Friday, 30 June 2023

Post Comment Love 30th June - 2nd July 2023

Welcome back to #pocolo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post. We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I'm back on the golf course this week at The British Masters. I'm spending my time recording sound for a live feed from the course for the TV studio. Keeping up close to the golfers, but not interfering with their play and out of sight of the camera crew. It's a lot of walking, zigzagging round 18 holes, especially for the first 2 days as there are 3 balls to cover on each hole.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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Monday, 26 June 2023

The Death Cafe

Once a month I meet up with a group of people over a cup of tea at a local venue and we talk about death.

The Death Cafe isn't a support group, it offers no counselling or support, we make a cup of tea and we talk about death and dying for 2 hours.

It's a closed group as in 'what happens in The Death Cafe, stays in The Death Cafe' but anyone can go, they advertise in a local 'whats on guide' and have a Facebook page.

It's an all woman group at the moment and there are thousands of these Death Cafes around the world.

The Death Cafe  objective is to 'increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'

I'm currently supporting a 6th former with their A levels in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics. Ethics has been the most interesting part. Some of the discussions around assisted dying have been difficult and it is obvious that the law needs to be changed to allow people to make their own decisions about how they die. Most of us came into the world with a mother making a decision on how and where we were born, why shouldn't someone be able to help us choose how and where and when we die?

The next meeting is July 7th. I'm working on a story for our grandchild (almost 4) to prepare them for the time when the cat (aged 14) and dog (aged 13) die. I've rewritten it several times. I'm struggling to find the right words, so it's not frightening for her to read, but realistic that they will die one day and not that they go to live somewhere else. I don't want to frighten them though and it's a tricky balance. The lovely people at the Death Cafe have said they're interested in reading it and can hopefully help me a little with it.

Last weekend at The Three Counties Show I saw this stand, it's good to see something so inevitable being advertised in public and not hiding it away.

Week 25 of Project 365 and One Daily Positive 2023

I'm fed up of all these medical appointments. This week was a routine mammogram and I had made a GP appointment (not blood related) to check out a 2 month swelling on the back of my achilles, it's tendentious and nothing to be done as I'd already tried strapping it and am doing the right type of exercises. It's worse when rested so I'll just carry on.

The haematologist phoned early on Wednesday. I was supposed to be doing some online training at the time of the call so swopped with a colleague that involved the school trainer contacting the online trainer. I  arranged cover for my 1:1 tutoring session and cover for another student I was supposed to be meeting with. The haematologist phoned 30 minutes early, but we left the plans as they were and I found myself available to pick up one of my mentees for an observation.

My folate and platelets are too high, so no more folic acid, but I can't do anything about the platelet count, that's out of my control. Every time they get one level right another drops out or shoots up. I'm starting to suspect someone in the lab is playing a prank on me.

170 Sunday We took mum into Worcester for coffee and a walk round, picked up some salad and a chicken for an early dinner which was eaten in the garden.

Looking pretty in Worcester.

171 Monday Peter took mum home and then called into see our grandchild. I had a couple of hours at home alone. Peter did ribs on the BBQ for dinner which we had with salad.I got ready for swimming, convinced it was Tuesday to discover no lane swimming till 9pm. I'd already showered prior to going poolside so washed my hair and came home.

Weeded the front border.

172 Tuesday walked home from work via the Youth club to drop off DBS check, the library to return a book then meet hubby for coffee. I drove home and he walked the dog back.

Bob is shattered.

173 Wednesday  Haematologist phone call came in 30 mins early, I then did some online training before supporting the Year 6 on their transition day. I was absolutely exhausted and didn't move off the sofa from 3.30pm till I went to bed at 9pm.

174 Thursday A quiet day in work followed by a mammogram. I then went for a coffee and read my book for an hour before my GP appointment. The haematologist phoned back requesting some more blood tests.  They have to be done on a Monday and I'm waiting for a form in the post to give the nurse with the instructions for the test which involves the blood being submitted in a green tube. Evening spent in front of the TV, some blogging a mad half hour of tidying things before bed.

I've got 4 books on the go.

175 Friday A long day in work and slightly bored. Lift home, watched TV, then friend round for the evening. I picked the neighbour up from work at midnight, then bed.

Flowers from child 4, his wife and grandson.

176 Saturday Had my nails done at 9am, Peter walked down the retail park with Bob and we had coffee. home to put up curtain rails and hang new curtains in the loft rooms. I was absolutely exhausted at the end of the day.

This came in the post today from the hospital. Another blood test.

