Saturday 6 June 2020

One daily Positive - Week 23 Fairy door, Narnia and new carpets

On my to do list this week

Learn to crochet (been carrying this forward since pre lockdown).
Family Tree.
Investigate returning to the OU to finish my degree.
Add backing to pom pom rug.
Finish Jigsaw.
Remove carpet from last bedroom.
Empty wardrobe for carpet fitters, move furniture.
Weed round back of the shed.
Schedule #PoCoLo blog posts.
Fix blind in ensuite.
Paint conservatory, lounge and dining room.

My to do lists aren't compulsory. I find a list helps me choose something to do if I'm feeling a bit lost or the day is dragging on too long. Things like walking the dog up the Malvern Hills, general gardening, cleaning, paying bills etc just get slotted in as and when they need doing

Lots of local dog walks and more letter writing, birthday cards and gifts delivered.

152 Sunday Up early so gave the main bedroom windowsill a fresh coat of paint, sat in the garden to have breakfast and catch up with blog comments and painted the walls in the downstairs loo, popped out to Worcester to fetch my click and collect food shop. Back to bed for a couple of hours, tidied up, dog walk, watered garden, dinner and a video gin call.

Never too old for a bit of magic

153 Monday The man came back to fix the issues in the bathroom and the with the shed roof. I did some blogging and cooked a roast in the morning. In the afternoon I painted the walls in the kitchen and the hall, cleaned the bathroom and put it back together, Walked Bob, watered the garden, bath and bed.

154 Tuesday - Went over to see my friend Julie the other side of the town, we met through child 5 at school, about 15 years ago. The boys don't keep in touch anymore but we've remained friends. It was her birthday so I dropped off a gift and cake and we social distanced in the front garden. Removed the last carpet from the room I'm sleeping in and moved bedside tables into the wardrobes and other bits into the bathroom. I'm now sleeping down stairs till Saturday. Spent the evening in the garden writing letters and sorting parcels to post for upcoming birthdays. Child 2 and 2a's 2nd wedding anniversary.

155 Wednesday Took Bob up the Malvern Hills, I parked half way up at the quarry and took a slightly different route up today. I had a quote to replace 2 double glazed units that have blown and are full of condensation. We've already had the 10 smaller units replaced. Didn't sleep well with a Chinook flying over head between 1-3am and felt a bit sick and headachy, so spent the rest of the day watching TV, napping and some crafting and letter writing. 2a's Birthday (DIL)

C S Lewis was a pupil at Malvern, it is said he was inspired by the gas lights to write the Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe

156 Thursday Carpet fitters came today, they can enter through the front door, I can isolate in the kitchen and access the the rest of downstairs through the garden. When I got the house measured for carpets, they did the lounge as well, we decided not to replace the carpet in there because of the pets. Guess which muppet forgot to tell the carpet fitter? I spent the day painting the woodwork in the lounge and touching up the paint on the walls, evening spent putting upstairs back together, before collapsing into bed at 8pm. 

157 Friday I spent the morning removing paint from the wooden floors from the decorator, grouted and resealed the ensuite shower ready for my mums stay, cleaned all the light fittings and did some washing. Carpet fitters finished today. I then hoovered the new carpet 100 times, put everything back and enjoyed a chilly evening with a bottle of wine in the garden with my friend and neighbour.

158 Saturday Finally the house feels 'proper' clean. I still have the dining room and conservatory to paint, but the deep clean in both rooms is complete. I finished my jigsaw, took delivery of a new bed and received a lovely gift from a twitter friend from Hotel Chocolate. Rest of the day I made cards, wrote letters and got the parcels ready to send on Thursday.

On the blog this week:

A huge fail with the Jam Jar waste challenge

#Ad Trendhim Tan Leather Cardholder great for Fathers Day, but this is a late 21st birthday gift for child 5.

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  1. The to do list sounds like a great idea and it seems you had lots of interesting things to do.
    Ahh! We have had those fairy doors popping up around the village where I live. So cute.
    The new carpets look fab and I am glad the house is feeling really clean.

    1. The house is so much nicer to be in now and I'm finding it easier just to chill out a bit more now

  2. Like the idea of a relaxed to do list.
    Ooops at the living room carpet, oh well done now.
    Love that raised rocky garden, saves on a ton of 2 of soil.
    Hope they all appreciate the presents and cards you send out.

