Friday, 30 September 2022

30th September - October 2nd October 2022 Post Comment Love

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I. 

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post.

We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I received notification that I'd passed my probation at work and was now on a full time permeant contract, that is until Monday, when I start a new job, in the same school, still as a teaching assistant but with a slight pay rise and 1:1 with a student in the 6th form studying A level English Literature and Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics and on a temporary contract.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts from last week and this, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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Monday, 26 September 2022

My English autumn garden

Despite the dry weather and change in temperatures the garden is still doing quite well. There are poppies and snapdragon in flower as well as the last gladioli. The lawn is growing fast and is a vibrant green and I suspect we have quite a few mows ahead of us.
There are still some tomatoes and chillis to ripen, a couple of sunflowers left to bloom and an abundance of weeding to be done.

The rhubarb will be picked, cooked and frozen soon.

Gladioli in bloom and a new wreath is in process.

Ripening chillis 

A few remaining tomatoes 

Bay tree off shoots to pot

The bougainvillea will need their roots protecting from the frost soon

The hydrangea showing new life after the dry/hot weather.

Lawns to mow and edging to do

Sunflowers drying for seeds next year

A few hidden flowers left to bloom

Thai basil


We spent the weekend at the Malvern Autumn Show, I resisted the temptation to buy any new plants.


Sunday, 25 September 2022

Week 38 One Daily Positive and Project 365

It’s been a very strange week with the Quuens funeral and a day off work. I’ve done a lot of thinking about my father and grandmother. The week really seems to have been very long then all of a sudden just ended.

259 Saturday Grand Childs birthday party with family and friends, home late, but had a lovely day. They helped make their own cake.

260 Sunday A lazy morning, coffee and food shop. Peter mowed the lawns and I signed into Google Classrooms to check out next weeks lessons, do some homework in preparation for homework club on Tuesday. I need to know what I'm doing before I start supporting. Peter went to bed in the afternoon, the time difference and travel has caught up with him. 

I'm drying this years sunflowers to collect the seeds for next year.

261 Monday A day of reflection and all day spent in front of the TV.

262 Tuesday Back to work and back on my bike. Day ended with a migraine and an early night. Some GCSE and A Level reading.

263 Wednesday All I can remember about the day is I was ready for bed at 8pm. Caught up with the soaps. 

264 Thursday Cycled to work and evening spent on the laptop. I applied for a new position in work, still as a TA but supporting a 6th form student with A level English and Religious studies. 

The 4 month old TV went all funny. a long call with Currys but they're collecting it on Saturday for repairs.

265 Friday I went swimming before work, did 40 lengths. Had my 6 month review in work, my line manager is worried I’ll get bored and leave. Promised him I’m not going anywhere, anytime soon. Evening spent with friend for chips and wine. 

I sorted through the toys. Top set fuzzy felt, circa 1970's from my old toys and bottom mid 1990's from the kids toy box.

On the blog this week:

Feeling left out at work.

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Friday, 23 September 2022

23rd-25th September 2022 - Post Comment Love

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I. 

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post.

We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I've been reading a lot at the moment. As a Teaching Assistant in a secondary school I support students from year 7 up to sixth form in a variety of subjects, mainly Science, Religion Studies, English and Maths.  I've been helping with homework also, so I've been doing a variety of homework also and reading selected texts for GCSE and A Levels as well as re reading books I studied at O Level in school, many years ago.

I'll be catching up with reading your posts from last week and this, sharing and commenting over the weekend.


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Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Feeling left out in work.

Whilst I love the job I do as a Teaching Assistant, the students and the variety of things I do and the things I am learning, I don't enjoy the staff room and am also feeling undervalued on minimum wage, something I'm going to raise in a meeting later this week.

I opted not to return to teaching as I've always felt far too much is expected in terms of classroom prep, planning, meetings, markings etc within the working week and whilst school holidays are long, most of the work, such as marking and prep has to be done during term times.

Last week a new member of staff was invited to join the WhatsApp group 'oooh says I, I'm not in that' and it was met with silence, I then added 'well I've been here since March and don't feel I've missed out on anything' A few days later, in front of me, they were discussing a potential evening out in October. Everyone in work is nice, but a lot of them just aren't my type of people anyway, but excluding someone in the work place, particularly in education is unacceptable and verges on bullying IMO.

When I started the job I locked down my Facebook account, but still blog freely. I'm not bothered if anyone at work finds this as I'm not writing anything negative about anyone, just writing about how I feel as a result of their behaviour.