On the blog this week:

My bucket list

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Friday, 23 June 2023

Post Comment Love 23rd - 25th June 2023

Welcome back to #pocolo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I.

I've had another week of endless medical appointments and blood tests, it's really getting me down now.  But on a positive, at least I'm having the tests done. I'm exhausted all ways.

It's my 52nd birthday on Monday and we're off out for breakfast with friends and a visit to a local castle with our grandchild over the weekend, which I'm very much looking forward to and the weather looks like it's going to be good for a day out.

There's been a fair bit of gardening done over the past week and the daisies have now been cleared to make way for the hydrangea my mum bought me for my birthday.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post. We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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Monday, 19 June 2023

My Bucket List

I wrote this bucket list 8 years ago. I've completed a few things on the list, but I've also changed my mind about some of the things on my list in regards to whether I really want to do them or not. Some of the things on my list I've had 8 years to work on and still haven't done them so I've crossed them off and added more realistic/relevant goals.

As a child there was only one thing I really, really wanted to do and that was to go to the Olympic Games. I did this in Barcelona in 1992 after winning a competition with the Daily Express. 

When the children were older and finances more secure we started travelling, with and without the children and have had some amazing experiences. Since becoming expats and living in South Africa and  in Dubai, I've had some amazing opportunities for travel and adventure. 

I realised I'd done a lot of things that people usually had on their bucket list, more of a bragging list of things I've completed.

So with all that in mind I really need to get on with finishing Number 1.
  1. write a book - I've restarted it
  2. get my book published
  3. finish psychology degree replaced with Learn British Sign Language for which I've signed up for a course online
  4. become a full time fundraiser I have a job I love doing. Currently working as a Teaching Assistant
  5. go to the football World Cup Finals
  6. climb Mount Kilimanjaro I don't think my health would permit me these days, so changed to walk a mile a day
  7. walk the Inca Trail
  8. visit Cairo I can tick this off the list
  9. live in America Having lived abroad for 12 years, I'm keen to stay in the UK, but if I could live abroad I'd aim for Australia
  10. fly everywhere Business class - must write that book
  11. experience 1st class flying
  12. take the train across America
  13. see Roger Waters live in concert - I had the chance to go a couple of weeks ago, but missed out 
  14. meet Roger Black
  15. learn to make my own clothes - I'm a step nearer with owning a sewing machine and over locker
  16. tour Europe in a camper van
  17. own a camper van
  18. live on a small holding again I don't want to move house so I'm going to improve my gardening knowledge
  19. lose weight - a continuous battle
  20. get fit - I swim, cycle and dog walk
  21. learn to love my own company - I am enjoying time on my own when I can
  22. see the northern lights
  23. learn French
  24. learn how to apply make up professionally
  25. learn how to style my own hair professionally
  26. go on a world cruise
  27. own a designer handbag I own a couple now I use weekly
  28. own designer shoes
  29. wear a Laura Ashley dress every day wear dresses more, which I do
  30. have my nails painted professionally every week that's something I do twice a month
  31. own a designer watch
  32. own and wear matching underwear everyday
  33. rent an Aston Martin for a week
  34. go to a Grand Prix
  35. read a book every week on my 29th book this year
  36. improve my grammar and spelling currently working as a Teaching Assistant with a student studying A level English Literature
  37. go to the cinema once a month with hubby - does once a month to the theatre/cinema count
  38. get all 5 children together once a year with hubby with kids living round the world and having their own families, this isn't going to happen
  39. learn to play golf
  40. try to love eating olives - I keep trying but, yuk
  41. keep an orchid house plant alive past it's first flowering - bought an orchid last week, fingers crossed
  42. renew our wedding vows in Vegas
  43. learn to let go of the past
  44. give up smoking - gave up, restarted
  45. sort my teeth out  had dental implants 4 years ago
  46. improve my photography skills - need to charge my camera and get using it
  47. go on a spa weekend  after living in Dubai and doing this, I've added swim weekly to the list
  48. improve my writing am writing my book slowly
  49. finish all my craft projects I've started over the years I'm on top of everything now
  50. get sponsored to do any of the above - still hoping

Well that's it, my Ultimate Bucket List. I'd love to see yours.

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Week 24 One daily Positive and Project 365

I may have mentioned this once or twice, but isn't the weather lovely? Reminds me of summer in South Africa.

I'm still waiting for blood test results from the 8th of June, been told to call Doctors next week. I've been absolutely exhausted the week. I can either manage work or doing things in the afternoon/evening, not both and I've paid for it after a busy two weeks of going out in the evenings and on weekends.

