

Saturday 15 August 2020

Week 33 - One Daily Positive

Restore my old dolls house.

Arrange Covid testing for Peter so he can fly home.
Prepare stuff needed for camping weekend.
Clean house.
Put up curtain poles/adjust curtains.
Hang mirrors.

222 Sunday I was up at 6am, the rest of the house hold was woken by me at 9 as we went to visit child 1 for a social distanced visit in her garden at the care home. We only stayed an hour, with no physical contact and her not being able to verbally communicate it was never going to be an easy visit. We then drove to Cirencester to visit child 5, Hubby and son opted for a pub lunch, I was apprehensive about eating indoors, once I saw the layout and the precautions being taken I was happy to stay and eat also. We'd left Bob at home and took him for a long walk in the evening.

223 Monday Off to Bristol to see Mother in law. Child 2, 2a and 2b drove to meet us there and with our own picnics and chairs, we spent most of the day, socially distanced in the garden. On the journey home, Bob pee'd in the car, the cat had pooped in her bed and after cleaning everything up, I decided to sit in the garden but that was spoilt by some bloody idiot giving a recorder to a child.

224 Tuesday Peter rebuilt the inside of the shed, I did some gardening, washing, cleaning and prepared for my camping trip on the weekend. Spent the afternoon in bed with a migraine, no idea other than it being heat related. Peter had his covid test ready for his flight on Friday and we had friends round to sit in the garden in the evening.

225 Wednesday Child 2, 2a and 2b came up for the day. It's child 2's birthday, he is 31. I had planned to cook a roast dinner and with nothing else in the house, that's what I did. Was up half the night with the dog who was petrified with the thunder storm.

226 Thursday We took Bob for another walk over the Malvern Hills, dog beds washed, house cleaned and Peter packed for his trip back to Dubai.

227 Friday A long day, dropped Peter at Heathrow then drove back to Bristol for my covid test, then over to Oxford where Bob and I are camping for the weekend with friends.

228 Saturday  A lazy morning, walk to the pub for lunch through fields with sheep, cows and a bull, all on public right of ways. I walked back to the tent with Bob via the main roads which was a 8 mile walk with another pub stop.

On the blog this week:

Day out with my dog - Cogges Farm

My Garden in July and plans for August

My Sunday Photo - A very merry unbirthday for out Grandchild's NOT 1st birthday

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  1. Ahhhh, I agree with you on recorders - one of the most annoying instruments known to man (I have hidden Eliza's). Looks like you had a busy week visiting family, hope his flight went smoothly

    1. I am grateful my children never took up an instrument

  2. It doesn't sound like an easy visit with your daughter. No physical contact must be so hard for her to understand.
    Eek! A child having a recorder is the worst thing ever! My two have had them and it was torture for me nevermind the neighbours.
    Aww! Poor Bob! I am scared of thunder too. I am quite glad we've not had any during the night here.
    I hope Peter has had a safe trip back to Dubai.
    I hope the camping has gone OK. It's chucking it down here. Eek x

    1. It stayed dry for the camping thankfully. Both our flights went well, once I’d recovered from feeling claustrophobic. Bob was much better once I opened the kitchen door

  3. The socially distanced visit must be hard with your daughter - it's bad enough for us to figure out how we feel about how everything's going on and deal with no contact, etc, but it must be even worse for her. Sounds like a busy week with lots of visiting. The camping trip sounds great fun - not sure about the bull though ! lol

    1. It’s always difficult visiting our daughter, we have no idea of her level of awareness. I walked the long way back to avoid the bull

  4. Hope you are having a good camping trip. It must be difficult at the moment with child 1 as she won't understand why things are as they are.

    1. The camping trip was fun. We have no knowledge of our daughters awareness levels at the best of times

  5. That's a lovely photo of you and Peter up the hill. What a long day driving from Heathrow to Bristol to Oxford. Happy birthday to child 2. Love the photo of 2c. Hope you are enjoying your camping.

    1. Thank you. The driving was a pain but worth the effort

  6. What a lovely tent. A busy week seeing people. We've not eaten out yet, just had a couple of drive throughs this week for the first time. Felt like a real treat.
    Brave walking through livestock fields with Bob. We wouldn't put a bull in a field with a public footpath through, although sometimes there are bullocks - wouldn't go through with a dog though, just in case.

    1. I won’t be eating out again for a while. Can’t believe people think it’s ok to let their dogs run around freely

  7. brave woman camping with a dog, is that an easy to erect tent, looks quite tall.
    Nice you are managing to meet up with some of the family before you go back abroad.
    Love the lines on the bridge

    1. I arrived after the tent had been erected, but it was easy to put away

  8. I agree with you on recorders, they may be one of the most annoying instruments. I hated playing it at school. Looks like you had a busy week visiting family, hope his flight went smoothly xx

    1. It’s been a busy week but thoroughly enjoyed it

  9. That's a cool tent! Poor Bob and the storms, oure old dog used to hate them too. Glad you got to see family and friends together before Peter headed back to the sandpit #366

    1. Bob loved the camping. He really is so frightened with the thunder bless him

  10. It must have been hard on you all to have a visit to see your daughter and not be able to touch her. The recorders are a nightmare, a very anti-social instrument when played at home/in the garden. Poor little Bob, anxious about the thunderstorms. We managed to escape all thunderstorms and the heat wave in Cornwall.

    1. The recorder playing made me laugh, I’m guessing the parents put the child in the garden for a good reason

  11. Lovely to spend time with family and glad you were able to enjoy some family visits this week. I’ve been apprehensive about eating out – good to hear that you were reassured by the precautions taken though. Sitting in the garden with a child playing a recorder in earshot does not sound fun at all. Hope you had a good camping trip. #project366

    1. Sadly not everywhere is making the same efforts with looking after their customers

  12. What a lovely tent. I like the bunting. Hope you enjoyed camping. Our friends have just flown back to Dubai. It sounds very hot there now.

  13. Oh can't stand glad my kids weren't given one at school!

    Never been camping myself but the tent looks cool!

    1. I love camping especially with Bob, not done any for a few years though since we've been in Dubai

  14. Glad you were able to see your daughter for a visit even if it was a little strained. The nappy made me mourn for the baby days! #project366

    1. It's so lovely to have a small person around again

  15. Oh thats such a cute nappy pic made me think of the boys and how they use to sleep in that frog pose. Hope you had a lovely camping trip and you are all set to return back to Dubai.

  16. I love your hair. Happy birthday child 2! OoOoO I hope camping was fun & you and Bob enjoyed

    1. Thank you. Yes we really enjoyed the camping trip