    1. That was at my friends garden, it's a great idea. Mmmmmmm i get little response from the stuff I send out to my family, but I do know they love receiving things from me. friends always have a better response

  3. The carpets do look good and it must feel nice to have new, clean ones. Love the fairy door - we have lots in the woods near us.

    1. it feels so nice to have clean carpet beneath my feet

  4. It must be so nice to have new carpets! Love the photo of the cat and dog. Can totally see how that lamp could have inspired The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I like the idea of your to-do list - so you have ideas of things to do when you get bored, but you don't have any pressure.

    1. There's a lot of info in the town and the Abbey about CS Lewis

  5. New carpets look great. Ours all need changing really. I was only reading this morning about Narnia being inspired by Malvern.

    1. So much literacy and music inspired by being in Malvern

  6. The new carpets look goo. We need to replace the carpeting on the stairs, it's so worn out and looks dirty, no matter how much I clean, I think the mix of chemicals just made it look worse. Glad you had a roast. The criminal duo didn't snatch it this week, I guess. :) The lantern is beautiful and a bit eerie. The raised rockery is a great idea.

    1. Thank you, it really has made a huge difference having new carpets, can now walk round bare foot and feel clean underfoot

  7. Love the fairy door!

    Aww new the smell and feel of freshly laid carpet.

    The photo of the cat and dog together is soooo adorable.

  8. the cat and dog provide me with endless photo opportunities

  9. The to do list sounds like a great idea and it seems you had lots of fun things to do.Those fairy doors are so cute. I love them. The new carpets look fab and I am glad the house is feeling nice and clean. xx

    1. It's made such a difference to have new carpets underfoot

  10. Hearing everything you've been doing around the house still leaves me feeling exhausted ! It looks great though so very well worth it. Love the fairy door. Glad to hear you've met up with your friend. Walking the dog sounds like a great way to keep you busy too :)

    1. I've really enjoyed meeting up with my friends, apart from being able to have a hug and making sure we keep 2ms apart, it's not been too different from normal

  11. Lot of interesting tasks on your to-do list. Cute to put a door along the tree stump. OoOoO I actually did think of Narnia when I saw the gas light. Amazing that he came up with the story through a lamp post. Loving the carpet

    1. So much history here in Malvern, I love looking out the kitchen window and seeing the fairy door

  12. Nicely done on finishing the jigsaw! I never thought I would enjoy them as much as I have done recently, we are on a roll now to move to the next stage!
    You really do sound like superwoman... I can offer you a spare room and good food if you fancy doing anymore decorating at some point! ;) I'm so lazy when it comes to decorating, I really should be more on it! A gin video call sounds fun, but good to read you have been getting out and seeing people!
    The new carpets look lush, I do love a new carpet, always makes a room feel so fresh! Hope you have had a lovely week! Sim x

    1. I'm no superwoman, I'm just bored lol. Think I should set up a business sorting peoples houses out, my husband already calls me queen of storage, I can now add DIY skills to my CV

  13. The carpet looks fantastic and love that fairy door - hope there house goes down and not up LOL

    1. I'm loving the new carpet, so nice under my feet

  14. Lists are good for helping with ideas for activities – we often make lists during school holidays for that reason – the activities aren’t compulsory but it’s good for providing ideas on days when we’re not sure what to do. I love the fairy door in the tree stump and the photo of the gas light – I can see how that could have inspired The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I could imagine that looking just like a scene from Narnia in the snow. The new carpet looks good. How lovely that the house feels ‘proper’ clean now – what a lovely feeling that must be. #project366

    1. I really love having a clean house now, knowing that any mess is mine and not from years of tenants. Can't wait to get some photos of the lamp lights in the snow

  15. Your new carpet looks amazing! I remember all that hoovering you need to do when you have new ones fitted. But well worth it for that end result. You sound like you have had a very busy week. But your house is looking fantastic for it.

    1. so glad i invested in a Shark cleaner, makes the hoovering so much easier

  16. I ahve a huge pile of cross stitch that I have completed for cards but not put them together to actually finish a single one! The house is looking great: we have done nothing on our house in the 5 years we have lived here due to dog hair, kids drawing on the walls and dropping food so waiting for that to finish! #project366

    1. we literally renovated our house shortly before we moved abroad, this is the second time tenants have damaged it to this level

  17. I need to write a list at the moment everything I want to get done is rushing around in my head and stressing me out. I think the new carpet looks great and love the colour. I really like the built up wall in the garden with the sleeper thats a clever idea.

    1. I find just writing things down helps me remember what I've got to do

