Sunday, 7 August 2016

Week 84 - My Sunday Photo - Lyme Regis

It was a glorious day in Lyme Regis yesterday. Peter went out fishing on his friends boat, while us wives wandered around the town and sea front.

As the boat came in, we walked across the beach to the harbour wall, past families and sun bathers to discuss (take the piss) out of the day's catch.

Our time spent on the actual beach was less than 10 minutes, but it was the most stressful 10 minutes I've had in ages. 

Territories were clearly marked, battle lines were drawn, kids were in meltdown, ice creams had been dropped, mums were pinning kids down rubbing sun cream onto sandy skin, prams were being dragged, mums and dads were snarling at one another as they attempted to shield their lunch from seagulls, set up windbreakers and inflate beach balls.

Holidays have always been a nightmare for me, with 5 kids, one of whom is disabled and likes to eat sand and rub it in her eyes, only 2 adults and with 5 kids to supervise, a crowded beach filled me with dread, we've had lifeguards rescue kids from the sea in France and the coast guard out looking for the youngest on Perranporth beach whilst being filmed by BBC Seaside rescue, apparently I didn't show enough emotion over the 2 hour period for them to use any footage.


  1. This is one of my favourite places - not far from us and we go there regularly. You have captured it so well x

    1. thank you, we don't get down there as much as I'd like

  2. Looks like a beautiful place to go and visit! Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

  3. Oh my the seaside rescue escapade sounds terrifying, I love Perranporth beach too. That is a great picture, England at its sunny best xx #mysundayphoto

    1. i was hoping for a bit more rain this trip

  4. Oh my word that looks busy. I hope you had a wonderful day

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Wow thats full of people! Really busy!

    The view and angle of your photo is stunning! Really wouldnt want to bring a child out there as I can foresee a meltdown cuz it crowded.


  6. Lovely picture. The beach experience sounds awful though. I have a hard enough time dealing with 2 kids on a beach so I can only imagine how hard it is with 5! #PoCoLo

    1. thankfully it's been a long time since i've taken the kids on the beach, nowadays they go to the beach on their own

  7. Ha ha ha ha I can just picture the chaotic scene...

    And you not showing emotion enough for BBC to use the footage cracked me up. We are all not dramatic :)

    1. exactly, might have had something to do with me being used to losing this one child quite a bit

  8. I love Lyme Regis, but not sure I'd love the beach like that. I'd be stressed too - thanks for linking to #PoCoLo and btw #hdygg is back - pop over to Annie's, it' really is X

    1. I much prefer the British seaside in the winter

  9. Gosh that does look busy! I hate busy places like that and so does the Hubby so we tend to avoid them. We much prefer somewhere quiet. Thanks for linking to #pocolo (sorry it took me so long to comment!)

