Saturday, 21 December 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 51 South Africa and Dubai

A week in South Africa is not long enough, the first few days were really relaxing, it has been great catching up with friends, I've been occupied and had full days and been sleeping really well, then my mind started to whir with 'it's nearly time to go home, its not been long enough.' Back home and not sleeping again, plus getting breathless doing normal tasks. I think when I'm in Dubai I have nothing to occupy my mind and I focus on the things I have to do and am not as relaxed.

My Transfer of Residency arrived, so we're all good to go for the move, just need to add an inventory of what furniture I'll be taking back with me, but that gives us time to sort out what Peter needs in Dubai.

The tenants have rejected the claims for damage and it is going through arbitration. The rental agents do that with proof from the independent check in/check out photos. In the meantime the work still needs doing so is going ahead and it'll be interesting to see just how much money we get back to cover the costs.

349 Sunday I woke up feeling sad. I don't want to leave. I'm happy here in South Africa. After breakfast we said goodbye to our friends. Peter is back in the New Year, then headed off to Brooklyn Mall then onto another set of friends for a braai, heading back to our host family for the night.

This is the first house we lived in for 18 months in South Africa on the golf course.

350 Monday Peter and I went out for breakfast, headed out to the storage unit to fill my car with donations for Kungwini Home for disabled adults. Peter left for Cape Town, I went off to Kungwini, back for a lie down, then out in the evening to Jacaranda Children's home for their Christmas light display and market, a group of us met up.

L-R Cheryl, Dorette, Me, Lee-Ann

351 Tuesday Woke early, showered and finished packing. Flew home to Dubai. An uneventful trip. Airport was stressful with waiting 45 mins to get bags wrapped to prevent theft by airport employees, which I have to pay around £5 for. Then silver check in, security and passport queues were short.

352 Wednesday Had a lie in, met a friend for coffee, collected cat and dog and did a food shop. Peter started his journey home. Pub quiz and bed.

353 Thursday Peter got home around 2am, he then went to work at am and I went to The Mall of the Emirates to look at the Christmas decorations. Early dinner, sat in the garden and early night.

354 Friday Off to Dubai Mall to look at more decorations, breakfast out, a few last minute bit and pieces bought for each other and finally booked Christmas Brunch. My Christmas spirit hit when the carol singers came round and friends asked to join us for brunch. Evening spent watching Netflix and eating junk food.

355 Saturday After the heavy rains a few weeks ago there is some serious damage to internal walls in our villa, the landlord was supposed to send people round today to fix it, so we only popped out locally, cleaned the garden and set it up for the next few days. It's a bit chilly at the moment.

Nothing on the blog this week.

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  1. What a shame your trip to South Africa was so brief. Your old home there looks lovely and that's a beautiful photo with your friends. I hope the walls in your villa get sorted.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. walls all sorted now and a good job done. Had a lovely time with my friends and wish I could've stayed longer

  2. Love your old home in SA...wouldn't mind living there!

    Such a shame the tenants are rejecting the claim. Hope it gets sorted soon.

    Those decorations in the malls are amazing. Much better than the ones we have at our shopping centre!

    1. we really lived this house, very cold though in winter with all that glass. Will find out in the new year about the tenants deposit

  3. That is rubbish that you felt so content in South Africa and had to leave so soon. I am sure when you are back in the UK you'll have plenty to occupy your mind.
    Your old house looks beautiful and the Christmas decorations in The Mall of the Emirates.
    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas x

    1. the old house was stunning, wish we could move back there. They always do such fab decorations here for every event

  4. Shame you didn't have longer in SA. They're some gorgeous decorations.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas and new year.

    1. thank you, Dubai sure do know how to decorate

  5. You can tell I don't travel much these days, I didn't know about wrapping your case, but it certainly seems like a good idea!

    Merry Christmas! :)

    1. I only need to wrap my case leaving South Africa, never had to do it at any other airport

  6. damage to internal walls does not sound good thank goodness you are renting and not bought.
    you sound like you would love to go back to South Africa permanently.
    Glad you enjoyed the carol singers

    1. the carol singers really brightened up my day

  7. I'm glad you got to South Africa, even if was only for the week. Will keep my fingers crossed that arbiration results in a decent amount of money coming back to you for the repairs. I miss Christmas carollers, it's been years since I cam remember having them come to my door #365

    1. no santa on the street this year, but the carol singers are always welcomed. I suspect the most we'll get back for the house is the deposit only

  8. How lovely for you to catch up with your old friends in South Africa. Your old house looks grand. Glad to hear that the transfer of residency arrived. And fingers crossed, the arbitration court will make the tenants pay for the damage and the rubbish they left behind.
    And just look at that huge Christmas tree in the mall!

    1. I won't find out till mid jan how much money I'm getting back from the tenants, but I've requested work starts straight away.

  9. You must have to say goodbye so many times with all of your travelling around, I'm sure it never gets any easier. Good luck with the court case #project365

  10. Sorry you only had a short visit to South Africa, I hope once you are back in the UK you will have plenty to occupy you. Brunch with friends sounds fun, the Christmas decorations look great. Hope you had a lovely Christmas

    1. Brunch with friends on christmas day was lovely

  11. Love your old home in South Africa. I have never been there. Such a shame the tenants are rejecting the claim. I hope you get it sorted soon. Those decorations are amazing, better than the ones we have here. Hope you had a good Christmas x

    1. we too loved that house, it was amazing to live in. Tenants should be sorted soon

