Saturday, 29 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 26 Belfast to Birmingham. A fire and Piers Morgan.

I seriously wonder how these things happen to me. There was a fire at Birmingham Airport on Sunday and the terminal was evacuated which meant we sat on the plane on the tarmac for almost an hour, the steps then were broken and it took 6 ground crew, the pilot and cabin crew, with a lot of tutting and looking at mobile phones, to sort out, then no buses were available and finally no one was authorised to open a door we were less than 5 meters from to get off the bus. I reached the flat after a cock up with the car hire, 8 hours after I'd set off in the morning for a 25 minute flight.

I also had a bit of a rant in the week and told Piers Morgan he was irritating and to shut up over on twitter. He replied to me live from Good Morning Britain, there's a link here, if you fancy a laugh.

Not well again, sorry, nothing new. The fatigue, headaches and bone pains kicked in again after all the driving the last few weeks, although it looks like I've had a busy week, the people I call in to see are actually either on route from one another or live nearby. I had to cancel a visit to my MIL in Bristol as I can't drive without back and leg pain for more than 30 miles without taking a long break to rest. Hence why I call in at other people on longer journeys.

174 Sunday A long day, said goodbye to child 4's fiancé and family and travelled to the flat in South Wales where I'm staying for the week.

175 Monday Mum and I went to visit child 1 in Gloucester and did some shopping. In the evening my nephew came down to help me assemble a wardrobe.

176 Tuesday Off to Malvern to deal with a couple of issues with the tenants and called in to see a friend, who I first met in the playground in 2002. On the way home visited child 4 and 4a then a very quick visit to my Uni friend I met 20 years ago to see her new home.

177 Wednesday Happy Birthday to me. Saw mum and nephew in the morning then off to child 1 for cake and onto see child 5 for dinner in Cirencester, calling in briefly to visit friends of Peter and I, who we both knew independently of one another before we actually met, 20 years ago.

178 Thursday Coffee with mum in town then off to our old house to visit old neighbours from 1994. Our kids all grew up together and although they're not in touch anymore, us adults are and we're all grandparents now (well I will be in September)

179 Friday Coffee in town and did some blogging, went to visit my nephew and partner to see their baby, who was born earlier this month, my DIL joined us. It was an emotional visit, very happy to meet the new baby but acutely aware his Granny, my SIL was no longer with us.

180 Saturday Took Mum to Newport and met twitter friends Simon and Rosie whom Peter and I have been real life friends with for 10 years now. Had a birthday tea with my niece, the things, nephew and mum and a quick visit to my mum's old neighbours and their twins who supported me and child 5 the night my father died in 2017.

On the blog this week:
The Museum of the Future, Dubai.
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Saturday, 22 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 25 Dublin to Belfast

Technically I've spent the week on the West Coast of Ireland and all I'll be doing in Belfast is changing buses.

The weather in Ireland has been amazing, even with some rain. I've spent most of the week at a lake side house my friend and her husband purchased recently. Whilst she's been sorting out workmen, repairs, installation of utilities and measuring for furniture I've been helping where needed, driving and chilling out reading my book and typing up name lists for the Christmas charity I'm involved with in South Africa.

I really haven't been at all well, from a migraine related to the flight and driving and stomach problems from buying and taking aspirin thinking it was paracetamol. The migraine was understandable but the stomach problems have made me really irritated with myself for not reading the label properly. There's a lesson to be learnt by everyone here.

167 Sunday Recovering from a migraine and being sick during the night. Took a walk around the area, a light lunch and coffee. The evening was spent snacking and watching TV.

Monks fishing hut

168 Monday I was so sill throughout the night with sickness and diarrhea. Then from mid morning I had horrendous stomach cramps. It was also very cold during the day and whilst I was able to spend the day with my friend while she met various people in relation to the house she's bought over here, I really wasn't good company and went to bed early.

The old and unfinished canal in Cong.

169 Tuesday Felt much better today however I still had horrendous stomach cramps that had me doubled in pain at times. Saw a pharmacist who thinks it could be the medication I took for the migraine as I'd accidentally bought aspirin and not paracetamol. Had some soup in the evening having followed the BRAT diet (banana, rice, applesauce and toast)

View from the deck.

170 Wednesday Final day at the house after checking out the air b&b, drove to Dublin in the afternoon to return the car hire and spend the night at an airport hotel.

If there aren't any photos, then did it happen?

171 Thursday We said our goodbyes as my friend flew off to London to meet her husband and I headed North to Belfast for the weekend.


172 Friday Spent the day with child 4's Mother in Law to be, shopping, coffee and cake in belfast. lovely family meal in the evening.

Rhubarb and Ginger G&Ts.

173 Saturday Off out for the day with 4a and her mother. Child 4 is on a training course till the end of July, meal out in the evening with their friends.

The wedding invites are are their way

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Saturday, 15 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 24 Dubai to Dublin

When I started my dental treatment back in February I had to avoid eating any foods that required me to bite and/or chew. As a result I lost 5kg and felt much better for it. However after the surgery healed I started eating chocolate, bread and chips again. my headaches have returned and I've put 2kg back on. We've also been eating out quite a lot and I've decided to make an effort from now on with what I eat.

