

Monday 1 April 2019

Our Garden in Dubai this month. March 2019

We've had endless rain and wind and with it comes sand. Sand, everywhere, everyday that has to be swept up or it starts to take over the house.

The front balcony, closed now till next winter, but it will have random clean ups.

The balcony off the bedroom.

Daily sweeping of the sand.

Front door

Sand seeping in through the doors and windows.

Hose pipe to clean bedroom balcony then the patio has to be cleaned afterwards.

And then it rained the following day.

The sand carried in the rain sticks to everything like concrete.

A nice few dry, not too hot and free from wind days to do some gardening.

Lawn reseeded.

Outdoor plants thriving.

And then finally no more rain, no more wind and the garden is set up and operational. 

The only downside, it's now 36c and too hot to be sitting outside during the day.

The rest of the month is looking better and there is always the evenings, after sunset. I'll just have to light some citronella candles to ward off the mosquitos. 

The balconies will have to wait till next week.


  1. Fair play to you & this looks like a perfect oasis - I would love to sit in this garden! #globalblogging

    1. I too would loive to sit in it, but it rained again 2 days later

  2. Your garden is looking so good! Thanks for sharing the photos. So much sand!

    1. thank you, it's a daily battle keeping the desert at bay

  3. So are we talking celsius cuz otherwise you're having our weather. What kind of veggies can you grow when it's 98˚ and sandy? You've got some green grass and the pooch seems pretty content. I can't imagine the sandy rain and daily sweepings, that's pretty wild.

    1. yes it's celsius. I grow tomatoes, herbs, strawberries, aubergine, not tried root veg yet

  4. what may seem idyllic on the surface really isn't quite so idyllic when you look under the surface. All that sand getting into every crevice and on every surface sounds hideous especially when it is to hot to enjoy your surroundings.
    Give me the unpredictable Scottish weather and climate any day

    1. it's true what they say about the grass not being greener, as there is little grass this side

  5. That looks amazing. What a temperature though. Not sure my scottish skin would cope xx

  6. I would not be able to deal with all that sand but at least your garden is looking very nice. Hopefully you will get some more sunny and fun days.

    1. Oops, forgot to say where I am coming from #GlobalBlogging

  7. I am always surprised at the variety of weather you experience as I expect Dubai to be dry and hot all the time! Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

    1. despite the rain it's still been really humid

  8. I think the sand would get to me, if the heat didn't. I admire your resilience and the brightly coloured cushions on your loungers, which look dead comfy. Thanks for linking up to #TheGardenYear

    1. the sand and the heat are now here in full force, neither will be dealt with lol
