Sunday 8 September 2013

After the tenants leave. Cleaning the kitchen floor.

This is my Dad, it's his birthday, he is 74.

Last year my Dad had a heart attack, prior to that my Dad would've been at my house every day painting, repairing and cleaning, helping get the house back to the condition it was in prior to us moving.

Our tenants left the house in a terrible condition, the dirt alone on the kitchen floor was heart breaking.
The centre tile has been sitting in the shed for 3 years and is untreated.

My Dad wanted to help, but bending, lifting and carrying cause him pain and discomfort, so he requested I found him 'standing' jobs only. Apart from washing curtain poles and light fittings, there wasn't much he could do, so I set him the task of cleaning the kitchen floor.

Dad finds sitting down for any periods of time difficult and is so much more comfortable on his feet, so using the Bissell Steam Mop to restore the tiles to their original condition was a perfect job for him, he could stand all day and do a job that until the steam mop arrived, I'd spent 6 hours on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor with bleach, white spirits, mould and mildew remover and hot water.

You can see the colour of the mop water after the first mop.
There is still a bit more work to do, the floor is slate and irregular so a bit of manual scrubbing is required, especially in the grout, but the steam mop lifts the dirt and it just requires wiping with a cloth.

My dad was so impressed he took it home with him to use on his kitchen floor and completed the job in under 10 minutes.

Please note this is a sponsored post, Bissell leant me the steam mop for a week to use.


  1. Your father looks great for 74! Good for him for at least trying to give you a hand.

  2. Oh.. That's a great job done by your father. Kitchen floor needs regular cleaning task.

  3. I need that mop! I am so intimidated by my kitchen floor. If I clean it, then it only takes one canter round it by our dog after a muddy walk, and it's horrible again. Almost as if I hadn't bothered. So I've just let it get dirtier and dirtier, and turned a blind eye to it. It's brown, so it doesn't really show - it just looks a darker brown than it truly is.

    I'm going to contact Bissell and see if I can do a sponsored post for them too!