Over the weekend we were talking about how we must've have adapted now to the summer in the Dubai as the temps hit 40c and it actually wasn't that bad, but on Monday night the humidity hit full force adding 10-12c to the 'feels like' actual temp.

My chronic pain isn't abatting, it doesn't prevent me from doing things, I'm just in pain the whole time. I flew business class to Ireland, I managed 5 hours before the pain got too much, but at least I didn't cry on this flight.

I'm finishing the week with a friend on the West Coast of Ireland for a week.

160 Sunday Spent the day tidying and cleaning the house and scrubbed all the rugs to rid them from pet hair. Popped out for coffee and a swim late afternoon. The chair pod has been moved indoors to protect it from sun damage.

161 Monday Day Lots of bits and bobs to do around the home today, headed out to the Marina Mall for coffee, the bench was so hot, it burnt me through my jeans.

162 Tuesday A day at the dog park with friends, did some more washing and cleaning. The afternoon was spent cleaning and I popped over to the pool.

163 Wednesday Started the morning dropping the cat and dog off in boarding as Peter is also away on Friday with work to Turkey. Had blood tests and a trip to the hairdressers for a cut and mani and pedi.

164 Thursday Early morning flight to Dublin. Collected car hire and made our way to the West Coast to the air b&b for the week. Found a lovely pub for dinner and ale.

165 Friday My friend and her husband have bought a property here, we're here to sort out the heating, setting up utilities, purchasing furniture and household items, see solicitors, bank accounts etc. Had a pub lunch, did a food shop and relaxed in the evening. The view from their property.

166 Saturday Headed out to Westport for the day, we then spent the evening with her husbands family. This was the drive back to the accommodation.

I've been losing interest in blogging, don't feel I really have much to say about anything these days and it's not enjoyable when it becomes forced. Blogging is my hobby.

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Saturday, 8 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 23. Eid Mubarak

Although Peter and I travel a lot, we don't have holidays together very often. I've been to the UK twice this year and Peter joined me for a week, but we had jobs to do, bills to pay and family to visit. Last month I was in South Africa, and although I had some time with friends and took myself on a self drive safari, my purpose for being there was to do some charity work. Later this month I'm off to Dublin with a friend then on to Northern Ireland to visit child 4 and 4a and next month I travel to Australia to visit child 3.

Ramadan finished on Monday and Peter had the week off for Eid so we treated ourselves to a two night stay in a hotel in Abu Dhabi. Bob went in for boarding and we left the cat at home with a clean litter tray, fresh water and plenty of food hidden around the house. I spent Monday night refreshing social media waiting for Eid announcement so I know what I can do on Tuesday in regards to eating and drinking in public.

153 Sunday Off to the dentists for the stitches to be removed and a deep clean, needed my whole mouth numbing. The rest of day was spent in bed feeling sorry for myself. We popped out to the mall in the evening for a walk, food court dinner and a coffee.
A new building at the World Trade Centre.

154 Monday Dr's at 9.30am for routine bloods, then collected Bob and visited the dog park for a couple of hours, then home to do nothing and a BBQ for dinner. Packed for our trip away.

155 Tuesday Up at 5am and hanging around waiting for a suitable time to drop Bob at boarding and set off to Abu Dhabi. Spent the afternoon on the beach and the evening in one of the bars.
Very few tall buildings in Abu Dhabi, more a traditional City.

156 Wednesday Had a long lie in thanks to black out blinds followed by a leisurely breakfast, time on the beach and a pub lunch followed by a massage and pool side and the evening spent in the pub.
Tidal sea water but an inlet, one of the many islands that make up Abu Dhabi

157 Thursday Left Abu Dhabi at mid day after time on the beach. We collected Bob on the way home. Pushkins was pleased to see us. In the evening we watched TV and just chilled out.
The Last exit food stop or drive through only in this heat, located on the border between Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

158 Friday Coffee and food shop while Peter got the valve repaired on his tyre then off to brunch with friends at The Address Hotel in Dubai Marina, apart from that nothing else happened all day.
The hotel foyer.

159 Saturday A lazy day, too stuffed from yesterday to do much. Been thinking it's Saturday all week, I'm not used to Peter being off work. Spent 5+ hours wandering around Dubai Mall and only saw a small part of it.
The aquarium inside the mall.

On the blog this week:

Why I'm fed up of people telling me I should take vitamin supplements.

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Sunday, 2 June 2019

Are you taking too many vitamin substitutes?

I don't take vitamin supplements, there's no need. I have an absorption problem. I'm low on B12 and ferritin stores. A year of supplements from the Doctors and levels didn't rise. A ferritin infusion and B12 injections saw my levels raise slightly.

I'm not absorbing the B12 and the ferritin though food either. So I need the 3 monthly injections and infusions.

I know people are trying to be helpful but I really wish they'd listen when I say we shouldn't take supplements without our Doctors knowledge, we should get enough through a well balanced diet.