163 Sunday Working through my 'to do' list and my last night alone before Peter returns from his 10 days in Turkey. Washed the bedding, hung it out, cleaned bathrooms and walked the dog to the coffee shop. Bob is really starting to age now and he struggled walking the last part. I probably shouldn't have taken him out so far in this heat, but we had plenty of shady rest stops for water. It rained when we got back so I sat and blogged and read for a while before tackling the rest of the list. Had an early night.

164 Monday A long and hot day in work, home to feed the cat and dog, then off to Birmingham airport to collect Peter at 5pm. Home, had dinner and an early night.

165 Tuesday Peter off early to collect his mum for his uncles funeral in Southampton. I walked to work and got a lift home. Afternoon and evening spent on the sofa. Peter got home around 8pm.

Clive Mantle was in school today talking to some of the students about writing and acting. He was very interesting to listen to and was starring in 'Wish you were dead' at the Theatre on Thursday.

I had to take my sandals off and paddle through the last bit, hoping a car didn't come through at the same time.

166 Wednesday WI left work early for a hospital appointment in Bromsgrove to have some scans of the back of my eye to check a mole isn't growing or changing shape. My blurred vision comes and goes, as does my double vision in my other eye. Evening spent blogging and reading.

The weather we have at the moment reminds me so much of summer in South Africa.

167 Thursday After work we went to the theatre to see Peter James 'Wish you were dead'

168 Friday Peter collected mum for the weekend and after work I went for coffee with 2 friends from work, In the evening we had a BBQ instead of chips with my friend. 

The Turkish delight was finished off.

169 Saturday A lie in and off to the Three Counties Show, the weather was perfect. I bought a jumper and mum bought a toy sheep for Thing 5. We had food and drink and met some lovely people. In the evening we all chilled out watching TV, reading and me blogging.

On the blog this week:

Feeling positive, calm and organised

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Friday, 16 June 2023

Post Comment Love 16th -18th June 2023

Welcome back to #pocolo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I.

The weather we are having at the moment is fantastic. I'm wearing one of my many dresses most days and not having to worry about how it works with a jacket or shoes, just chuck on a pair of sandals and I'm good to go all day.

Peter James 'Wish you were dead' is on at Malvern Theatre this week and we went to see it on Thursday. It stars Clive Mantle and I was lucky enough to meet him when he came to visit the school I work at on Tuesday.

This has to be one of the funniest TV moments from the Vicar of Dibley it's all I could think of when I met Clive (Simon Horton)

I'm two books ahead of my target for this month. Quite a few of the books are hard going, but with perseverance I'm getting through them and actually enjoying them. 

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post. We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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Monday, 12 June 2023

Feeling positive, calm and organised

It's been a long time since I've felt settled, since I've felt I've had any control over my life in regards to working and where I live.

Having started a family aged 21 and working 3 jobs as a single mum of 3 at aged 28. Then meeting my husband and going from 3 kids to 5 over night, with a husband who worked away and then moving abroad for 11 years, I've never really felt like I've been in charge of my life.

That all changed 2 years ago when we returned to the UK full time, to our former family home. We did consider moving, but we love the town, the neighbours, the proximity to the Malvern Hills, the open common land and easy and quick access to local cities and within an hour and 30 minutes drive of our family.

I have returned to work without fear of having to leave due to moving and have opted to work as a Teaching Assistant going in at 8.30am and coming home at 3pm with all the school holidays off and no additional work to be done outside of school hours.

We had a new kitchen last year and a ground floor extension this year and Peter is working his way through the house turning in from family home into our home, suited to fit our needs as we grow older.

Prior to leaving the UK, we'd lived in this house for 8 years, the longest I've ever lived in one house, let alone one place. I lived in four homes in different parts of the UK by the time I was 11. Then leaving home at 17 I lived in various places until I married the first time for 6 years before meeting Peter then living between 2 homes for 2 years before moving where we are now. Followed by 4 homes and lots of temporary accommodation in South Africa and Dubai for 11 years. A total of 13 homes in almost 52 years.

We've still got a lot of work to do in the house with decorating, new bathrooms etc, but for now we have the house in full use and there is nothing out of place. There have been several trips to charity shops, we've still got a lot of stuff we don't actually use, but we have the space to store it for when we need it, such as towels and bedding, but it seems a waste to get rid of it, when one done we'll need to be buying new again to replace items.

We're focusing on the garden for now, taking the old shed down and repurposing the wood for raised flower beds, but the outside table and chairs are set up and in full use, along with the chair pod and it's been lovely to come home from work and just sit outside with a cup of tea and not have to set everything up.

