Things that made me laugh in January:
The van decided it had a trailer and that trailer was faulty.
I towed the trailer from Malvern to the Forest and Dean and back, it kept connecting and disconnecting. It was a safety risk as it overrode every other warning that may have come up with its constant display toggling and beeping. Every time a car came near the imaginary trailer I had a collision alert warning and don't start me with reversing. It even displayed the non existent trailer in the camera display.
I had a run in with 3 sheep. They wouldn't let me get back in the car. I ended up climbing in through the passenger door.
Places we visited:
We went to Croome and met with Mary, her husband and son. I only took one photo.
We visited Kenilworth Castle in the fog.
We went for a walk around Brockhamptom in the pouring rain.
There was a trip to Gloucester Quays to visit the places we used to take our daughter.
A visit to see our Granddaughter, the park and lunch out and a catch up with friends.
Things we did at home:
The Christmas decorations came down.
Lots of television was watched.
Video calls with grandson were made.
Letters were written and parcels posted and post received.
Books read and lots of chill time.