Monday, 30 September 2024

My Garden in September

We haven't done much to the garden in September, it's just been left to do its own thing. 

Some watering has been needed and a bit of weeding, but otherwise, all has been good.

There seems to be a lot of tidying up to do. Odd projects to finish off and it won't be long before I have to think about getting the garden ready for winter, with wrapping up some of the more delicate plants in fleeces and sorting out space under the covered area for the pots of herbs.

These 3 trees purchased from Gardeners' World back in June will need to be placed under cover, but in a fleece.

The table and chairs were purchased in South Africa and are on their 4th winter in the UK, they all survived 7 years in Dubai, outside all year round in temperatures up to 50c. They have been our best purchase for the garden ever and will hopefully outlive us.

The compost bin has been finished.

The fuchsia and bougainvillea have been moved under cover as the winds have picked up.

The fig tree survived the move to the front of the garden and there have been more fruits than ever this year.

The Thai basil is rowing well out the front also.

The nasturtiums flowered beautifully in the old dustbins this year. I'll be saving the seeds for cooking.

The slugs and snails had a right old feast this year, but the cold frame protected some of the plants.

The tomatoes are still going strong.

Little pots of basil and parsley are dotted around the garden.

The side of the house still remains clear. But there are still parts of the garden that need tidying.

The dumping ground. We're storing old scaffolding planks, parts of the old shed and old pallets on the opposite side of the house that we are slowly using that have been earmarked for jobs. This should be cleared by the end of November.

The contents of the old compost bin has been transferred to the new one and the old plastic bin needs to make its way to the tip. The scaffolding planks will be used to make a retaining wall in the front garden and this soil will be used to level the ground.

The wagon wheel will be set on a circle of bricks and will be planted with herbs.

We visited the Three Counties Autumn Show on the weekend.

Heaviest and wonkiest veg.

World record largest and longest.

And Pumpkins.

Grasses, fern, palm eucalyptus and an apple tree ready for planting.


  1. Gorgeous 🩵

  2. Your garden is looking great, it's wonderful when furniture lasts so long. I think I need to focus more on my front garden, nothing grows in the back so I might try the front instead. I'd love some rose bushes. The garden show looks fun, I bet you had a giggle at some of those vegetables.

    1. we need to get working on the front garden soon

  3. Our garden is always a work in progress! The Three Counties Autumn Show looks fun! I enjoy seeing how your garden is progressing and picking up some tips #pocolo

    1. I'm scouring the internet all the time for ideas with our garden, trying to make it look interesting, there is only so much you can do with a square patch with a fence running round it. I want it grow slowly, not be done all in one go

  4. Those pumpkins with the faces are a mix of spooky and genius- and I’m flitting between the two. The new compost bins look fab though

    1. We're slowly;y filling the new compost bins, so much easier than the old plastic one

