Friday 31 May 2024

31st May - 2nd June 2024 Post Comment Love

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Bosworth.Life and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week. If you're new or a regular visitor we're sure you'll find something of interest.

It's half term here in the UK so I've had a week off work. We've not done much as I've been unwell with migraines. It's always the way. I keep going during the school term and the holidays come, I switch off and it all catches up with me. 

The weather doesn't help either does it? It's June tomorrow and it's cold and wet still. We've had a few nice days this year, but nowhere near enough. I'd hoped to have done more in the garden, what I have done, the slugs have got to, so no peas, beans, peppers, courgettes or cucumbers this year for us. I really must get round to sorting out a proper greenhouse for next year.

I had my hair cut this week, I do wish I could learn to style it properly myself. I left the hairdressers feeling really good, however, I've washed it since and I'm back to my usual frizzy style and it irritates me.

We'd also appreciate your help spreading the #PoCoLo word on Twitter, tag us and we'll RT. You can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @BosworthLife and Suzanne - @ChickenRuby 

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the next few days. 

Want to find out more about Post Comment Love #PoCoLo? 

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Monday 27 May 2024

My Garden in May

We seem to have missed spring and gone straight into summer, followed by some very wet weather, but at least the heating is off now.

We've had a couple of BBQs and now we have the covered area we've been able to BBQ even when it's been raining.

The garden is starting to take shape since we removed the she old shed, there's still the smaller one to come down before we can build the raised beds, but we've started tidying up the piles of soil that will be used to half fill the raised beds before topping up with fertiliser from the compost bin and compost we've yet to purchase.

This area will be the new pathway to the seating area created on the old shed base.

This is my favourite idea for paving as the ground is sloped, you can't see the detail in the photo, but the bricks merge the slope into a flat step. I took this picture at the RHS Malvern Spring Show.

We cut back a large shrub in the front garden to discover most of it was dead so made the decision to remove it.

The space it left behind has been filled with tomato plants, sunflowers and a pumpkin. As well as pak choi. The Dustbins are growing potatoes, herbs and chard. This spot gets a lot of sun. 

I'm looking to replace the temporary green house, now 4 years old and held together with cable ties, with a wooden one. The gate leads to the tools storage area and potting table.

Elsewhere in the garden plants have been repotted, seeds have been sown and young plants have been purchased from The Princes Trust Group at school.

Sweet peas, Blue Berry and Clematis. 

Peas and beans.


Do Olive trees fruit in the UK? The fig tree has produced 3 figs already. The orange pot contains Bobs forget me knot memorial and the there's a magnolia tree to eventually go in the front garden.

Little shed needs to go. I've lost my Rhubarb over the winter. Must get a new one.

The front garden is an absolute mess. The plans are as follows. The hedge row planted last year, must grow soon and something desperately needs to be done with these borders.

The fig tree will be moved under the bay window next spring. Hardly any bulbs came up, the plan had been to dig them up after they bloomed, but I have no idea where they are. The shrubs will be replanted in the back garden in autumn once we've finished there and this space will all be cleared out.

A close up of the plants shows it in a better light, it looks very pretty I think, and I've scattered wild seed to fill the gaps, there's a hydrangea in there somewhere which will be moved to the border, to merge with the hedgerow and the magnolia tree, will be planted in the middle of the lawn.

2024 Week 21 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.


I got some bad news from the GP this week, my platelet count is high and over the phone I'm sort of half listening to 'blood clots' 'leukemia' words that have been thrown around for the past 7 years. I informed the GP again they have my bone marrow biopsy results and the consultant had signed me off. He had however stopped my Vit D supplements back in October, but the GP was unaware of this and suggested I upped the dose as my levels were extremely low, then asked me why I stopped the medication. Upon reading my notes she found the letter from the consultant and said that she now thinks most of my symptoms are due to lack of Vit D. I've been telling her I've been unwell since January. More bloods have been ordered and then I asked if I could see someone as I was still unwell with head, groin and back pains, breathlessness, fatigue, vision disturbances, pins and needles, stabbing pains, patches of skin burning, cold hands, nausea  and that's why I'd been to the GP 2 weeks earlier and had had more blood tests, she said I could see a locus next Tuesday. I just give up. They only seem to be interested in my bloods not the actual symptoms. I'm still trying to get seen by the skin clinic after a diagnosis of skin cancer back in February and I've been telling them since April that the chemotherapy cream they prescribed isn't working and all they've done is just told me to stop using it, but offered no further treatment or even an appointment. I do however have my neurology appointment on June 24th and my annual eye scan for the mole on my retina booked for August. I'm hoping at some point, someone night just look at the bigger picture and see if any of it is connected in anyway.

141  Monday After work I spent a couple of hours doing some gardening, then did some tidying up and some dusting, then watched a bit of TV before popping round to see a friend who has just moved house to help her with some curtains.

