Friday, 31 December 2010

Follow Friday #FF

As many of you know, we are emigrating to South Africa sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. I am hazy with the dates as we are at the mercy of the South African High Commission. We have had 13 weeks since we were asked to move with Hubbies job and in that time we have had the house redecorated, rented it out, sold loads of stuff and the rest is now in transit. The 2 boys are staying with their father and grand mother and hubby and I are dividing our time with our other 3 children, all adults now and family and friends.

I've not been the best tweeter recently and have been asking for lots of help and am aware I've made few replies. Internet use is now restricted to coffee shops and libriaries and neighbours we can bribe for their wep key.

This week I would like to say a big thank you and mention these lovely people on my #FF list

@Adrian_J_S @peterbrowning @CymraesCoch @onerubberband @iaingilmour @chris_swan @stephiemalverns @iflibble @EG75 @LJB41 @scrummycupcake @littlebead @deafdotty @LexxClarke @ethel_godrich @PembDave @LynnCherylEde @design_blah @valbarella @grealis @jobywanuk @littlebead @CaptainTom3 @Amarranth @FrauHopkins @Feroxtrout @thetechrevo @juliebrooke85 @7breaths_ @focusonsally @pennynash @stellian

Some of you I don't even follow but you replied with helpful links and advice for which I am very very grateful.
