

Saturday 18 March 2017

One Daily Positive - Week 11. Going forward

The week has been spent preparing for job interviews, packing for the UK, ironing, blogging and working out for from the 20 odd emails, exactly what date Ikea are delivering my order to our apartment in the UK, so I can arrange for my sister to take delivery and my Nephew in law to assemble the items for me. I found out on Wednesday I didn't get the interview with The FA. It's been 6 years since I last worked in Child Welfare and so much has changed.

Sunday was all about cleaning and tidying the house, filling in forms for an interview as a Life Skills Teacher in the UAE, food shopping as well as the obilitory visit to a coffee shop.

Monday after doing a batch cook, I walked Bob to the vets for one final visit, all healed and no cone needed anymore. I finally tidied up the sewing room and sorted through some old photo discs. I visited Rory, took my book and a pack lunch so after a long walk she could just sit outside on the grass with me and be in the fresh air. I called in to visit a friend on the way home.

Tuesday and an unexpected trip to Dubai Mall to collect Peter's watch from repairs. The shops don't open till 10am, so I batched cooked for the rest of the week, had coffee and by the time I'd collected the watch, top left of the Mall and shopped in Waitrose, bottom right it was 1pm before I got home. I spent the rest of the day in bed with a migraine.

Wednesday I took Peter to the airport for 6am as he's working in Saudi until tomorrow and took Rory for a walk. I then went to the police station to have my finger prints taken for South Africa police clearance and obtained a 'Good Conduct Certificate for my time to date in Dubai, ready for a job interview. It's Plantation week in Dubai, so I collected a boot full of free plants from the Municipality before heading over to the opposite side of Dubai with Bob for a sleep over, pub quiz (which we won) dinner and a few beers.

Thursday, Bob and I got home mid morning, the cat was not impressed. After a quick hoover and mop of the house and sticking a wash on, I unloaded Peter's car of the plants and spent a couple of hours in the garden washing the sand off everything, furniture, lights, walls, windows. I need to level the sand pit off and then I can plant the new trees, shrubs and ground cover. I took Peter's car to be valeted and stopped off for my obligatory coffee. I also had a late lunch/very early dinner and was in my PJ's at 5pm, bored out my brain. Peter was home at midnight, I waited up for him listening to Five Live and doing the ironing.

Friday I headed out to the desert now Bob's wounds are clean and then we cleaned out the maids/storage room, as something has obviously died in there at some point judging by the smell.  it turns out one of the workmen had used the loo in there for a poo and there is no water to the toilet and they just left it. It's not the first time we've had issues with this, our gardener in South Africa was banned from our bathroom. We also had our eyes tested, Peter needs glasses for long distance and short distance, but requires 2 different pairs for each activity.

Saturday my brain was a whirl as I've got so much to do. Peter flies to Pakistan for the week, all my plans to take the week slowly, pace myself have gone out the window when he reminded me I'm off to the UK two days after he gets back, how did that come round so quickly? We went out for breakfast and I made a start putting the new plants in place, it's not easy digging holes in sand, as they fill in as quickly as you dig them.

71/365 Future - Job hunting.

72/365 Doors - going round and round in circles.

73/365 Sharp (for some reason I thought the prompt today was straight lines)

74/365 Blank.

75/365 Powerful

76/365 Green

77/365 That's Incredible!

On the blog this week:
My Sunday Photo - F is for Future
Family Life and #PoCoLo- It's OK to be bored
HDYGG, Monday Escapes and Travel - The Winter Palace, Luxor
Triumphant Tales - Parenting Highlights
Tweens, Teens and Beyond - The gentle art of persuasion with kids


  1. Sorry to hear you didn't get the job. Your trip to the UK has come round quickly. That's so gross about the toilet :( Wouldn't he have noticed there was no water in there?

    1. what annoys me is we'd blocked the toilet door with suitcases and some boxes, which they'd moved to use the loo, I'd notice at the time stuff had been moved but they had used the room to store their brushes etc over night

  2. Plantation week sounds very nice there and the certificate thing is so unique isn't it? Hope you have a very lovely time in the Uk. Wrap up warm, it's rainy in the north!

  3. you mean you get plants that will happily grow in the sand? why do they give plants away? Do you still have your gardener?
    Yeeuuchhh at using the waterless loo, maybe he should have used the garden and buried it......might of smelt less.
    Good luck with some of the other job interviews.
    You stocking the freezer for Peter for when you are away?

    1. Nope, Peter can fend for himself, he'll probably work longer hours while I'm away and eat out more

  4. Hope your trip to UK goes to plan - what an interesting week - so much more exciting than mine - Grim (husband) off to Glasgow, me off to Glasgow - tidy house for house guests!!!!!

    Oh wow, that is disgusting about the toilet - why do people do that?

    1. The weeks are usually mundane, but with going away soon, it spurred me on to get stuff done. I have no idea why people do that but the outside door is locked now

  5. Oh my goodness I don't even know where to start that sounds like a mad week!!! All I can remember is Plantation week which sounds awesome! #365

    1. Plantation week was great, but it was hard work planting it all in this heat

  6. Plantation week sounds interesting. Hope all the prep for the UK trip goes smoothly and good luck on this job.

    1. Thank you, very much looking forward to the Uk trip now

  7. Sounds like one hectic week! Plantation week sounds interesting.

    Can't believe the workman did that! Nasty

    Good luck with the job hunting and have a good trip to the UK

    1. thanks, looking forward to some proper weather

  8. I'm out of breath just reading about your week - busy! Good luck with the plants and the job hunting #365

  9. Good luck coming over to the UK and pack your waterproofs. Job hunting doesn't sound like much fun. I won't comment on the toilet!!

    1. I'm secretly hoping for rain, well just a bit

  10. Gosh, that was a busy week! Love the idea of plantation week and all your plants look lovely. Good luck with the continued job hunting and you must be getting very excited about your UK trip now :)

    1. had a great time in the UK, currently in Hong Kong and back to Dubai for two nights then a further 2 weeks in the uk

  11. I like the sound of plantation week. Glad to hear Bob is better. Good luck with the job hunt.

  12. What?! That is really gross! Why just leave it, just own up to the mistake! Good luck with your job applications.

    1. i know, there an outside tap and buckets nearby they could've used
