Saturday, 8 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 23. Eid Mubarak

Although Peter and I travel a lot, we don't have holidays together very often. I've been to the UK twice this year and Peter joined me for a week, but we had jobs to do, bills to pay and family to visit. Last month I was in South Africa, and although I had some time with friends and took myself on a self drive safari, my purpose for being there was to do some charity work. Later this month I'm off to Dublin with a friend then on to Northern Ireland to visit child 4 and 4a and next month I travel to Australia to visit child 3.

Ramadan finished on Monday and Peter had the week off for Eid so we treated ourselves to a two night stay in a hotel in Abu Dhabi. Bob went in for boarding and we left the cat at home with a clean litter tray, fresh water and plenty of food hidden around the house. I spent Monday night refreshing social media waiting for Eid announcement so I know what I can do on Tuesday in regards to eating and drinking in public.

153 Sunday Off to the dentists for the stitches to be removed and a deep clean, needed my whole mouth numbing. The rest of day was spent in bed feeling sorry for myself. We popped out to the mall in the evening for a walk, food court dinner and a coffee.
A new building at the World Trade Centre.

154 Monday Dr's at 9.30am for routine bloods, then collected Bob and visited the dog park for a couple of hours, then home to do nothing and a BBQ for dinner. Packed for our trip away.

155 Tuesday Up at 5am and hanging around waiting for a suitable time to drop Bob at boarding and set off to Abu Dhabi. Spent the afternoon on the beach and the evening in one of the bars.
Very few tall buildings in Abu Dhabi, more a traditional City.

156 Wednesday Had a long lie in thanks to black out blinds followed by a leisurely breakfast, time on the beach and a pub lunch followed by a massage and pool side and the evening spent in the pub.
Tidal sea water but an inlet, one of the many islands that make up Abu Dhabi

157 Thursday Left Abu Dhabi at mid day after time on the beach. We collected Bob on the way home. Pushkins was pleased to see us. In the evening we watched TV and just chilled out.
The Last exit food stop or drive through only in this heat, located on the border between Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

158 Friday Coffee and food shop while Peter got the valve repaired on his tyre then off to brunch with friends at The Address Hotel in Dubai Marina, apart from that nothing else happened all day.
The hotel foyer.

159 Saturday A lazy day, too stuffed from yesterday to do much. Been thinking it's Saturday all week, I'm not used to Peter being off work. Spent 5+ hours wandering around Dubai Mall and only saw a small part of it.
The aquarium inside the mall.

On the blog this week:

Why I'm fed up of people telling me I should take vitamin supplements.

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  1. How nice to get a little trip away together! I'm sure you both needed that downtime, with all the rushing around that you do. The stitches from your mouth being removed doesn't sound like fun. I hope it's all better now.

    1. mouth has healed nicely. it was lovely just getting away together for a few days, we need to do more of this

  2. How lovely that you managed to have a two-day trip with Peter, and not to rush anywhere, just having a leisurely time to yourselves. The stitches' removal sounds painful. Hope you're feeling better by now. That fish is creepy, I don't like looking at big fish in aquariums, they give me the heebie jeebies.

    1. mouth and gums all better now, that fish summed up how i felt trawling around the mall

  3. Ahh! Good on you for treating yourselves to a couple of nights in a hotel.
    I hope that is it for your dental treatment. You've really been through it over the past few months.
    Abu Dhabi really does look fab! It sounds like you had a lovely break away.
    An aquarium in a mall!! AMAZING!

    1. we had a lovely break, thank you. 3 more dental appointments left and new teeth will be fixed in place forever by the middle of July

  4. Hope your mouth is on the mend. The photos of your trip are great - I think I thought Abu Dhabi was like Dubai, but it isn't quite what I thought.

    1. thank you. I had thought Dubai would be more like Abu Dhabi with the odd new big building before I ever visited here

  5. Nice to get some sort of holiday together. Reading your blog I realise i know nothing about the area you live and states vs cities etc

    1. I knew nothing either until I came to live here

  6. that must be some size of shopping mall, my idea of hell 5 hrs shopping....
    Glad you enjoyed your time away.
    The hotel Foyer is very pretty.
    I think you have every right to feel sorry for yourself after the dentist

  7. Abu Dhabi is completely different to Dubai with regards to building height. I quite like the fact it is so traditional! Sounds like you had a wonderful break away, much needed! Don't envy you with the dentist visit and hope you are feeling much better now! Sim xx #PoCoLo

    1. thank you, teeth now fully healed and really enjoyed the break

  8. That is some shopping mall. I'm not the biggest shopping to be honest. Hope you are feeling better xx

    1. You soon get into the habit when you live here, there's little else to do in the summer

  9. Sounds like a nice relaxing week. Nice to have the time off for Eid

    That new building is pretty impressive!

    We went to Dubai Mall and don't think we even got to see a quarter of it! Its huge!

    1. Not sure I've seen all of Dubai mall either, they're continually adding to it

  10. The Abu Dhabi break sounds nice and I also like that new building, the design is very clever #365

    1. Found out now its the museum of the future and part of it is 3D printed

  11. Wow you certainly do a lot of traveling. Dublin is a wonderful place steeped in history. Sorry to read you are still going through pain with your teeth #365

    1. I'm tired of the travelling now, would love to return to the days of an annual holiday

  12. Awww glad you got away together sounds like a nice relaxing break. I really enjoyed Dublin when I visited. Glad to hear your teeth and mouth are feeling better x

    1. Didn't get to spend anytime in Dublin as we headed straight out to the West Coast

  13. How lovely to be able to relax and enjoy time together (I'm secretly hankering for some couple time next weekend when we are away for a wedding, except we're staying at my mother in law's so not quite a romantic getaway!) #project365

    1. Hope you had a good time away and the romance was there somewhere lol