There is a group of staff who have allocated themselves seats in the staff room and in their absence their seats are left empty. I made a mistake of not realising one woman was in and went to sit in the seat, at the same time she walked past and dumped her bag, without a word, so I just walked off and sat in the base with the students to drink my tea. 

If I say anything I'm sure I'll just be told I'm over reacting, that there is no need to feel left out, it was an oversight and we'll add you to the whatsapp group now, but if I'm honest, I don't really want to go with the majority of them, I'm sure if they were neighbours or we were in the school playground I'd probably only pass a polite good morning anyway.

I don't know if it's because it's a group of women or because they started working there around the same time and as an individual new comer it feels like it's my responsibility to set up my own seating group with a few other staggered newcomers. I don't know if I'm a threat or they just don't realise what they're doing and the impact it has had on me? I suspect they are aware, I hope they're feeling embarrassed, but I for one will be finding my own tribe.

In the meantime it'll be 'table for one'. mug of tea and my book and I'll exclude myself in the hope they might just feel less embarrassed and not do the same to anyone else. In total it's only 30 minutes of my day, so not really a big deal, but it does hurt.

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Week 37 - One Daily Positive and Project 365 - Peter is home

I take the dog for a walk daily, either in the morning to run off lead in the park or around the streets in the evening. For some reason he seems to think he will go out twice a day, not something we've ever done with him. When I'm at home he's stuck to me like glue, climbing barriers to get upstairs and for the first time ever pushing his way through doors to get to me. Peter is home Friday so I'm hoping the dog will settle. He was like this all the way through covid also.

I've not been eating properly since last week as I come home from work and stick the TV on, fixated with the news about the Queen and following hers and King Charles' every routine. I am a Royalist, but not fanatical about them. So many times as I witness events I'm reminded of my Grandmother, Father and randomly other family members and friends who have died over the years.

I've been taking myself off to bed around 9pm and falling asleep within minutes and waking naturally around 6am.

252 Saturday Having watched the Kings official appointment, I caught the train into Worcester to visit the Cathedral and sign the book of condolence. I did some shopping and came home to wrap Birthday and Christmas presents for the out laws over in Northern Ireland, that child 4 is collecting next weekend. 

253 Sunday Down the retail park to buy cat food, I'm completely out and the cat went mad at me this morning. Afternoon spent batch cooking and finishing off the loft rooms.

254 Monday Swimming before work, it was really quiet and I managed 30 lengths without stopping. Came home to cook dinner and watch the TV. I switched from news of the Queen to watch the soaps as I'm overloaded at the moment with the news. Poor Bob just can't seem to settle, he got over the barrier but couldn't get back down.

255 Tuesday A standard day at work, I was going to mow the lawns when I got home but did a food shop and sat fixated to the TV as the Queen arrived back in London.

256 Wednesday I went swimming in the morning before work. Hair dressers in the afternoon, Evening spent in front of the TV.

257 Thursday I haven't been cycling to work, always worried I'll fall off my bike and with Peter away there would be no one to help me out, so taking the car instead. Evening spent hoovering, dusting, tidying  and watching TV after stopping off at the nail bar on the way home. Onions cells viewed through a microscope.

258 Friday After work I visited the nail bar then home to let the dog out and feed him and the cat, followed by a long drive to Gatwick to collect Peter after his week in Dubai. Getting home at just after midnight.

On the blog this week:

How to order a coffee around the world

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Friday, 16 September 2022

Post Comment Love 16th-18th September 2022

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I. 

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post.

We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

I'm travelling down to Gatwick tonight after work to collect Peter after his travels. I'm looking forward to having him home. He stayed in Australia an extra 2 weeks and then had a 6 day stop over in Dubai. I shall be taking my time with the journey and stopping for more than 1 coffee for sure.

Our eldest Grandchild turns 3 today also, party tomorrow and child 4 is also visiting by car, so we're sending him home with all the family Christmas Presents as we'll be flying over for Grandchild 2's First Birthday in November and won't have the allowance to take it all with us.

Sunday will be spent recovering and Monday we're planning to spend the day watching the Queen's funeral.


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Thursday, 15 September 2022

Getting a coffee around the world.

In the UK all coffees are standardised, regardless of whether it's from a chain or an independent cafe. Trust me, I know. I drink a lot of coffee, my favourite being a latte. That's a single shot of espresso for me and filled with steamed milk. Hubby prefers a cappuccino which is a shot of espresso, then equal amounts of milk and froth.

