It's heating up here in Dubai, not all sunshine though a couple of cloudy days and it's windy so the sand is blowing around.

Been spending as much time as a can outdoors, but in the shade after getting badly sunburnt on my back when I was doing some gardening.

We've been eating a lot more fish recently and I've been experimenting with different flavours and methods of cooking.

Blood tests show my iron levels are still stable, but my haemoglobin has dropped and I'm in danger of needing a blood transfusion by Sunday if it doesn't sort itself out and I'm now anaemic. Been headachy, body aching, very tired and getting confused easily.

76 Sunday Dentist for a 3D scan ready for bone grafts and dental implant posts next week, stopped at the hairdressers for a cut and to get my nails done then called in to see a friend for coffee.

77 Monday Back to the Doctors for more blood tests, been feeling very tired again and getting breathless doing simple activities. I think it's my iron levels dropping again. Spent the rest of the day sweeping sand out the house.
Lemon and herb foil wrapped with sweet potato.

78 Tuesday Took Bob to the dog park, met up with a few women for a chat over coffee while the dogs play, then spent the rest of the day gardening. Didn't realise how sunburnt I was until I had a shower before bed.

79 Wednesday Washer water pump on car replaced first thing then off to a friend's house for a walk along the canal and spent the afternoon ironing and catching up with blog commenting. Pub quiz with a friend and dinner out. Peter was out for the evening with colleagues.

80 Thursday Off to the Souk Madinat for the morning for coffee and blogging. Caught up with the washing in the afternoon and ran the hoover round. Cleaned the sand from the balcony and washed the patio down.

81 Friday Peter and I went to the Marina for breakfast, followed by a walk. Back home, I spent the rest of the day in bed while Peter hunted for the building regulations for a loft conversion we had 14 years ago.

82 Saturday Woke up to a thunder storm and heavy rain, I'm fed up cleaning up the sand. Off to the local mall for a coffee and a food shop and a sort out of the cupboard under the stairs.

On the blog this week:

Do your adult kids still need their mum?

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  1. It's just one thing after another with your health. A blood transfusion might be worth it.
    hehehe! I like that type of coffee.
    It sounds like a nice week apart from all the sweeping of sand x

  2. So sorry to hear about your health this week. I hope things get sorted out for you soon. I love all the views of Dubai you've shared this week.

    1. thank you. Dubai is so much easier to photograph than monmouth

  3. Oh Suzanne, sorry to hear you're feeling tired due to the iron levels dropping. Hope you don't need a blood transfusion.
    Your battle with the sand seems never-ending, it's not fun at all.
    Lovely views of Dubai.

  4. Crikey, you're still having a hard time with all your health things. Hope they can get you on a more even keel. Interesting you say your haemaglobin has dropped. My brother has low haemaglobin levels - nothing shown why as all tests are negative. He's got chronic fatigue syndrome so his tiredness etc is in line with that.

    1. it's a pain in the backside not knowing why all this is going on

  5. hope the bloods are sorted, I remember being like that years ago when my iron level was down to 7.2 and ended up with emergency treatment.
    The sand must be very annoying.
    Ouch to the sunburn.

    1. my iron levbels are normal since having an iron infusion, but now i'm anaemic, something i never was when my iron was low

  6. Wow you have a lot going on. Hope it goes okay at the dentist and that you avoided the blood transfusion.

    1. Thanks John, dentist fine and blood transfusion so far avoided

  7. Ouch to the sunburn, never nice. I wish they'd get to the bottom of what is going on with your body, you're working your way through the ABC of medical tests aren't you. Hope Peter found the paperwork. Let me know how this week goes #365

    1. No I found the paperwork and dealt with the issue which is the norm lol

  8. You've got me desiring lemon and herb flavoured food now #365

  9. Sounds like a busy week. Sorry that there are some more health issues! Hope things get sorted soon!

  10. Hope you can sort out the haemoglobin thing. I guess it's the sort of thing you will have to monitor and treat as and when - frustrating! The sand must be a never ending job.

    1. thank you, having regular blood tests to keep an eye on it

  11. Hope you get the haemoglobin sorted soon. Oh goodness that sand. xx

  12. I hope health and dental work has improved. We're having crazy weather in the UK at the moment: hot one day and snow the next! #project365

    1. yes i saw the weather was bizarre in the uk
