Saturday, 1 June 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 22

Final dental surgery, gum cut and post exposed, temp tooth installed and a couple of stitches, back next week for stitches to be removed and final fitting of permanent teeth in July.

My chronic pain has flared up again, it seems to disappear when my iron stores drop, but after an infusion a couple of weeks ago, the pain and the headaches are returning. I'm also suffering with my cognitive ability and finding it hard to find the right words for everyday objects. With it comes the depression. The chronic pain never leaves but I've had it for 24 years now, so it's just part of my life, when I get respite for a period of time, any flare ups are unmanageable.

Sunday 146 Dentists and rest of the day spent in front of the TV. Did some ironing early evening while Peter went out for an Iftar meal and washed down the patio. It's getting really hot out there.

Car temps parked in the shade and 30 mins later after a drive home. Outside temps 36c

Monday 147 Spent the day cleaning the house and washing rugs, dog bedding, shower curtains etc popped out for coffee and had a swim late afternoon.

You don't need to go to a fuel station to fill up in Dubai, they come to you.

Tuesday 148 Dog park with Bob, coffee and yoga. We mowed the lawn as it was cloudy and overcast. Out to a colleagues of Peter's for dinner, I just had drinks, still can't eat with my teeth.

View from the balcony

Wednesday 149 Took Peter's car for a service. I met a friend for coffee then took myself to Mall of the Emirates. Peter collected me on his way home. I went for a swim and we had pub quiz in the evening. 2nd place for us tonight.

Thursday 150 Dog park, no yoga. Peter dropped me at the local mall to get my nails done then I walked home via the pool to cool down. Peter worked from home then collected his visa from the Saudi embassy.

Friday 151 Had a lazy morning then headed out for coffee and a food shop, home by 3pm. Peter made a risotto and then we just sat in front of the TV till bedtime.

There's a gentle breeze today making the garden just about manageable to sit in to drink a beer.

Saturday 152 Collected Peter's car from the garage, then got a taxi from home to meet friends for lunch and a few drinks, the evening was spent in front of the TV with a few snacks.

I'm always amazed at how green Dubai is, never knew there was a lake here.

On the blog this week:

Around the home and garden in Dubai and South Africa

Guess where I am in the world?


  1. Oh no Suzanne, your dental surgery sounds painful. I imagine how stressful it is for you, with the pain and depression coming back. Dubai does look green, despite such high temperatures. Having a cold beer in the garden is lovely. Bob looks happy in the playground.

    1. It has been awful and on top of all the other health issues I've just had enough, but it'll all be sorted then onwards and upwards

  2. sorry to hear about the dental pain you're feeling. Have patience, it will get better soon Inshallah. The pictures look great. It must be very convenient for a fuel station to come to you instead of going to the station and waiting in line (usually in the heat. very annoying) I went to Dubai 6.5 years back and I don't remember having heard of a lake there :/

    1. there are lots of lakes in Dubai and a new canal, this was just one I'd not noticed before

  3. Hope the dental pain eases soon. Phew, those temperatures. I've struggled in 26C this weekend here!

  4. I bet you are glad to have your final dental surgery.
    So sorry you haven't been feeling great.
    That is fascinating that you can get fuel delivered to you! It is pretty amazing how green Dubai is.

    1. Dubai is amazing but there's nothing that surprises me anymore

  5. I bet you'll be glad when all the dental work is out of the way. Must be good to have the end in sight now.

  6. Is the lake worth visiting?
    Oh dear at the dental work. Hope you think it all worthwhile.
    You often dont realise how painful pain can be until you are without it for a few days and then when it comes back you notice it worse,

    1. there's a cycle track and picnic sites there so it'll be at least one visit

  7. Wow that is warm. The dental work will be worth it. Sound painful though xx

    1. almost done now with the dentist and i'll be free

  8. Glad that the teeth issue is nearly at an end, still won't get to see the finished you soon though. I'm going to download those photos to sent to mum next time she starts moaning about the temperature in Spain. Sorry that you've been feeling crap again, i'm guessing being back from SA probably isn't helping either. #365

    1. feels like a long time since i was in SA and even longer since these bloody teeth started

  9. Glad that the dental stuff is almost at an end. Has all sounded quite painful. Sorry that your headaches are coming back.

    Wow those temps in the car are insane! And I complain when it gets over 25 in the car!

    1. thank you, hopefully teeth and health will be sorted soon

  10. I am glad that your dental work is nearing the end. I am sorry for its side effects. I hope they lessen soon. I am not sure I would be able to get in a car at that temperature! xx

    1. I will open the car doors for a few minutes before i get in

  11. So sorry that you have been suffering: hope your iron levels have improved so that the symptoms diminish. The end of the dental saga is in sight! You must be so relieved it is almost over #project365