Every coffee shop does vary with the way they take the order, the stupid names for cup sizes and almost all not understanding that 'regular' means the 'middle sized cup'.i

You'd think that ordering a latte and a cappuccino would be an easy thing. You'd think it would be a standard drink and the only thing you need to think about would be the size, whether it was a take away or drink in order and the size of the cup/mug.....but you'd be wrong.

In South Africa when you order a cappuccino you get asked 'do you want cream or foam' It's foam, always foam. And then randomly when you order a latte they will add a shot of honey or cinnamon powder and automatically put chocolate sprinkles on the cappuccino.

In Dubai it's completely pot luck if you get what you think you ordered. But you have to agree the views are nice, even if you are sat by the side of a road.

In Canada every drink comes with chocolate sprinkles.

In America when I've asked for a latte, its been served iced, unless I've asked for a hot one. One I asked for a 'hot latte' in other countries, they've looked at me as if that's the only way it's served.

In Australia you have to ask for the sugar when you place the order or you get told off if you ask for sugar after they've made your coffee.

Almost every barista greets you with 'can I help?'

So I reply with '1 large latte and a small cappuccino to take away, no chocolate on top'

Which is followed with and this bit annoys me everywhere:

Them: Which drink would you like? Me: 1 large latte and a small cappuccino to take away, no chocolate on top

Them: What size? Me: (I've said twice) Large

Them: Drink in/take away? (sighs) Take away

(repeats process for 2nd drink, says 3 times 'NO CHOCOLATE'


Them: Goes to scrap chocolate off

Me: Please remake drink

Them: Huffs

Me: .....

Except for Starbucks, they greet you by asking your name, except they don't say ' Can I get your name?' they just state NAME, then spell and pronounce it wrong regardless.

Saturday, 10 September 2022

Week 36 One Daily Positive and Project 365. Back to School

Such a privilege to witness this change in history. So sad to hear of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the end of an era and all I've ever known. It's triggered many memories of my Father and Grandparents and recalls of their memories of King George VI reign, his death and the Queens Coronation. 

I've been very moved by King Charles III composure and the rest of the Royal family as they've talked so openly about their Mother, so soon after her death.

245 Saturday Early morning walk into town with Bob for a coffee then afternoon spent cleaning the conservatory and watching movies.

246 Sunday Up early, off to Monmouth to drop off the spare keys for the flat to the new owner, took Bob with me for a walk and had a coffee. Visited the Twins for an hour, then on to see the Things with a birthday cake, then off to see our grandchild for the afternoon. I called in at my old neighbours for a cuppa, the whole family were there, lovely to see everyone. Home at 7pm and watched Disney+

247 Monday Back to work, went swimming on the way in. 3 days of training and admin this week. I'm working with year 8 and 9 this year, following last years students for continuity which is nice. Afternoon and evening spent watching TV. Massive thunder and lightening storm disturbed the cat and dog, so bed late and a bonus call with Peter.

248 Tuesday Decided to take the car due to the predicted storms rather than cycling. Stopped at the shops on the way home to pick up a birthday gift. Spent the evening blogging and watching TV.

249 Wednesday Went swimming on the way to work. I've taken out an annual membership, so as long as I swim twice a week I'm saving about £10 a month. Started sorting out the loft room with piles for selling, donating and recycling/binning.

250 Thursday A longer day at work and a food shop on the way home. Afternoon and evening spent glued to the TV. There were lots of tears.

251 Friday Sorted a bit more of the loft room and did the ironing, all with the TV on. Decorated the living room and blew up balloons to celebrate my Friday night chips and wine friend. Peter started his journey home and is spending the next week in Dubai.

On the blog this week:

Have you ever met or seen the Queen?

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Friday, 9 September 2022

9th-11th September 2022 Post Comment Love. Back to school.

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Lifeat139a and I. 

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week and all we ask is that you leave a comment on either mine or Stephanie's post which you linked up through and at least one other post.

We'd also love it if you could RT us on Twitter when we tag you to help us reach a wider audience.

It's been. busy week, back to work and school, I work in a school. I've taken out membership at the local pool as I swim twice a week and after 6 swims the membership pays for itself. I've been 4 times this week.

It was my late fathers birthday this week, I totally forgot about it until a Facebook memory popped up, it's been 5 years since he died, I found the anniversary of his death in July particularly hard still, so in a way I was glad not to have remembered his birthday.

Yesterday of course in the UK was a sad day, hearing about the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Having a King will be a strange thing for most of us to get used to, I personally at the age of 51 have never known anything else other than The Queen. 