142  Tuesday After work I popped round for an hour to friends to cut back the front hedge round the gate, her parent turned up before I left. I got home and fell asleep from 5-8pm I was exhausted. I ran the hoover round downstairs. I missed the GP call during the morning as I was in one of numerous dead spots in the school, rescheduled for Thursday pm and I've booked the afternoon off.

A 7 year boy from the local school was left by his mum eating his pack lunch on the edge of our lawn at 5.40pm and she drove off. I did comment it was a weird place for a picnic and she just laughed. At 5.45pm I collected the school receptionist and at 6pm the mum walked back to collect him. No explanation.

143  Wednesday I went for coffee with friends after work, home to hoovering upstairs and clean the bathrooms. Evening spent watching TV while I cooked a rhubarb crumble using some fruit I found in the freezer and some out of date porridge oats.

144  Thursday A stressful day in work trying to get a room ready for my students A level tomorrow to accommodate her electric wheelchair and electric bed. The bed wouldn't fit through the door and the site team weren't available as they'd said they would be to assist. I had 5 mins before my GP call, so I interrupted my line manager and secretary in a meeting and with another colleague they sent me on my way and sorted it all out for me. Evening spent last minute King Lear and Earl of Kent relationship revision.

145  Friday First A level exam. English Literature Drama. I can't invigilate as I know the student and the subject too well. We've had permission from the exam boards to start all exams at 10am due to medical needs. The exam was 2 hours, but with extra time and rest breaks it took 5 hours to complete. My colleague and friend invigilated and I covered her break after the King Lear question was completed. Guess what the question was? Lear and Kent's relationship. Before I left the room, I saw the Streetcar Q's and knew which one my student would answer, when she finished the exam, she said 'bet you know which Q I answered' confirming why I can't invigilate. 

I left work and drove to St Albans to stay with my friend Chrissie and her daughter for the night, we went out for a Bangladeshi meal and went on a bat walk through the Abbey grounds on the way home.

146  Saturday Up late, a natter and walked out for a coffee. I left St Albans at 11.30am for a drive to Heathrow. Peter and I arrived at our meeting point at the same time. It was a 6 hour drive home as the M4 was closed. I drove and Peter sat in the back watching the FA cup final on my iPhone. He was happy Man Utd won. Home, unpacked, dinner, bath and an early night.

147  Sunday Had a lie in. Peter went food shopping, my Friday night chippy friend came round for a catch up and help with a job application. Peter and I went for coffee mid afternoon and dropped me off at my Wednesday coffee friends house to collect other friends dog who she was looking after for the weekend, but was going on holiday so I was having Olive the Pug for a couple of hours. She was collected around 6pm. I spent the evening watching Dr Who and Casualty and Peter went for a lie down to watch the Grand Prix.

Books read this week: 0

Words written towards book: 1182

Clothes bought: 0

On the blog this week: Reading Challenge - A book a week for 2024

Things that made me happy this week:

Olive, video calls with grandson, stepping stones for the garden and a visit with a friend in St Albans.

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Friday 24 May 2024

24th - 27th May 2024 Post Comment Love 2024

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Bosworth.Life and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week. If you're new or a regular visitor we're sure you'll find something of interest.

My husband has been in Cairo for a week working. He retired in June 2021, I'm surprised he lasted this long before they dragged him back out. It was only to deliver some training but it looks like it might be more than a 'one off' which is fine with both of us.

I'm still not used to having him around 24/7 after 20+ years of him always being away, usually at the drop of a hat. When we lived abroad I was so isolated and lonely, especially when we were in Dubai after the kids left home, but I have enjoyed this week on my own. 

Don't get me wrong, we both have our own space, friends and do our own thing, watching TV, cooking meals, going out and I'm still working, but I have enjoyed the not having to make decisions about anything other than just myself and being able to go to sleep at my time of choosing (not bed, just the time I automatically fall asleep) without the TV being on timer or another person just doing there thing which often disturbs me, such as rolling over, has been bliss.

I'll be collecting him from Heathrow this weekend and as it's half term next week, we'll both have a week off together to get on one another's nerves again.

We'd also appreciate your help spreading the #PoCoLo word on Twitter, tag us and we'll RT. You can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @BosworthLife and Suzanne - @ChickenRuby 

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the next few days. 

Want to find out more about Post Comment Love #PoCoLo? 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Monday 20 May 2024

2024 Reading Challenge - A book a week.

I set myself a challenge in 2023 to read a book a week and passed my target, by reading 57 books. I decided to carry on with this challenge in 2024. 

I was off to a slow start not starting until the 2nd week, but I'm into the swing of it now and I've completed 17 books by the end of April. I needed to read 4 books in May to get back on target. I managed to read 3 in a week.

