Absolutely shattered this week, it's been a busy two weeks with the golf, no time off and hectic in work. I've had a migraine threatening and towards the end of the week, a sore throat.
261 Sunday Last day of the golf, early start and after breakfast with Sam Torrance, I went out with Matt Fitzpatrick, Matt Baldwin and Pablo Larrazábal. The heavens opened as we started on the 17th and just after we got off the 18th they sounded the siren for lightening and there was a 90 minute delay. Thankfully we were able to drop off our kit and head off home. I usually stay till the end and watch the winners but I had work in the morning and a 2 and a half hour drive home. Unpacked, had a bath and went to bed.

262 Monday Back to work via a blood test at the GPs. I'm not feeling work at the moment, there's so much stuff going on but it's all so secretive and it's really irritating when you're working with a student but you're not in the circle with the people who never do face to face with that child. Home from work via the builders yard to order gravel, had dinner, watched TV including the new neighbours, totally confused with what's going on, guess the story line will unfold soon.
My student is off sick so I attend all their lessons and take notes and photos of what we're reading so she can keep up from home.
263 Tuesday Left work early to visit a student who had surgery last week. Home to clean and get ready for mum arriving tomorrow for a week.
264 Wednesday Dug my winter coat and boots out this morning. Peter picked my mum up as she's staying with us for a week. I walked into town after work and we met for coffee.
Priory Park in Malvern.
265 Thursday Up at 5.30am and got some blogging done without interruption. Off to work and home to chill, watch TV and read. The gravel was delivered for the new paths and patio area.
Started watching The Great Gatsby. I've read the book but wanted to see the Robert Redford version of the film.
266 Friday Into work for 8am, super busy and had t pop out for 30 mins to collect mum. I didn't stop all day sorting out problems. I was in bed and asleep by 8.30pm.
Peter edged the lawn last week and has started putting all the gravel around the house.
267 Saturday Peter dropped me and mum at the Three Counties Autumn show, went for his flu jab then joined us mid morning. We had a lovely day, bought lots of plants. I popped out to the supermarket after we got back to get tea. Evening spent tidying around.
On the blog this week:
Our last week in Australia