

Saturday 3 June 2017

One Daily Positive - Week 22 Dr's appointments and migraine.


I seriously don't seem to EVER achieve anything, EVER, at all.

It's hot, humid and apart from walking from the house to car to mall and early 5am walks with Bob, there is no outdoor life to be had now it's summer in Dubai. As it's also Ramadan there are few places to eat and drink during the day unless you visit a hotel or one of the larger malls and use the food halls after 12pm. Despite there being plenty to do in Dubai, it all costs money.

After spending last week, deep cleaning the house, cupboards, windows, doors, as well as bathrooms,  hoovering and mopping, after a weekend of 3 adults in the house, eating crisps, meals in front of the TV, spilling coke, beer and wine as they walk with their over filled hands, the house needs bloody cleaning again.

I've deleted my face book account. I'm sick to death of seeing the same crap day after day, slagging other bloggers off in closed groups, criticising and launching attacks on people's political views and the back patting of how wonderful certain bloggers are.

As they say in Arabic 'Khalas' ENOUGH., STOP TALKING, I'M DONE.

148 Sunday. Perfect.
Had a lovely day with the teen at Dubai Mall, purchasing gadgets to improve internet and file sharing around the home. Discovered the new router can only be configured by our internet supplier. By accident I'd deleted the entire contents of my laptop. Apple Mac only allows you to restore files 1 by 1. I was up till midnight trying to move them all back.

149 Monday. Jewel.
I heard rumours that the Souk Madinat was open for food and drinks during Ramadan in the day. Most of the coffee shops are take out only, Starbucks was allowing dine ins and several of the restaurants were open from 12pm. The rest of the day was spent restoring my files.

150 Tuesday. Fly. Up and down the Al Wasl Road to the 3 different Doctors surgeries.
The entire day was filled up with the Doctors, I had appointments with the Neurologist, Ophthalmologist and physio, the teen had 3 appointments also. I've suffered with migraines since I was a baby, chronic neck pain for 23 years and had meningitis 17 years ago. My migraines have had me hospitalised numerous times over the years, so anything different from the norm sees me heading to the Doctors ASAP. By today I was on my 5th day of constant burning pain behind my left eye. I spent the late afternoon and early evening in bed, watching youtube.

151 Wednesday. Amaze. glasses steam up when you you OUTSIDE in Dubai.
Physio and X-rays first thing and by day by midday, every file/photo was restored. How come after 3 years I only just discovered I can enlarge the thumbnails on my MacBook Air? The evening was spent having dinner and enjoying the pub quiz, which we won, with friends. The eye pain is still here.

152 Thursday. Dance.
Dental appointment for the teen, a food shop and nothing much else was achieved other than washing Bob and all his bedding and there always seems to be paperwork to sort.

153 Friday. Hello.
Bob walked, breakfast eaten and the rest of the day spent in bed. My eye pain is getting worse, the migraine threatened to hit full force but dissipated, some exercises were done, but that was it. Peter spent the day watching movies and the teen appeared around 2pm to join him.

154 Saturday. Expand. Not 1 but 2 Ramadan Fridges near us, this year.
Woken at 5am by the cat demanding food, took Bob for a walk and drank tea till 8am when I woke everyone up for the teens physio and Peter's haircut. We did a food shop, bought take away coffee to drink at home and popped to Dubai Mall before it go too busy, just to get out the house for a few hours. Yes I still have the eye pain and headaches.

On the blog this week:

Expat Life - My Sunday Photo - R is for Ramadan.
Life Style - Triumphant Tales - Treat yourself to a make over.
Travel - PoCoLo - Should I cancel my UK trip in light of recent terrorism?
Gardening - My Summer Garden in the sand.


  1. I am fascinated by Ramadan as I have a few friends out in Dubai now. How does the fridge work? I hope your eyes feel better very soon. #365

    1. it's really easy, people put stuff in, drinks, fruits, dates etc and then the workers help themselves to it during the day

  2. I'm with you on the FB thing. I hardly ever go to the blogging groups anymore. I hope you get your migraine sorted. Being a sufferer myself I know what it's like, especially when it clusters for days.
    If it's any use..I take Naramig for my migraine. I've also been prescribed Amytriptaline for my neck pain.

    1. thanks for the tips, not sure I've tried naramig, and amytriptaline just didn't work for me. i'm trying alternatives such as exercise and diet at the moment while the neurologist and opthamologist get to the root of the problem before masking it with medicates, but have taken note

  3. I never knew you suffered with migraines since a baby - thats awful you poor thing. Having suffered with them badly in the past i can only say I think its one of the worse things you can suffer with as they completely take over your life leaving you very little to do but do to bed and sleep it off. I hope you get your eye pain sorted out as that isnt pleasant either. I love your new glasses by the way.

    1. the weather isn't helping much it's way too hot and i think the air con isn't helping either

  4. Good for you for deleting FB. I have see some of the viciousness and it is just awful.
    What a nightmare with the laptop. I hope everything is sorted now.
    Migraines are just the worst. I used to suffer with them as a teen but nothing as bad as you. I hope you feel better soon x

    1. lap top fully restored but i actually cried and it's not the first time, i don't think i'll ever learn

  5. Thankfully I seem to avoid the nastiness on FB, so I'm in the dark about most things. Probably the best way. I feel for you on the migraines, I get headaches and they're bad enough but migraines are another thing. Hopefully you get some answers and possible solutions.

  6. FB groups can be very intrusive - all those notifications you get! Plus I get added to groups that I have no inclination to be a part of! Good for you for making a decisions to leave!
    So sorry about your migraines, my Mum has always suffered with them and I know how much pain she finds herself in. Sorry you suffer so badly with them, that heat cannot help x

    1. the heat isn't helping at all, i need to make sure i drink much more water than i'm used to

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon - migraines and the heat sound like an awful combination x

    1. it's really not pleasant with or without the migraine

  8. the various pains do not sound good, no wonder you are feeling fed up and disheartened. I would be fed up with your temperatures as well I have to say. I struggle in 19 or 20 oC
    what is the diagram in aid of?
    Well done for getting shot of Facebook.

    1. I've just kept my personal fb and got rid of the one i set up for blogging, the diagram is a map of the various doctors surgeries i had to attend

  9. I didn't know that you run a linky! I would have joined! Tweet me next time please? The heat sounds unbearable in Dubai, I don't think I could tolerate that.I'm laughing at your fume over Facebook! Tell it how it is! There is a lot of spitefulness in blogging I'm afraid. My partner suffers from migraines really bad at one point, ut has been taking Epilim, which is for epilepsy and Migraines. Might be worth a try. My partners are now non existent.I take it the cat wasn't too impressed with ramadan either? lol xx

    1. I've tried various epilepsy medication but the side effects have been horrendous

  10. Don't blame you for deleting FB...some of the groups can be so nasty...I'm in a few but hardly ever participate.

    Hope this week has seen an end to the eye pain and headaches!

    1. i just got fed up scrolling past everything and wondered why i bothered keeping it

  11. I must admit I never realised that migraines could be so bad you'd need to be hospitalized. Hope you all get sorted out healthwise soon. Having to go around to do things in the heat can't help.

    1. the what makes it much worse, sadly the migraines get so bad that i just can't manage them

  12. Don't blame you on FB! I deleted the app on my phones ages ago and I haven't missed it all. Hope the tests give you some answers soon x

    1. thank you, the tests have all now come back clear but still don't explain anything