It' the same in the house, I can come home from work, drop my bag and after drinking my tea, I can do some gardening, or housework or spend time in my craft room knowing that I'm not clogging up the dining room or the kitchen so when I want to cook dinner or just sit and watch TV, I can do so in a clean and tidy environment.

It's made such a difference to my Positive Mental Attitude, I'm happy to be at home, I'm finding it easier to just pop out with Peter and not have to worry about the house and having to come home to do work on it.

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Week 23 One Daily Positive and Project 365 2023

I've just realised I'm in my 14th year of blogging. Wow, I never thought I'd go this long still having nothing to say and no idea when I started out dressed as a Dalek for Fancy Dress Friday #FDF that life would take us overseas and we'd have two lovely grandchildren as well as a cat and a dog.

I'm really enjoying this weather, it reminds me of living in South Africa, doors open, eating outside and the washing drying within a couple of hours.

156 Sunday My friend left early as she had a long drive and I went back to bed. Was down the nailer at 10am then home to spend the day gardening, well more moving stuff around and trying to tidy up. I went out at 7pm to the theatre to watch 'The Doctor will see you know' Alan Fletcher who plays Karl Kennedy in Neighbours. I must say it was dire and very embarrassing to watch/listen to him and his wife talk about his role as the soaps Doctor. Home at 10pm, made pack lunch, ironed trousers, wrote up blog and bed at 11pm.

157 Monday Long day at work, then off to GP afterwards. I had a bath, ate dinner, walked Bob for an hour then watched TV and did the ironing.

158 Tuesday A good day in work, home to cook and eat dinner and sort through the stuff for the charity shops and load the car. Off to the cinema to watch 'Can you hear me God? It's me, Margaret'

159 Wednesday After work I managed to get parking spaces outside the Malvern Hills Trust office to renew the parking pass and outside the charity shop to drop off the first load. Evening spent at Malvern Theatres watching 'The Verdict'

160 Thursday Blood test before work. Then home to let the cat and dog out and off to the supermarket. Evening spent batch cooking, cleaning up and sorting out my old iPhone. I became a Great Aunt for the 7th time to Thing 5 with two more due this year.

I picked up a 'too good to go' bag. I had fruit and onions on my list.

161 Friday Washing machine on and late to work with the school traffic. Work was ok. I don't blog about working in the school in case my blog is discovered, but there is a lot of pettiness in the staffroom that spoils the day some times. Home via the charity shop and post office to drop items off. I did some dusting, hung the washing out which was dry in 2 hours and my friend came round for chips. I did the ironing, had a bath then collected neighbour from work at 11pm.

162 Saturday Up early and off to mums for the morning. We went into town then had my great nephews Thing 2 & 3 and great niece Thing 4 round for a couple of hours to play. In the afternoon before spending the afternoon with grandchild. Home by 8pm. Neighbour let the dog out for me.

I call my nieces children the Things after my favourite book 'The cat in the hat'

On the blog this week:

A week to myself. I'm home alone.

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Friday, 9 June 2023

Post Comment Love 9th - 11th June 2023

Welcome back to #pocolo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post. We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I've been on my own all week while Peter has been in Turkey, visiting a friend. I've taken advantage of his absence with 2 theatre visits and a trip to the cinema. I spent an evening with Alan Fletcher 'The Doctor will see you now' watched 'Are you there God? It's me, Margaret' and 'The Verdict' I've booked tickets for next week for Peter and I to see 'Wish you were Dead' a dark comedy staring Clive Mantle.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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Monday, 5 June 2023

A week to myself. I'm home alone.

For the 24 years I've known Peter he's travelled with work. Whether it's been a night or two in the UK or a week somewhere in Europe he was away almost every week.

His job then took us to South Africa, where he'd be away a couple of weeks at a time, back to Europe, in Africa or just in Cape Town, his travels never stopped.

Then we moved to Dubai and he'd be off to Saudi and Pakistan, Europe and back into Africa. His travels became more frequent and for longer periods of time.

While he was away I'd be looking after the kids, the house and going to work, however when he was in South Africa I would spend a lot of time on my own, 1000s of miles from family and often completely on my own, no family near by if I was ill, had car troubles or just needed a hand, but thankfully I had an excellent network of friends around me.

In Dubai I was working for a while, no kids, but I found it difficult to plan things as the travel now became 'I have to go away tomorrow for a week'. As time went on I started to spend a lot of time in the UK without Peter in our flat, but with family and friends near by to spend time with.

Then covid hit and we were apart from almost 2 years, with me travelling to Dubai when permitted and Peter and I decided he would take retirement 2 years earlier than originally planned, arriving back in the UK, 2 years ago this month.

