Monday, 22 July 2024

2024 Week 29 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.


I had an interview for Year Leader post on Tuesday. I didn't get the job, but it was a great opportunity to show case what I am capable of and I was offered a job of delivering Alternative Provision and Tutoring English and Maths from September. It means I'll be working in the annexe over the road from the main site so I won't be working in the Learning Base anymore and will miss the wonderful team I've been with for the past 2 years, but there's still breaks and lunch times to catch up with and the usual Wednesday coffees and odd nights out.

197  Monday After work I headed down to the coffee shop to sit and work on my presentation for interview in the morning. Home for dinner and a couple of hours to finish up, select my outfit for the morning and an early night.

198  Tuesday A whole day of interview. Two other candidates. I really enjoyed the day. It's the current experience I'm missing, but it's been 15 years since I've had a career in the UK. Home then out for coffee with a friend. Couldn't tell colleagues I wasn't leaving as new job wasn't confirmed, but they've been waiting till today to find out if they're going ahead with a leaving do or not. Two other TA's are leaving so I just said to pause my part of it till the morning. Phone then pinged like mad.

199  Wednesday Enrichment days in school, spent it outside with year 7 with an Olympic experience, had a lot of fun. Usual coffee after work. In the evening flights booked to Turkey and car parking at airport, travel insurance renewed, just need to arrange cat sitter.

200  Thursday Another enrichment day. Morning in Science block doing experiment and a different group of year 7s with their Olympic experience in the afternoon. Work leaving do, meal out in the evening. 2 for 1 cocktails, I may have had too many. Peter joined us for a drink at the start of the evening and I had a lift home later.

201  Friday The annual Malvern Hills school walk end of term. A colleague and I walk with a group that need additional support. It was the hottest day of the year. It always is hot on the Hills walk. Back to school for staff end of term BBQ and farewells, then the pub for a couple of soft drinks. I came home early as it's my Friday night chip night and wine with my friend and neighbour of 22 years.

202  Saturday Popped out for coffee, joined by a friend and my old student her mum and sister who we bumped into. Peter volunteered to look after friends Pug for a week in August. 

203  Sunday Up early and off to Belfast for a couple of days to visit Grandson. Peter stayed at home to look after the cat and finish off some work in the garden. Grandson was super excited to see me, as I was him.

Books read this week: 0

Words written towards book: 0

Clothes bought: 0

On the blog this week: Things to do in the summer holidays for Teaching staff

Things that made me happy this week: An unexpected trip to Northern Ireland, Alpacas visiting school, the annual school Hills walk and celebrating a new job and flowers from my old boss.

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  1. That's great news that you got offered a different job and it's still nearby the team you have been working with. Congratulations! It sounds like the interview was a great experience.
    Ahh! You have to take advantage when it's 2 for 1 drinks! hehehe
    It looks like Peter has been working hard building the new planter. x

    1. Thank you. I always take advantage of 2 for 1 cocktails

  2. Congratulations on the new job. Sounds ds like a busy week with all the enrichment week activities as well as night out and weekend away.

  3. That's great news about being offered a different job and still being able to have opportunities to catch up with the team you were working with. The interview day sounded like a really positive experience and the enrichment days sounded fun. Lovely to have a couple of days away visiting your grandson. Hope you had a lovely time. #project365

    1. thank you, I think I'm just as excited about being able to see my work colleagues every day as I am about the new job

