Monday, 29 May 2017

Should I cancel my UK holiday in light of recent terrorism?

Terrorist levels in the UK raised to critical levels now by Government.

A question I see a lot from bloggers is 'should I cancel my holiday to xxxxxxx? after an attack in another country. Maybe we should be re thinking the sensitivities as to asking those types of questions.

The media reports that I got locally about the Manchester bomb last week varied little from how the UK reports on terrorist bombs abroad, they focus on their own people over there.

I'm travelling to the UK next month, should I cancel my travel plans?

What advice would you give someone who posted that question?

How does someone posting that question while the situation is still ongoing make you feel about your country?

It would be much more beneficial in future if we asked these types of questions to the right people, rather than people who have no real idea of what a country is like, other than they've had a holiday there.

Do ever get an idea of what a country is really like, what the people are like from a 2-3 week visit?

Holidays are not real life, a tourist resort does not represent a country, its people, a way of life. You know that. Most British people are never more than a 2 hour drive, maximum from a holiday resort and even closer to tourist destinations. You know the misconceptions people have about the north if they're from the south or the opinions of city folk v country folk. Why make those assumptions about another country?

After the attacks in Turkey and Tunisia, people were posting these questions about whether it was safe to go there for their holidays. They were offered to rebook their flights and accommodation to go to other resorts and even other countries. People were flown home early. 
Is this the current case for people who are holidaying in the UK? Are other countries warning against travel there? I can't find anything other than general information on local websites here, but I have found this information from the British government. (May 24th 2017 9am UK time)

Credible information indicates terrorist groups continue plotting possible near-term attacks in Europe. All European countries remain potentially vulnerable to attacks from transnational terrorist organisations. 
This year we've travelled to Egypt and Hong Kong. My husband has also travelled to Saudi and Pakistan with work. Last year I was in Germany and South Africa, there was an attack near Munich when I was there, not terrorism, but that wasn't known at the time. We get asked all the time about our personal safety, especially in regards to flying back to Dubai. But we never get asked about our travel plans to the UK. Do we feel safe? No one ever asks us to reconsider our UK trips, like they do when we travel to other countries. Why is this? 

I of course won't be cancelling my plans to fly to the UK in 3 weeks time. I'm flying via Istanbul with Turkish Airlines, I've already travelled this route since the new restrictions with hand luggage. I expect security to have been tightened even further since the end of March.


  1. I'm pleased you are not put off coming here. I don't think any country is safe at the moment. Everyone is on tenterhooks - my whole family is worried because I'm going to a big concert next week. But I have been to so many before and I will keep going. Because that's what we do. #pocolo

    1. I'm still coming to the UK, because being British I know how the country works and how the people behave, but I still get slightly anxious with flying

  2. Carrying on normal seems the best option. Because even if you don't go to x or do y, will it really make any difference?! We're all going to see Depeche Mode tomorrow. We're expecting more security than normal but we've never thought about not going.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday here :)

    1. hope the concert went well, i think we just need to pay greater attention to what is going on around us, I will be travelling to the UK as I'm British and I know how the country and it's people work

  3. I'm another one who thinks we have to carry on as normal, but I do understand the fear of 'what if.' I've questioned whether I should take my children to a concert that we have booked later in the year and whether I am putting them at risk, but we can't hide in our house forever. We do live in scary times, but I think so long as we are vigilant there's nothing more we can do.

    I hope you enjoy your time in the UK - there's so many cool things to see and do xx #PoCoLo

    1. thank you, i will be travelling to the UK was planned to visit my family and friends

  4. It is a tough one and has to be up to the individual. Evaluate for themselves. Maybe it's no bad thing that we are on our toes and not complacent. I hope people carry on as normal. I'd hate to think of people shutting themselves away out of fear, or missing out of experiences. I hope you enjoy your visit. #pocolo

    1. i think people in their own country tend to carry on, but it often stops us from travelling to new places where we're uncertain of the cultures

  5. It's started to be in the back of my mind more and more when I'm looking at what I'm booking and where I'm travelling to so I understand anyone's concerns about traveling. It's a shame but it's where we are now with the current state of affairs. So sad that it's happening.

    1. it is sad that this is happening in this day and age, thank you for popping by

  6. As far as I can tell you should just carry on as normal. In the end it doesn't matter who or where you are. Just live! Thanks for linking to #pocolo

    1. yes i will be coming over, i won't be in the capital cities, just the countryside

  7. Absolutely not! The show must go on #PoCoLo

