Monday, 9 September 2024

Garden plans for September 2024

Peter is building a compost bin and I've designs for a herb garden.

My father gave me an iron wagon wheel many years ago and it was sitting, forgotten behind a shed in the garden for 20+ years, thankfully the tenants never found out, although one set did nick the ladders and when we dismantled the shed we've been wondering what to do with it.

It's been propped against the fence and whilst it looked decorative, we were worried it could fall and do some damage, especially with the grandchildren in the garden, so we've decided it will be best to have it lying down.

We had some bricks left over from last years building works that have been stored behind the shed also and now the raised beds are finished we're ready to start on the herb garden.

The compost bin needs moving, it's been here for 20+ years and the door has broken, the compost also doesn't breathe in the plastic bin and we need to level this area off to design a new path.

The compost bin is being built using the old shed roof and side panels.

By the time this post was scheduled to be published, Peter had finished the compost bin and had started work on the new path. 


  1. Karen, the next best thing to mummy14 September 2024 at 13:01

    I'm sure your garden will look great when it's finished#pocolo

  2. looking forward to seeing the herb wheel flourish - and those compost bins look a decent size too #PoCoLo

    1. I'm very excited for the herb wheel to be planted