Since then it is rare I get any time on my own, I'm back working, we're busy with jobs around the house and garden and of course time with our grandchildren and doing as much travelling together as we can.

Peter is away this week staying with a friend in Turkey. It's the first time he's gone away since I've known him and I haven't registered a single complaint, in fact I've actively encouraged him to go so I can just spend some time on my own, in the home without any responsibility.

We've got 2 TVs, 2 lounges and fab outdoor space, I have my own craft room and Peter has a music room. We can spend all day on a weekend in our own space, but there's something different about being home alone that I'm enjoying and realised I've missed, although at the time I never realised I'd miss being home on my own.

Eating when I want, not having to think about planning meals or knowing what I want to eat for dinner before I go to work to allow Peter to shop and prepare it.

I can put my bag down in the kitchen and it won't be in anyones way. I can call in somewhere on the way home from work and not worry about Peter having been stuck at home all day as I've had the car, or having to call home first to pick him up.

I can have a bath at 4pm without worrying about turning the heater back on. I can sit with the doors open and not have anyone complain about the flies coming in. I can walk the dog when I'm ready without negotiating what time we go out with dinner etc. 

I've treated myself to 2 visits to the theatre and 1 to the cinema. I've gone to bed early and read my book and fallen asleep and I don't have the TV on to keep me awake. 

It's only been 4 days since Peter went away and I've had enough of my alone time. I just need a day here and there, not a week. I think I need to encourage him to get back out on the golf course.

Week 22 One Daily Positive and Project 365

What a week, we were exhausted by the end of our grandsons visit, but loved every minute of it. I've really been struggling with getting a full lungful of air and have had horrendous shoulder pain when I've coughed. Phoned the GP and was told I could see someone on Monday next week. I still don't know if I'm to continue my medication or not, so I've carried on.

I have managed to do a fair bit of reading this week in-between grandchild napping and them going out.

149 Sunday Child 4 and family headed out for the day to visit family. SIL came to collect our gas cooker we no longer need and to take MIL home. We walked Bob to the coffee shop. We did some jobs around the house and in the garden.

150 Monday Peter and I took grandson for a walk and visit to the coffee shop. We dropped DIL at airport as she has work tomorrow, then home for an afternoon and evening play in the garden.

151 Tuesday Child 4 and grandson headed off to Worcester, dropping me in town on route. Off to the park in the afternoon, both absolutely exhausted but loving every minute of grandsons stay.

152 Wednesday Last trip to the park, play, nap, lunch then they were off. We had a quick hoover round and went for a food shop, fixed the sofa in the afternoon, strut fell out. Then evening in front of TV and an early night.

153 Thursday Washing on and some tidying before headed out to Gloucester to visit child 1 with DIL and grandchild for coffee and a wander round the shops. Home to blog, read and watch TV.

Grandhild has to be chopped out of photos, which is a real shame.

154 Friday Took Peter to the airport for 9am for his flight to Turkey. Home via Dunelm to buy some curtains for the lounge then afternoon visit to Death Cafe then dropped gifts with friend for her birthday. Chips in the garden with my friend.

Stopped at Hopwood Services on my way back to Worcester.

155 Saturday Enjoyed a lie in. Dinner prepped and in slow cooker. Friend arrived early morning and we headed up the Malvern Hills with Bob. We walked up the North Hill and the Beacon. We walked 6 miles and were out 4 hours. Sat in the garden all afternoon, had dinner, then sat and watched TV quiz shows.

Chrissie is the first person I met as an online friend back in 2009. You may know her as Mediocre_mum on twitter.

On the blog this week:

What I'm reading in June

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Friday, 2 June 2023

Post Comment Love 2nd - 4th June 2023

Welcome back to #pocolo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I.

It's been a busy half term with our grandson visiting and although we're absolutely shattered, we've loved every minute of it and wouldn't have it any other way.

I did get the chance to read 1 and a half books last week. A visit to Waterstones and a couple of charity shops has yelled me this fine haul. I'm ploughing my way through some classics and also reading a lot of books people claim to have read or think they know the premise of, some are hard going, others are very enjoyable.

You can see the books I've read this year on this weeks post I've linked up with.

Peter is in Turkey for 10 days visiting a friend, I'm looking forward to some alone time and I've booked 2 theatre trips to see The Verdict and The Doctor will see you know, plus a trip to the cinema to see Are you there God? It's Me, Margaret. I'll also be reading, swimming and dog walking as well as going to work. Sounds busy? But I'm a master at doing nothing if I don't plan.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post. We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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