Sunday, 15 September 2024

2024 Week 37 - One Daily Positive, Project 365 and A Selfie a Day.

My plan this week was to spend some time up in my craft room sorting out some crafts to be doing in the evening rather than sitting on my phone scrolling the evening away. I did manage to get a lot tidied and I ended up sorting Halloween gifts and brought some sewing projects downstairs that I've managed to do some work on.

253  Monday Finished setting up the classroom and printing out some resources and had two meetings. The day flew by. Picked up a prescription on the way home. evening spent watching TV, reading and blogging.

Peter met me for a coffee after work.

254  Tuesday I was overrun with students today. Training after work then coffee with a colleague. Evening spent sorting my wardrobe out, sadly looking for winter clothing. Bath and in bed by 9pm.

Anyone else never use their dining room?

255  Wednesday I was cold all day. Finally finished setting up my classroom. Only one student today. Walked part the way home after being dropped off half way to pick up a prescription then out to meet a friend for coffee, slight confusion over timings and I ended up having coffee alone. Caught up with friends in Germany on a WhatsApp call to organise their visit in half term. Home for a bath, watch TV and blog.

256  Thursday Busy day in work. Rearranged coffee date. Home to pack for camping trip. We booked the ferry for a trip to Northern Ireland later in the year.

257  Friday Three meetings in a row and a lot of juggling students, a long day. Camping for the weekend in the Forest of Dean. Peter collected me from work. We set the awning up and had the new gas stove so we could cook a wider range of food. It was cold so an early night.

Tomorrow's jumpers on, it was so cold.

258  Saturday We had a leisurely morning, then picked mum up and took her food a food shop and she bought a couple of birthday gifts for us to deliver. Off to Granddaughters to celebrate her 5th birthday, helped out with a party in the church hall, then back to the house for a BBQ with the out laws.

Grandson dialled in for Happy Birthday sing along. We can't post photos online of granddaughter.

259  Sunday Leisurely morning, packed up and off to Keynsham to visit MIL for the day. Home early evening, unpacked, washing machine on, work bag packed, bath and an early night.

I did some prep for work on the journey.

Books read this week: 

Die Trying - Lee Child

Re-reads for work:

Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens

Lord of the Flies - William Golding

Words written towards book: 0

Clothes bought: 0

On the blog this week: Garden plans for September 

Things that made me happy this week:

Having my own classroom for the first time since 2017, Granddaughters 5th birthday celebrations, camping and happy memories of those no longer with us.

New radiator being fitted in classroom. Last time camping table used was in Kruger National Park. Dad (on left) and his brothers and my gran, all no longer with us, taken on Grans 90th birthday. She would have been 115 on Saturday.

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  1. Good job with organising your craft room.
    We never use our dining room for what it's supposed to be used for although I am trying to nag my family to eat around the table again.
    It sounds like work is keeping you really busy.
    Happy birthday to your granddaughter! x

  2. I am impressed you have kept the selfies up, I struggle to even take a photo some days. Camping in the Forest of Dean sounds fun

    1. Hubby isn't as impressed with my selfie skills

  3. Always nice when things get organised. If this week has been anything to go by, a good radiator in the classroom will be necessary. Our dining room is just our back room - xbox, alternative tv, piano and my work space. We eat at the kitchen table.

    1. I'm sure I'll be very grateful for the radiator soon

  4. Lovely to have a good sort-out and good luck with the sewing projects. Looks like you had a lovely spot for your after-work coffee with Peter. Hope you enjoyed your weekend camping even if it was cold and that your granddaughter enjoyed her 5th birthday party. #project365

    1. We do love the camping. Granddaughters birthday party went really well

