Saturday, 21 February 2015

Week 8 Project 365 Visitors, travel and sand storms

Wow what a week. Been a tourist this week with my dear friend Chrissie who I met on twitter 5 years ago and her 7 year old daughter. We've been up the Burj Khalifa, on the beach, on a water taxi on the creek and finished the week off with a desert safari. We've also experienced our first sand storm which went on for nearly 3 days and I think it could be 3 weeks before I can get all the sand out of the house. Hubby has bought a car which should be ready next week along with my Emirates ID and alcohol licence. Then the boring stuff starts....I'll be job hunting, wish me luck, I've not worked since we started our expat journey in January 2011.

Day 46 #onedailypositive #cosy #fmsphotoaday #spot #snaphappybritmums #project365 

Not a cosy spot as on somewhere warn to snuggle down, but for me it's somewhere to cool down from the continuous heat. It's a corner of the dining room that has a door and a separate air conditioning unit so I don't have to cool the whole house. It's mine and Bob's afternoon cosy spot.

Day 47 #onedailypositive #fromwhereIstand #fmsphotoaday #indulgent #snaphappybritmums #project365

From where I stand I see this. I'm not on holiday, this is my new home and I intend to be indulgent everyday by walking the 15 minutes from home to be here.

Day 48 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎routine‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎maybe‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ 

Everyday I go out by myself for a coffee, it gets me out the house, sometimes I go first thing in the morning, other times I go out in the evening. Today has been spent on the beach with @mediocremum and her daughter who are visiting Dubai for a holiday. I've had enough of the beach and enough of the sun so while they paddle and build sandcastle a I've gone for my daily coffee. Maybe one day I'll try one of the many syrups on offer but for today I'll just stick with my routine of a latte, on my own.

Day 49 #onedailypositive #bedside #fmsphotoaday #blue #snaphappybritmums #project365

On Monday I went to the beach and swam in the sea, my hair was scraped back in a pony tail and was sandy and wet and I wasn't wearing any make up. I passed a beauty parlour on my way home and thought I'd pop in and see if they had time to thread my eyebrows. It was the beginning of December since I last had my hair and nails done and although I've had my eyebrows threaded since then. The woman sat behind the counter looked mortified at my current state and tried to offer me every service they offered, I didn't know whether to feel insulted or Anyway, in response to the look of shock on her face and today's photo prompts I've decided to paint my fingers and toes. My daily positive is that it doesn't matter how I look, just that I feel good about myself right now.

Day 50 #onedailypositive #fresh #fmsphotoaday #really #snaphappybritmums #project365

Spent the day with a friend in Bur Dubai the Souk. We travelled in on the bus and crossed the creek on a water taxi. Having wandered through the narrow lanes we ended up quite some distance from the tourist area and we needed lunch. One of the requests for 'things to do in Dubai' was to experience street food, an annual event with the Dubai Food Festival, but the place we came across was street food, proper street style, while the Watermelon drink was fresh we really did have to ask ourselves if this was a good idea or not, guess we'll find out in less than 24 hours :-) the daily positive is we tried something new, we had an adventure.

Day 51 #onedailypositive #ThisIsSoMe #fmsphotoaday #cuppa #snaphappybritmums #project365

The perfect prompts today as This Is So Me, a cuppa tea. Anytime of the day, anywhere. Hubby (when he's at home) brings me a cuppa every morning before he goes to work, although most times I go back to sleep and wake up to a cold cup of tea. I also take tea with me whenever I travel, just a few bags of PG Tips, to get me going before I find a tea I like. Now we are in Dubai I can buy my own PG Tips rather than getting friends and family to traffic them into South Africa.

Day 52 #onedailypositive #matching #fmsphotoaday #sweet #snaphappybritmums #project365 

Afternoon and evening spent in the desert with friends, 4x4 trip across the sand, meal, matching henna painting, dinner, wine, belly dancing and camel rides. Lots of lovely food and sweet dates growing and fantastic company


  1. love that last photo, such beautiful designs!! xx

    1. the woman drew them free hand, they are very pretty

  2. Sounds like a nice week. I love the way you go out everyday for a coffee. I should do something like that as I can hermit in the house quite a bit! I love tea, I always miss my tea when we are on holiday x

    1. I had to force myself out the house when we moved to South Africa and suffered badly with depression, but here in Dubai I can pop out without fear for my safety and there's never an excuse needed to walk over the road for a coffee