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Thursday, 8 September 2022

Did you ever meet or see the Queen?

A sad day, glued to the TV when I got home from work, expecting to hear the announcement of the death of the Queen. When it came, I cried.

I've never known anyone else on the throne, as do most people. My mother at 78 recalls the Queens Jubilee, but she was only 8 at the time and was more in awe at watching a TV at her Uncles house, than the actual event and told me that my Grandmother took my father down to London for the Coronation. My grandchildren will only ever know Kings on the throne.

I'm a Royalist as in I believe in the Royal family, but I'm not a Royalist in the sense of all things Royal.

Back in 2016, child 4 and I were in London on the day the Queen gave Theresa May permission to form a new government. We watched the Royal Standard being raised then stood back swiftly as the Queen drove  into the Palace.

Apart rom seeing the Queen on the TV, this was the only time I ever saw her up close, less than 6ft away.

I saw King Charles after his wedding to Diana at York Rugby Ground on a school trip. And I was at an event that Prince Edward attended a couple of years ago, but I've never met a Royal. Have you?

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Week 35 - One Daily Positive and Project 365

Sad to say my goodbyes to child 3 and his girlfriend. Arrived home to a clean and tidy house courtesy of my friend and neighbours who have been looking after the dog and cat between them for the past 3 weeks. I'm now cat sitting for the neighbour until Saturday. 

I'm getting really annoyed with poor service in the UK. I had a hospital appointment cancelled with no notification, when I phoned to enquire I was told 'I'm so busy, I don't know what/how that happened' no apology, no offer to rebook. Then I booked a 2 hour sit and wait spot for my car to be serviced, which ran on an extra 45 mins and I left without the valet. Again, no apology, just excuses for how busy they are.

And as for hygiene and cleaning in coffee shops, I may have to abondon them altogether. in Australia I observed on many occasions, tables being wiped with the same cloth, no spray used, just swiping crumbs to the floor and transferring dirt. Something that happens too often in the UK, toilets are filthy and often when you go in at opening times, the floors haven't been swept from the night before. I've made a couple of complaints to head office, have been given a voucher for a free coffee and told they will get the area manager to talk to the staff. NO. You provide the area manager with the correct head count and let them employ more staff. These are large global chains making big profits. The staff numbers are reduced and they are doing the job of two people and often on minimum wage, it's not their fault or responsibility. 

238 Saturday Last full day in Australia. It poured down with rain all day but that didn't deter us from visiting the Blue Mountains, although it was extremely misty and we couldn't see anything on the cable car trip.

239 Sunday A leisurely day, packing, a walk, coffee and lunch out and off to the airport at 6pm. 14 hour flight to Dubai, I got some sleep, read most of my book, had a couple of G&Ts and watched random stuff


240 Monday A two hour stop over in Dubai, which was cut short after a medical emergency on our flight. A 7 hour flight to Heathrow, landed at 12.25pm bags came straight out and I was on the first train to Paddington and a two hour direct train, home at 4.30pm collected by my friend from the station. Opened the post, made dinner, unpacked and into bed at 10pm hoping to fall back into a normal routine. Technically it was 7am Australian time, but with a night flight the first part of the journey to Dubai then a breakfast flight this morning and lots of cat naps, I'm hoping I've cracked this. On arrival in Australia it took us around 5 days to fall into a proper sleep pattern.

241 Tuesday Woke at midnight, back to sleep 1-3am then wide awake. Did the washing and ironing, sorted the gifts out, did a food shop, mowed the lawns and the neighbours, cooked dinner, wrote some letters, walked the dog, bath and bed.

242 Wednesday No sleep last night other than 2 hours between 1-3am. Tidied up the lounge and sorted some paperwork. Off to Kidderminster to the eye hospital which I found out had been cancelled before I went away, I should’ve received a letter. Lay down for a few minutes which turned into 3 hours sleep, had a late dinner, bath and bed. 

The plants are starting to revive with a bit of water.

243 Thursday 2 hours sleep max, got up at 6am. Car serviced am and I wandered around the local retail park. Home via 2 new tyres, walked the dog, had lunch and tidied my craft room and cleaned round the neighbours house after cleaning out the cats litter tray. Booked a trip to Belfast for Grandsons 1st birthday in November, paid the final council tax bill for the flat. 

244 Friday I had a 7 hour solid block of sleep. Off to Gloucester to visit child 1 for the morning, then met mum in town for lunch, she came up on the bus. The evening was spent with my friend for chips and wine.

On the blog this week:

Recovering from jet lag, any tips?

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