Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Treat yourself to a make over

I love a good make over. I wear make up most days, but I'll also happily go out without any make up on. It all depends and how long I have to get ready and what else I'm doing.

If I know I'm going out for dinner in the evening. I'll put the make up on in the morning and just top it up before I go out. If the day is just food shopping, coffee with or without friends, then I usually don't bother.

I've done my make up the same since I was 14, foundation, powder, eye shadow (no longer blue) eye liner, lipstick and mascara.

I've added sunscreen, serum and concealer over the years, as I've aged and my skin has become damaged. 

The way in which I apply my make up has also changed, I use brushes now rather than my fingers to blend the foundation and concealers in.

Last week the lovely Vicki, who you can find on Instagram as PerfectCanvasDXB, invited me to a make over session. All she asked for was a couple of photos she could use on her Instagram account to show 'less is best' but i picked up a few good tips that I wanted to share.

I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I have noticed my make up techniques have improved, it's taking me a bit longer to apply than usual, but it's worth the end result.

  • Apply serum and moisturiser. I use products from Boots and love their factor 50 face cream, it's not greasy and living in Dubai it's an absolute necessity.
  • Using a brush apply foundation and lightly dust with powder, avoiding under the eyes as this just makes them look darker.
  • Using concealer, blend onto problem areas for complete, even coverage.
  • Apply eye shadow to the outside corners of the eyes and blend. I have quite heavy eye lids, so applying colour all over, just makes the eye look smaller.
  • Apply mascara to the top of the lashes.
  • I'm not very good at drawing a straight line with eyeliner on both eyes so I'll carry on applying it to the inner lid.
  • For my eye brows, I've purchased a brow pencil to fill in the missing gaps. I have my eye brows threaded every 3-4 weeks, but with age, they are thinning and the brow pencil colours the grey hairs as well as filling the gaps.
  • Use a lip liner and a brush to apply lipstick. I find a gloss lasts a lot longer.
I've had a couple of make overs the last 12 months. One with Bobby Brown in Dubai, but that was more about selling products than teaching you how to apply them. I certainly didn't feel or look like I'd had a natural make over. The make up was too heavy and I could feel it cracking when I talked or smiled. It also aged me.

Last year I had a make over with the Daily Mail, which included a full transformation into a Theresa May Look alike.

I loved the before shots, where a small amount of make up was applied. I thought I looked my age, which is 45 and I loved the look, but the after shots, oh my I aged about 10-15 years.

The make over Vicki did managed to leave me looking at least 10-15 years younger and I will certainly be going back to see her when I'm next having a night out.

I wasn't asked to write a review for Vicki's time and skills and all products mentioned have been purchased by myself. I did receive payment for the Daily Mail shoot, plus travel expenses.


  1. I would love to treat myself to a make over. I am so rubbish with make up. lol! You look gorgeous by the way! x #TriumphantTales

    1. thank you, i've not managed to recreate the look yet

  2. Look at you! You look fabulous! I'm rubbish at getting a straight line with eyeliner on my eyelid too so I use a black kohl and then smudge over it with a dark brown eyeshadow on a thin brush - instant smokey eye that looks like it's meant to be just that! It's a softer look too. There's an extra tip for you! :) Thank you for linking up to #TriumphantTales, I hope to see you back again next week :)

    1. thanks for the tip, it's actually something i did by accident, didn't realise it was a look though

  3. You wondered if I would pop over, so here I am. Being a guy, I've just learnt lots about make up and makeovers! The Theresa May makeover is excellent! Really nice post.

    1. you never know when these make up tips will come in useful lol. thanks for popping by

