Saturday 28 November 2020

Week 48 - One Daily Positive. The saga of the shipping container.

I can't make this stuff up quick enough and if I wrote it as a book, everyone would think it was fiction with a comedy angle thrown in for good measure.

Lets just say I've been on the phone, emailing, whatsapp and generally shouting, crying and pulling my hair out all this week trying to unravel the mystery of why I paid professionals to ship a container on my behalf, when it appears it only takes 3 days to learn the ropes and sort the issue yourself.

I won't be getting back to Dubai until mid December at this rate, but on the positive I am getting to spend time with my son and his wife in Northern Ireland, although my son has threatened to send me to his in laws who have said I'm more than welcome top stay with them as long as I like.

Thank heavens for having such a supportive family in the form of all our adult children.

Anyway on to what else I've been up to this week, other than ironing, cooking and cleaning, which I've loved helping out with, it's been a long time since I've had to think of anyone else other than myself.

327 Sunday Morning spent walking the dog at Hillsborough with our DIL while son went mountain biking. Full Sunday roast in the afternoon.

328 Monday Day at home and then off to the Parent in Laws for dinner in the evening, via a quick visit to the outlet centre in Antrim.

329 Tuesday Collected by the Parent in laws and off to Belfast for the day. In the evening we went for a drive thru McDonald's and ate in the car park.

330 Wednesday The Christmas decorations went up.

331 Thursday Last day before lock down, so remaining gifts bought, then I took Molly for a walk in the afternoon to explore the estate where son and DIL live.

332 Friday Off to Glenarrif for a long walk to see the waterfalls. I then prepped the bathroom for painting, sanding down walls, filling cracks and removing old paint from frames and tiles. Parent in Laws came to say goodbye. Booked flight and packed for the morning. Found out at 5.20pm that my container is being delivered over the weekend.

333 Saturday Early morning flight to Birmingham, train back to Malvern. Unpacked, repacked, washing on, gluten free food bought and an evening in watching Netflix.

Arrivals Hall at Birmingham Airport.

On the blog this week:

The shipping container saga.

My Garden in November.

The Palm Jumeriah, Dubai from the air.

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  1. Oh no! That is rubbish you have had all the faff with the container! It is good that you are getting to spend time with your son and his wife.
    Fab photos. It looks like you've been having a lovely time. x

    1. i had a fab time with my son and DIl. every cloud has a silver lining

  2. Loving the Christmas decorations!

    Glenarrif looks like a lovely place to visit. The waterfalls look great.

    How quiet does the arrivals hall look??

  3. Good news you've finally got answers on the container. Painful. Their dog's gorgeous, looks like a lovely walk to see the waterfall.

    1. It was a lovely walk, but very step to get back up

  4. The saga with the container sounds abysmal. Glad you're spending time with your son and family (but I do miss seeing pictures of Bob and Pushkins). The waterfalls look beautiful, and the empty arrivals in the airport so eerie. Hope you got the container all right.

    1. Container arrived but not unpacked and sofa still to get into the house sometime

  5. The Parent in laws sound lovely! It's nice you are all one big happy extended family! Molly is such a sweet heart. Bet she is enjoying another person in the house for fuss and attention.

    1. it is lovely that we all get on so well, it was lovely to spend time with their dog also, she is very friendly

  6. Im so sorry you have had such a nightmare with the container. Hope it is all sorted now. The waterfalls look beautiful, I would really like to explore more of Northern Ireland one day.

    1. well the container was delivered and unloaded, but not unpacked, it's been so frustrating

  7. So sorry to hear that the shipping container has been such a stressful saga for you. Hope that it has now finally arrived and you are able to now plan your return to Dubai. Glad you had a lovely time with your son and his family. The waterfalls at Glenarrif are beautiful. #project366

    1. yes I'm back in Dubai, still trying to sort out the monies owed from the shipping company though

  8. Wow your life does look like a book. I didn't know you could ship a container yourself. It's great that you're enjoying Northern Ireland, I hope your son doesn't kick you out. Lake looks lovely and Molly is really enjoying it. Christmas decorations look great. Waterfall looks amazing

    1. Thanks, it feels strange to be putting the decorations up while the sun shines

  9. Gosh, Birmingham airport is deserted! A friend flew from Manchester yesterday and said it was chocker!! Glad there was a positive outcome with the container, but what a nightmare! You could have sorted that out no worries but you shouldn't have had to! I hope you can get some money back from the agents at least... or, consider setting yourself up as an agent! ;) Molly is gorgeous and what a beautifully decorated living room! Sim x

    1. Son and his wife spent a lot of time decorating for Christmas and it's worth the effort. I flew during lockdown so much quieter still

  10. What a palaver with the shipping container! Glad you had a lovely week with family and went on some gorgeous walks #project366

    1. The delay with the container did provide me with a silver lining in being able to see my son

  11. Awww looks like you had a lovely time catching up with your son and daughter in law. What a blooming pain, all the hassle for the container. I hope it's all sorted out ! (I'm catching up slowly !) You found some lovely places to explore on your walks :)

    1. It was a lovely visit, but seems so long ago now, all the boxes are still waiting to be unpacked

