Wednesday, 5 April 2023

What I'm reading in April 2023

My challenge for 2023 is to read a book a week. 

I'm still ploughing my way through Don Quixote which make take a couple of reads and there is a lot of google searching going on to explore things further. I'm really enjoying the book.

I've selected 4 books this month from the supply on the book shelf in the spare room. A mixture of childhood books, biographies, educational books and a variety of charity shop books that are swopped regular with a few friends and my mum so my supply is endless. I've read one of them already, I plan to finish the other 3 whilst on holiday this week and next.

The student I support in school is a 6th former studying English Literature, next up for reading are The Great Gatsby and Shakespeare's King Lear.

So far this year I've read the following:


Lord of the Flies - William Golding. Re read from O level days

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee. One of those books everyone should read

A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens. Re read from O level days

Off Mice and Men - John Steinbeck. Re read from O level days

Macbeth - Shakespeare. Re read from O level days

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood. Never watched the TV series, but the book was brillant

A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams. One we all think we know till we read it.

Frankenstein - Mary Shelly. The hardest book I've read to date, takes ages to get going through a series of letters.


Three Men in a Boat - Jerome K Jerome. Loved this book so much, a travel guide to the Thames.

Good Eggs - Rebecca Hardiman. Light and easy read.


Pippi Longstockings - Astrid Lindgren. A childhood favourite.

Five on a Treasure Island - Enid Blyton. A childhood favourite.

The Tempest - Shakespeare. Read the summary first to get an understanding of the plot, characters came to life.

Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson. A bit boring, had to persevere.


Agatha Raisin Terrible Tourist - M. C. Beaton. Quick read in a day.

Anything Could Happen - Lucy Diamond. 

Home Truths - Susan Lewis

The Wild Roses - D.B. Carter


  1. You're more than on track with your reading this year. Well done!

    1. I'm several weeks ahead with my reading now

  2. I'm very impressed, especially with you adding in Shakespeare! I didn't enjoy reading Don Quixote but I saw it on stage and loved it. I enjoyed The Handmaid's Tale but have never seen the television series either. I loved reading Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. It's good to see you've added some childhood favourites too.

  3. That is a really good selection, with a lot of classics! I must say I don't read classics as I'm always too tempted by new releases. I tend to average a book a week, with some a bit quicker and one or two significantly slower!

  4. Your really clocking thru them. I loved Lord of the Flies and Handmaids Tale....both brilliant.