Living in Dubai I'm constantly told that as I don't spend much time in the sun as it's too hot, I should take a Vitamin D supplement. I however don't have low levels of Vitamin D and I should also take calcium supplements. Calcium and vitamin D supplements can protect against cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

However taking calcium can impair iron absorption, which I mentioned I'm already not getting enough of and there are side affects from too many vitamins. People think that because they can purchase vitamin tablets off the shelf, for as little as 99p for Vitamin tablets, that they are harmless and I should follow their lead if I want to improve my health.

The health issues I have due to low ferritin stores and low B12 are as follows:
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • itching
  • confusion
  • lethagy
  • chronic fatigue
  • bone pain
  • numbness
  • breathlessness 
I also have:
  • elevated platelet count
  • high white blood cell count
Therefore I do not wish to add the following symptoms to my ever growing list by overdosing on supplements, that my stomach won't absorb anyway.

Side effects of too much Vitamin D
  • Elevated Blood Levels. 
  • Elevated Blood Calcium Levels.
  • Nausea, Vomiting and Poor Appetite. 
  • Stomach Pain, Constipation or Diarrhea. 
  • Bone Loss. 
  • Kidney Failure.
Side effects of too much B12
  • restenosis (reoccurrence of narrowing of a blood vessel) after stent placement.
  • high blood pressure immediately after injecting vitamin B-12.
  • dizziness.
  • headache.
  • cold symptoms, such as coughing or runny nose (nasopharyngitis)
  • anxiety.
  • rash.
  • itchy or burning skin.
Side effects of too much Calcium
  • Excessive thirst and frequent urination. ... 
  • Stomach pain and digestive problems. ... 
  • Bone pain and muscle weakness. ... 
  • Confusion, lethargy, and fatigue. ... 
  • Anxiety and depression. ... 
  • High blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythms.
Side effects of too much Iron
  • chronic fatigue.
  • joint pain.
  • abdominal pain.
  • liver disease (cirrhosis, liver cancer)
  • diabetes mellitus.
  • irregular heart rhythm.
  • heart attack or heart failure.
  • skin colour changes (bronze, ashen-gray green)
Getting the right vitamins from your diet.

For me I'm focusing only on B12 and Iron, I've pretty much cut out bread, crisps, sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks out of my diet due to recent dental surgery. Dairy products can reduce your ability to absorb Iron, but as I have an absorption problem, it won't make much difference. I can't eat nuts due to my teeth either and fortunately I love all the foods on the lists. I don't drink a lot of alcohol during the week, but I do have a latte everyday and I can't believe that just cutting that out altogether would solve my problems and everything I eat and drink is in moderation.
  • Beef, liver, and chicken.
  • Fish and shellfish such as trout, salmon, tuna fish, and clams.
  • Fortified breakfast cereal.
  • Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Include dairy products in your diet every day. 
  • Learn to love leafy green vegetables. 
  • Eat more fish. 
  • Replace the meat in some meals with tofu or tempeh. 
  • Snack on calcium-rich nuts like Brazil nuts or almonds. 
  • Reduce your intake of caffeine, soft drinks and alcohol.

Saturday, 1 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 22

Final dental surgery, gum cut and post exposed, temp tooth installed and a couple of stitches, back next week for stitches to be removed and final fitting of permanent teeth in July.

My chronic pain has flared up again, it seems to disappear when my iron stores drop, but after an infusion a couple of weeks ago, the pain and the headaches are returning. I'm also suffering with my cognitive ability and finding it hard to find the right words for everyday objects. With it comes the depression. The chronic pain never leaves but I've had it for 24 years now, so it's just part of my life, when I get respite for a period of time, any flare ups are unmanageable.

Sunday 146 Dentists and rest of the day spent in front of the TV. Did some ironing early evening while Peter went out for an Iftar meal and washed down the patio. It's getting really hot out there.

Car temps parked in the shade and 30 mins later after a drive home. Outside temps 36c

Monday 147 Spent the day cleaning the house and washing rugs, dog bedding, shower curtains etc popped out for coffee and had a swim late afternoon.

You don't need to go to a fuel station to fill up in Dubai, they come to you.

Tuesday 148 Dog park with Bob, coffee and yoga. We mowed the lawn as it was cloudy and overcast. Out to a colleagues of Peter's for dinner, I just had drinks, still can't eat with my teeth.

View from the balcony

Wednesday 149 Took Peter's car for a service. I met a friend for coffee then took myself to Mall of the Emirates. Peter collected me on his way home. I went for a swim and we had pub quiz in the evening. 2nd place for us tonight.

Thursday 150 Dog park, no yoga. Peter dropped me at the local mall to get my nails done then I walked home via the pool to cool down. Peter worked from home then collected his visa from the Saudi embassy.

Friday 151 Had a lazy morning then headed out for coffee and a food shop, home by 3pm. Peter made a risotto and then we just sat in front of the TV till bedtime.

There's a gentle breeze today making the garden just about manageable to sit in to drink a beer.

Saturday 152 Collected Peter's car from the garage, then got a taxi from home to meet friends for lunch and a few drinks, the evening was spent in front of the TV with a few snacks.

I'm always amazed at how green Dubai is, never knew there was a lake here.

On the blog this week:

Around the home and garden in Dubai and South Africa

Guess where I am in the world?
