Sunday 21 January 2018

Dubai Frame

Continuing the theme of buildings for My Sunday Photo this year, here's a new one, opened on January 1st 2018.

The Dubai Frame.

Seen from most locations in Dubai, separating the Old and the New. The frame is lit at night, changing colours through red, green, blue and yellow.

Open Sunday to Saturday 10am till 7pm although there is a ticket allocation for each day, so may close earlier when allocation is used. Entry fee is only 50 AED and they serve coffee at the top.

The frame is 150 meters tall and 93 meters wide offering a 360 degree view with Old Dubai to the north and New Dubai to the South.

On exiting the lift the guide tells you not to run or jump on the glass floor, the child in me wanted to ignore her, especially as it was something I was encouraged to do up the CN Tower in 2015 where I was 342 meters above the ground.

Old Dubai

New Dubai


  1. Hi Suzanne, what a interesting looking building. In fact in your top photo I did think it was just a phot frame cleverly photographed. I'm not sure I would venture inside if it has glass floors though. There is a shop here with glass sections of flooring and I can't bring myself to walk over those!


    1. it was a fab place to visit and i'm sure we'll be going there again with the next set of visitors

  2. I imagine there are amazing images to be taken from a distance with a powerful lens through the Dubai Frame. Fascinating how it splits old and new Dubai. #MySundayPhoto

    1. I really must get me grown up camera out and take it out and about with me, but that would mean investing in a new bag for it first

  3. What a fabulously quirky building and amazing view!

    1. it's great, just another in the long line of new building s coming up in dubai

  4. What an interesting building. They never seem to stop with the unique designs in Dubai

    Thank you for linking up

    1. there are so many more being built as well as so many other interesting designs here

  5. Such a clever idea of modern building and wow to that view!

  6. I'll have to go see this next time we're there. I remember visiting in 2002 when it was 90% old city. 16 years on it's changed so much!

    1. the landscape has changed so much in the past 3 years since we've been here, i doubt you'd recognise it now

  7. Wow! There is some amazing sights in Dubai. That is such an interesting building. I would have been tempted to jump on the glass floor too x

    1. kids were running up and down, the staff were going mad trying to stop them lol

  8. That does look impressive, I'm going to have to get back there one day to see all these new buildings #MySundayPhoto

    1. they seem to work on the theory here 'build it and they will come'

  9. Suzanne, all the Dubai shots will look great on large canvas prints just like here

  10. That is such a great view. What an interesting perspective and fab shot xx #mysundayphoto

  11. That looks like a fascinating structure. Love how you get such a good view of Old Dubai and new Dubai. I'm not sure I would be brave enough to walk across the glass floor though!

    1. the glass floor was a doddle, the lift was a challenge for me

