Saturday, 29 April 2017

One Daily Positive - Week 17 Back home but still on holiday

I arrived back in Dubai on Friday morning, my son and his girlfriend arrived a couple of hours before me and are here until next weekend. It's nice to be home and know I'm going to be in one place for a few weeks, before I return to the UK in 8 weeks on an open ticket to sort my son, child 5/5 out when he finishes school in July.

I'm just switching my brain off for a few days, catch up with blogging, join in on a few days out and make the most of not having to get back to the real world of job hunting and housework and being on my own.

113 Sunday. Nature. A coffee with friends in the morning and then I took my son back to school for his last ever term, mixed emotions for me a) for saying goodbye b) for my days as a school mum coming to an end. I called in on a friend on the way home.

 114 Monday. Relax. Spent the morning rearranging the flat and getting some washing done before heading over to Malvern to meet a friend for a coffee and another friend for dinner.

 115 Tuesday. Sun. A visit to the Ross on Wye in the morning to drop a gift with a friend and over to the Forest of Dean to see my ex SIL and child 2/5.

116 Wednesday. Stripes. Today's photo prompt doesn't fit. I went to visit child 1/5 over lunch time and then met Sarah, a fellow 365'er

117 Thursday. Moon. An early start at 5am as I dropped my Nephew in law to Abgergavenny hospital  where was niece was booked for a C section, ready for the birth of their 3 child. I then cleaned and tidied the flat and packed and headed off to Birmingham airport for my flight home.

118 Friday. Red. I arrived home at 7am. Child 3/5 was already here. I grabbed a couple of hours sleep before we headed off to the beach, dinner out and a walk along the canal, calling in at the pub on route.

119 Saturday. Spirit(ual) I've given up on trying to get anything done during the coming week.

On the blog this week:

Animal Tales - A visit to Nagshead Nature Reserve
My Sunday Photo and PoCoLo - B is for boarding school
Triumphant Tales - When did holidays become all about entertaining children?
Gardening - A visit to the flower market, Kowloon


  1. Another very busy week for you! It was great to meet up with you before you went back to Dubai. I hope the baby was safely delivered. I love the photo of you and your son.

    1. i heard about the arrival of the baby just before i boarded, but had to wait till today for a photo

  2. You make me exhausted just reading about your week! I hope the c section went well and glad that you got home safely.

  3. Oh wow! You have been travelling again. It looks like a very busy week.
    Enjoy your drink. hehehe x

    1. had to wait for my drink as i had to pick my son up from the beach grrrrr, but he did then make a lovely salad for dinner

  4. Sounds like another busy week! I would be exhausted with all the travelling!

  5. Enjoy being back in one place for a few weeks. So lovely that you got to meet Sarah before you headed home. Hope the baby arrived safely. Enjoy the time with your son.

    1. it's lovely to be home and just still, got one son visiting till next week, youngest out over whitsun then I'm back in the uk in 8 weeks

  6. sounds like a great last few days with the children. Scary when your youngest leaves school for the last time.
    Not be long till you are back with us again.
    How nice to meet up with another 365'er.

    1. it was lovely meeting up with Sarah and I'll be back in the UK next month to collect the youngest from school forever

  7. Another busy week then and how lovely to meet up with Sarah!

    1. i dont seem to ever stop at the moment, it was lovely meeting up with Sarah

  8. Very busy, no wonder you want to relax a little now I would be exhausted. Great photo of you and your son :)

    1. thanks, i always think the best photos of me and the kids are the quick snaps