By the end of June I was only 1 book behind schedule. I really need to focus on getting back on track to a book a week, rather than binge reading to catch up.

I will read more during the holidays and I know there will be times when I read a book a day. It helps working in a school where I have access to a wide range of books that are read in lessons as well as having access to a well stocked library and my mum and aunts read a lot so we swop books frequently.

January 2024 

The Long Forgotten - David Whitehouse. 

A long lost black box from an aeroplane found in the body of a dead whale, a crime scene cleaner on an adventure around the world to find the rarest flowers, leads to a young man named Dove discovering his identity. 

The Missing - C.L. Taylor. 

A missing 15 year old boy and family secrets unravelling. Is the mother's instinct right that her family aren't involved in his disappearance?

Better Off Dead - Lee Child and Andrew Child.

Reacher in another 'minding his own business' and getting dragged into something dangerous and coming out as the hero of the day.

My not so Perfect Life - Sophie Kinsella

Living the dream, on instagram, in the hope it'll come true one day, not realising all those perfect lives online were just that, online, and not real either.

I abandoned Buenos Aires after a couple of pages as I couldn't get into the style of writing to discover it was a Mills and Boon.


I've lined up Six books to read this month, with half term there will be plenty of time to read, I've already started on David Copperfield.

David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
A story of the exploitation of the poor and the weak, told through the eyes of young David and following him into adulthood where he helps those affected get their revenge on Uriah Heep. 

The Thursday Murder Club - Richard Osman.
A group of pensioners solve a 50 year old crime by linking it to a modern day murder, not realising the murderer is now amongst them and a reasonably good guy.

The Girl with all the gifts - M. R. Carey
I'm glad I read this rather than watching it online. It's sci-fi, dystopian future, zombie hungries taking over the world. I really enjoyed it, it has to be read to be appreciated.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Ken Kesey
A story I'm familiar with from the movie, but so much more to it reading the book. Narrated by a patient Chief Bromden. McMurphy fakes insanity to serve his sentence in a hospital rather than a prison work farm. he attacks Nurse Ratched after she causes a patient to kill himself after her cruel treatment. Ratched then performs a lobotomy on McMurphy who ends up in a vegetative state and Chief Bromden suffocates him to end his suffering then escapes from the cuckoos nest.

Metaphysical Poetry - Forward by Colin Burrow
Poetry by John Donne studied for A Level English Literature, studied in detail and most of George Herbert.

Stone Cold - Robert Swindell A Tutor Read book in school.
A story of homelessness and a series killer taking advantage of no-one missing them, until Link discovers where his friend died. The murderer is then locked up with a bed and 3 meals a day while Link is left on the streets to survive.

March 2024

I've decided not to line up any books to read as I was putting too much pressure on myself to read and I've been reading books in school as part of tutor reads, that I haven't listed on here yet.
I'm also re reading Handmaids Tale, Frankenstein, Streetcar Named Desire and The Great Gatsby as well as going back and forth with King Lear ready for the A Levels in May.

I also buy The Sunday Times each week and read it throughout the week.

We spent a week with our 2 and a half year old grandson and he loves to read so I've read so many story books this week, most of them twice.

Here are the books I've read this month:

One Day - David Nicholls
I started watching this on Netflix and realised I'd seen the 2011 movie with Anne Hathaway, which I felt was a better version, until I read the book whilst watching the Netflix series. The book is far better than both and in a slightly different order with both Dexter and Emma getting the chance to tell both sides of the story from their point of view as it is happening rather than reminiscing in a short scene with a lot of guess work from the viewer to piece it together, even if you've watched the series and the movie, I highly recommend you read the book, just for the ending alone.

A Death in the Parish - The Reverend Richard Coles
A ritualistic killing that happens a third of the way into the book and way too many characters to know who solved the crime, if anyone, it sort of solved itself.

The Problem with Perfect - Philip William Stover 
LGBQT style Icon goes missing so producer Ethan tracks down his rugged twin brother, can he transform him, fool his bosses and save his job?

Still Thinking of You - Adele Parks.                                                                                                                   Tash and Rich are getting married but will Rich's old university friends spoil their big day as their secrets unravel?

April 2024

I've got quite a few Lee Child's Jack Reacher to be getting on with and several real crime books I've been accumulating to read. As the books pass between family and friends, I've started a marking system so I know which way to pass them as I've sort of become the gatekeeper of the books, so once I've read them, they get marked with a X, when they come in from my mum they get a O and from my aunt a _. Once they've got the 3 marks they can go to friends who can pass them on and I can welcome new books back into the fold.

61 Hours - Lee Child. 61 Hours to solve the crime. Two good people get killed along the way and the book ends with us not knowing if Reacher survives a blast or not.

Angels - Marian Keyes. A marriage ends or does it. A new life calls in California. Is it an opportunity for a new life or can you never escape reality?

