Wednesday 17 February 2010

Just my perspective on life

I am not a writer or am I an authoritarian on life.
When I blog it is in response to conversations I've had in real life or on twitter and I feel the need to expand things a bit more than 140 characters will allow.

I read peoples blogs with interest but don't always want to post a comment unless it relates to me 100%.

I read some very sad things and some very funny things but if I disagree with the authors blog content I do not comment on it. It is their opinion or view on life, not mine.

I do have a view on life but it is my own if it is not interesting to you or relevant then don't knock it.

This blog has come about because of a comment I made on a previous blog of mine where I offered an opinion of other peoples blogs in general. It was my comment on on my views. I received one response on the blog which I was able to discuss with the person involved. Which was good to be able to do.

What I didn't like or appreciate were the 2 DM's I received from people who were obviously upset by my comments which, without naming anyone, they felt I was making a personal attack on them. Well I'm sorry some people are so sensitive and think the whole world revolves around them. I'm not sorry I didn't enter into their silly games just simply blocked them from Twitter.

So if those two people that DM'd me are still reading this.....I'm not a perfect Mummy nor do I claim to be one either and.... by the way....that's your problem not mine.

1 comment:

  1. We all write blog posts about how we feel and if that is unpalatable to some they should simply look away. I did a much worse post ranting about mothers and motherhood a while ago that was greeted with understanding. You don't need blog followers that are going to bully you.

