Saturday, 28 December 2019

One daily Positive - Week 52 Christmas

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, whatever you chose to do on the day. It's a normal working week here in Dubai, Peter had Christmas day off and took advantage of the rest of the world being off work to catch up with emails and projects.

I seem to have eaten quite a bit of wheat this week as I ended up with a really bad headache, been craving sugar also. I slept for 8 hours on Thursday and Friday night without medication, normally I can manage 4-6 hours with medication. I really need to get this sorted out.

It's been a little chilly this week also and jumpers and socks have been required when walking the dog.

356 Sunday No sleep again, now keeping a sleep diary for the Doctors in March for my next blood test. Had a tidy round as in putting things away and dusted the shelf in the kitchen, the sand just gets everywhere. I caught up with 2 weeks worth of washing. Went to Dubai Mall to collect Peter's new glasses, drank coffee and blogged, got home and was breathless, fatigued and had chest pain so went to bed. It was an anxiety attack.

357 Monday Off to the Souk Madinat for coffee and then to get me nails done for Christmas, home at midday, went to bed, watched Love Actually. Builders came in the afternoon to sort out the crumbling plaster work and dug away most of the concrete also. Peter was late home so we had dinner and I introduced him to Goggle Box.

358 Tuesday Builders came back to fill in the holes, plastering and painting to be completed. They're not the tidiest of people, seem to assume we all have maids to clean up after us. I was awake at 4am as usual so cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor. The ironing got done and after I'd cleaned up after the builders I went down to spend the afternoon at the beach and after work Peter joined me for dinner. We visited Santa Island at Bluewaters. It's a man made Island. Click here for Before and After Photos of the Island being built.

359 Wednesday Opened presents, had a light breakfast, popped out for coffee, sat in the garden and caught up with facebook messages and a phone call from our dear friends in Germany and chilled out before a Christmas brunch with friends. Walked Bob to see the firework display at the Marina, we can view it all within a few hundred meters of our house. Bob hates being inside when fireworks go off, he needs to be outside and he sat nicely with me for the 10 min display 3 miles away.

360 Thursday Off out to Dubai Festival City for breakfast and pick up some food and citronella candles for outside. Afternoon and evening spent watching TV.

361 Friday I had the start of a headache, but we popped out to our local mall. I took myself off to bed for the afternoon and evening, Peter watched the football, cooked dinner and tidied up. The cat has been in a right mood all week.

362 Saturday The day was spent in bed and enjoying a hot bath using my Christmas bubble baths. Headache still present, but I went out with Peter for an hour, then spent the rest of the day in the garden and was dragged out on a walk by Bob. My anxiety levels were high today as I was ill, it manifested itself with breathlessness and confussion.

363 Sunday I woke up feeling a lot better so popped out to the Mall of the Emirates for a coffee. Christmas decorations are all put away now in the malls and the Dubai Shopping Festival is in full swing. I spent the afternoon in the garden and I booked Peter's UK flight for February, car hire for me, another flight for me in March and paid the council tax for the house, claimed back the council tax from the flat, the water bill and property management fees for the flat. The notifications on Peters phone for the credit card have driven him mad in work.

364 Monday Popped out to pay my friends maid on her behalf, started the process of selling my car and collected the dogs vet book. In the evening Peter and I went to the Marina to view some apartments ready for the next stage of our relocation. Migraine now in full swing.

365 Tuesday Hardly slept, Migraine kept me awake most of the night. Phoned Dr's and requested an paracetamol drip and fluids, also received a tramadol injection in my bum. Was home a few hours later, pain free, but very dozy. Managed to give Bob a bath as he stunk, but that was it for the day. went out on the Palm for New Year to a colleagues of Peters to see the fireworks.We were going to the beach but I don't think i'd have managed the night.

On the blog this week:

Our Christmas in the UK, South Africa and Dubai
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  1. Oh no, that's rubbish you have suffered with a headache after eating wheat and the anxiety attack :( The sleep diary sounds like a good idea.
    The builders don't sound great. They shouldn't just assume you have someone to clean up.
    hehehe! The cats costume did make me chuckle.
    I hope you feel better next week. Happy new year, wishing you all the best for 2020 x

    1. Thank you Kim. I've started writing everything down now to see if I can find a pattern. Happy New Year to you also

  2. It sounds like a tough week, Suzanne, with the sleeplessness, anxiety attacks and headaches. Maybe the sleep diary can help find out the triggers of sleeplessness.
    The builders are jumping to wrong conclusions. Mind you, the builders we had here were as messy and didn't expect us to have a maid. Bless Pushkins, she looks cute in that costume, but not overly enthusiastic about wearing it. Hope the next week is kinder to you. Happy new year!

    1. Pushkins isn't impressed with anything other than food. I'm now writing everything down in the hope I can find a pattern Happy New Year to you also

  3. Sorry to hear about the headache and generally feeling under the weather. How annoying about the untidy builders! Love the grumpy cat photos. Happy new year!

    1. Happy New Year to you also. The cat is always grumpy. All building work now complete

  4. I love the cat's costume! I'd never got one on either my my two though :D

    All the best for 2020! :)

  5. Hope the building work's been completed without too many interruptions, and the headache is gone. I still find it weird to see people celebrating Christmas in warm weather! Happy new year - hope it's a better one for you.

    1. I still find it weird celebrating Christmas in the sun, but at least in Dubai it's the winter season. in South Africa it's actually summer

  6. Love seeing this pics.

  7. Glad the injection and the drips seemed to have help. long may the relief last.
    Have to say tend to find any workmen we have had will ask for a hoover before they leave.
    The cats costume looked weird in the videos you put up.
    Not long now until you are in the UK.
    I have eaten a few more biscuits than I normally do and have suffered for it as well.

    1. the drip and injection hit the migraine dead almost immediately, i fell asleep during the 2 hours

  8. That's quite a busy week. Lovely pictures. Sorry you had to go through the anxiety attacks and migraine.
    Merry Christmas and a happy new year! The fireworks look great

  9. Sorry to hear you ended up not feeling well and with a migraine!

    Pushkins looks cute but not overly impressed!

    Hate builders who are overly messy.

  10. Love the cat costume although he doesn't look too impressed :) Hope the wheat symptoms and migraine calm down and you are able to get some sleep. Happy new year! #project365

    1. The cat is never impressed with anything. New Year was spectacular, glad the migraine went, it ruined last year for me

  11. Sorry to hear that you have been suffering with a migraine. Sounds like you plans are coming on well and that you still managed to celebrate Christmas and New Year. The fireworks sound amazing. Happy New Year wishing you all the best for 2020 x

    1. The fireworks are something out of this world

  12. Sounds like you're really struggling with it all, but hope you're getting somewhere with sorting out a flat over there and everything else. Poor Pushkins - she never looks very impressed with life at Christmas, can't imagine why #365

    1. The cat is never impressed lol. Renting a flat here will be easier now we've looked at a few

  13. Oh no, that's rubbish you have suffered with a headache after eating wheat and the anxiety attack. Not good at all. The diary sounds like a good idea. The cats costume is so funny. Happy New year xx

    1. The cat didn't find the costume funny though

