Sunday, 24 July 2016

Week 28/29 One Daily Positive and Project 366 with SnapHappyBritMums

Other than having a record of the past year and a half I'm really starting to question if it's worth my time and effort writing up a post each week, in fact I'm falling out of love with blogging in general. I just feel my life is on repeat at the moment and I'm just writing the same type of blog posts about life as an expat and travel.

On the blog
#MySundayPhoto We saw the Queen
#AnimalTales Day Safari at Kruger National Park and Fostering a Pit Bull
#HDYGG Driving from Germany, through Austria to Italy and Kruger National Park
#PoCoLo Supporting vulnerable children in South Africa 

In the past 2 weeks I've been in 6 countries, in fact I managed that in one week. From South Africa, Dubai, UK, Germany, Austria and into Italy. I've been visiting friends, Peter is joining me on Monday and we're heading off to Manchester to visit family and Leeds to collect child 3 of 5, before heading off back to South Wales, Gloucester, Bath and finally to Lyme Regis where I can add travel by boat to the 5 flights I've already taken and the miles I've walked on foot, traveled on train, buses, taxi's and cars.

Day 192 #Brilliant Kruger National Park.

Day 193 #Yellow Dinner with hubby in Dubai after a paddle in the sea.

Day 194 #OpenWindow Leaving Dubai.

Day 195 #Mum London with child 4 of 5.

Day 196 #Toy St Albans.

Day 197 #school Cat sitting is hard work.

Day 198 #Exercise Enjoying being outdoors.

Day 199 #Stripes The sky in Italy.

Day 200 #LookingUp A maypole in Munich.

Day 201 #TheLetterM Munich.

Day 202 #ImDoing Drinking coffee in Germany.

Day 203 #Treat Drinking coffee in St Albans.

Day 204 #Holiday Traveling to South Wales.

Day 205 #ImReading On the train.


  1. An action packed week for you. Hope you are getting some rest too.

  2. Fabulous photos! You really have travelled some serious distances over the past couple of weeks. It's amazing to see how different all the countries are. (I know what you mean about blogging a bit too, I'm not loving it quite as much as I used to, which is such a shame.)

    1. we're in and around the south west for the rest of our stay now

  3. That's a lot of travelling in such a short space, no wonder you don't feel like blogging, you be exhausted. Though I'm also lacking in motivation, especially with the photo diary. Maybe we should have a short break from blogging. The blue bird looks amazing. Love the Munich rooftops too

    1. I've given up now on blogging other than HDYGG Animal Tales and Project 366 for the time being

  4. good grief woman you get around. Love the colour of the buildings in Germany. That looks like a big bag to be humping everywhere.

    1. the suit case came to London and stayed there when I went to visit Germany, then was lugged to Birmingham to meet hubby where we collected car hire

  5. That is a serious amount of traveling! Hoping you're getting a rest in soon? And beautiful bird on the first shot. *thumbs up* coffee and coffee!

    1. currently relaxing in Malvern for a few days

