

Sunday 23 June 2024

2024 Week 25 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.


It's getting harder and harder with the selfie a day. Peter allows me one photo and I have to use it, regardless if anyone is smile, eyes are closed or funny faces being pulled.

169  Monday And so the job hunting begins. Why does everything have to be so complicated. It took me all evening to fill in one application online, copying everything into several boxes. Why does no one accept  CVs and letters of applications these days? Peter took mum home and after work I did some online autism training. I took a break from the job application and went on a dog walk with a friend from work.

170  Tuesday The job application form filling paid off and I've been offered a job interview next week. I also applied for 3 other jobs, 2 of which were upload a CV and a covering letter. Guess what? I didn't actually have a current CV, after all the complaining so had to write a new one. Peter met me in town after work and we went for a coffee. The rest of the evening was spent blogging, ironing and watching TV.

171  Wednesday Into work and coffee with a friend from work afterwards, I didn't get home till 7pm. I feel so sad not to be working with these lovely ladies after the end of this term, but we've still got our WhatsApp group where I'll throw in some daily sarcasm so they don't forget me, weekly coffee dates and once a term nights out. Rest of the evening spent blogging and watching TV, an early night.

172  Thursday Into work, homework club till 4pm. I met Peter at the retail park and we bought some compost and had a coffee. Home to pot up some plants and I sat in the garden reading. My friend called round for some tips ahead of her job interview next week.

173  Friday Home from work. Peter was out visiting Stephanie and doing some shopping. I met up with a couple of friends from work at the pub for a drink or two and got home at 11pm. whoops.

174 Saturday Did some gardening then off to Worcester with a friend from work to get our nails done, they were running over time so I didn't get mine done. We met another friend for coffee who has been off work sick, we took her some vouchers and a card from a staff collection. Son, Dil and grandchild came round early evening for the night. They've not stayed over since the middle of April, we had a BBQ.

175  Sunday The second shed came down and was cut up ready to go to the tip in the week. Morning spent pottering then a walk into town for my birthday lunch out and a bit of shopping. Home to just chill out, sand pit and paddling pool out.

Books read this week: The Monkey's Raincoat - Robert Crais

Words written towards book: 0

Clothes bought: £12 shirt, £2.50 trainer socks. Primark.

On the blog this week: A day out at The Gardeners' World, NEC Birmingham

What's made me happy this week:

Birthday flowers, out with friends (work colleagues) sunshine and repotting succulents.

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  1. Good luck with the interview and job search. I'm impressed you got this far through the year with selfies. My husband has only been in about 10 photos in the whole of the last 20 years

  2. Good luck with the job hunting. I’m glad you’ll still be able to stay in touch with your work friends through the WhatsApp group. How lovely to have your grandchild over and looks like you had a lovely birthday lunch. #project365

  3. Good luck with the job hunting and well done with getting an interview. Hope it goes well!

  4. hehehe. That did make me chuckle about Peter just allowing one photo. Eek!
    It is a nightmare applying for jobs with all the forms to fill in. CV's would be much easier but I suppose it's quicker for employers to rule people out if they don't tick the right box. Good luck with the interview!
    Happy belated birthday to you! xx

    1. the application form filling is a full time job in itself