The Midnight Line - Lee Child. A chance find in a pawn shop takes Reacher down a dark road of discovery.

May 2024

There has been a lot of research into autism awareness and training this month, so no books read in the first 3 weeks, but I hope to rectify that with a week off school the last week of the month. I needed to read 4 books in that time. I do like a challenge. I managed 3. I read one a day.

The Man Who Dies Twice - Richard Osman. Elizabeths ex husband comes back into her life with stories about stolen diamonds, mobsters and a threat to his life. 

My sister, the serial killer - Oyinkan Braithwaite. Every time the younger sister ends a relationship, she kills the boyfriend, then calls her older sister to clear up the scene and remove the body. 

The Vow - Debbie Howells. Two weeks before their wedding Amy's fiancé, Matt disappears. he's been leading a double life, but it goes far deeper than that.

June 2024

I've picked up the last two Thursday Murder Club books to read this month which I read quickly and found myself away for the weekend with nothing to read, so picked up a thick Marion Keyes to tide me over. The Lee child novel, took me over into July by a day.

The Bullet that Missed - Richard Osman. Kidnapped by the 'Viking' and tasked to kill a former KGB agent whilst trying to solve the murder of a missing woman and dealing with her husband's battle with dementia.

The Last Devil to Die - Richard Osman. Missing drugs from Afghanistan and a priceless pot with a rising body count and the demise of Elizabeths husband and quite a few tears shed as I was reading.

The Other Side of the Story - Marion Keyes. Old friends, bitter rivalries. 3 stories intertwined, heart ache, loss and new beginnings.

The Monkey's Raincoat - Robert Crais. Private Detective Elvis Cole is hired to find Ellen's missing husband and son.

Make Me - Lee Child. Reacher's one day stop at Mother's Rest leads him to the hidden depths of the internet, after he finds a woman waiting for a missing colleague.


2024 Week 20 One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day


134  Monday Woke with a migraine. Into town after work. I was falling asleep by 2pm. Such a hectic day, spent most of my time reporting safeguarding issues and phoning parents. I'm working way above my pay grade but great support from my line manager (I don't say that often) and the Safeguarding lead was fab as always. Had an early tea, bath and went to bed to do some paperwork as I'm still feeling dizzy and sick and have back pain.

135  Tuesday Autism and Puberty training after work this evening. I popped out to get some milk and bumped into a friend, got home almost two hours later.

136  Wednesday Straight from work for coffee with colleagues. Home to video calls with the grandchildren.

137  Thursday Helped with homework club after school then off with a colleague who picked up keys for her new home today. The plan had been to start with the cleaning, but the previous owners hadn't finished moving out. A few words were exchanged and she finally got in at 7pm. 

We're making the most of sitting outside in the evenings.

138  Friday Straight from work to Monmouth to stay with friend for the evening. Chatted crap for several hours. I spent the night in the van on the drive as she's having building work done. I've known her for 26 years, she's always having building work done, this is the 5th house.

139  Saturday Left early as friend was out for the day, popped into Monmouth for a coffee, then dropped some stuff at mums and called in for a cuppa with granddaughter and home by 3pm. We went out for coffee and did a food shop. I Babysat a colleagues kids for the evening.

140  Sunday Washing on and hung out. Ironing done and sorted out some birthday gifts and cleaned the kitchen. Peter drove to Heathrow, then I drove home getting in around 7pm. He's off to Cairo for a week, he's come out of retirement. I brought the washing in, finished off the ironing, did some tidying up and I got myself ready for work in the morning, bath and bed.

Books read this week: 0

Words written towards book: 850

Clothes bought: 0

On the blog this week: A day out at the RHS Malvern Spring Show

What's made me happy this week:

Peter made me a potting table, I sorted out some solar panel lights for the beans and peas to grow up, coffee with a friend and meeting a baby cow.

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Friday 17 May 2024

17th - 19th May 2024 Post Comment Love

Welcome back to #PoCoLo with Stephanie from Bosworth.Life and I.

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo is a friendly weekly linky where you can link up any blog post you've written this week. If you're new or a regular visitor we're sure you'll find something of interest.

We visited the RHS Malvern Spring Show on the Weekend at The Three Counties Showground. We go to all the shows as we live in Malvern. It's not cheap, we paid £55 to get in and apart from a coffee and a sweet pea plant we didn't buy anything, but we did get some ideas for planning the rest of our garden.

The weather was lovely and we enjoyed a picnic by the van.

We'd also appreciate your help spreading the #PoCoLo word on Twitter, tag us and we'll RT. You can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @BosworthLife and Suzanne - @ChickenRuby 

I'll be catching up with reading your posts, sharing and commenting over the next few days. 

Want to find out more about Post Comment Love #PoCoLo? 

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