Saturday 6 January 2018

One Daily Positive Week 1 2018

Happy New Year and hoping 2018 brings happiness and good health to everyone.

It was hard work keeping up with family and friends around the world waiting to wish them all a Happy New Year, with child 3 and 3a in Australia celebrating 5pm UK time, the Middle East where we celebrated at 8pm and child 4 at 9pm and of course the rest of the family in the UK where it was 11am in Australia, then by the time I woke up on New Years Day, family and friends in America and Canada were still in 2017. Told you it was complicated.

I'm hopefully not going to dwell on 2017 to much. It seems strange to say 'my father now died last year' time really does march on and I don't want to end up sounding like one of these people who can't let go of the past (don't tell that to Peter though, it'll spoil a good row) Life's events shape and change us, some good, some not so.

I've started 2018 with a garden project, we designed and paid a team of people to do all the hard work. I'm also waiting for the results from various scans and tests to find out why I've been so ill in 2017, my health wasn't good before my father died and I put off sorting it all out until a) I was ready b) I was back in Dubai for a period of time to be able to sort it all out and c) I had to wait for medical aid approval.

We've got 3 weddings and a medal parade to look forward to in 2018 all in the UK, hopefully we'll fit in some time for some travel further afield also.

So onwards and upwards and here's my week in photos, without photo prompts for the first time in 3 years. Let's see how it goes and hopefully I'll remember to take the pictures.

Day 1 Monday 1st January
Happy New Year from Dubai. Popped out for breakfast and got distracted by the sales and of course bought stuff we don't need. I cooked a roast dinner for New Year's Day, becoming a bit of a tradition now for us now. Of course #BobTheDog and #Pushkins had their share. The rest of the day was spent watching TV and chilling out with a few drinks.

Day 2 Tuesday 2nd
Spent a couple of hours rearranging the lounge, we moved in just before Christmas and now the decorations have been put away and Peter has returned to work, I took the opportunity to make the most of the space without the tree in place. The workmen returned to landscape the garden and I took Bob to an indoor play centre for a run around. I spent the afternoon writing letters and drinking rose tea.

Day 3 Wednesday 3rd
A morning of hospital appointments, blood tests and chest X-rays. Lung function tests came back ok, but my bone density tests showed low levels and my blood tests returned high White Blood Cell counts again. This has been going on since June and the Doctor has no idea what type of infection I have and where it is. The pneumonia has cleared up, but there's obviously something else going on, so more antibiotics and back in 10 days for further bloods. I'm in a bad mood. I still have resolved the issues with the electricity and water board in regards to a refund. Bob spent the day in day care and had a bath. I metaphorically wanted to jump off the roof of the Mall of Emirates today, after, the icing on the cake, I forgot where I parked my car.

Day 4 Thursday 4th
I'm so tired, spent the morning sorting out computer problems with the hard drive, then took myself off for a coffee and to the nail bar. I felt much better when I got home and cleaned the house and prepped dinner, then treated myself to a blend of rose tea in the garden.

Day 5 Friday 5th
A visit to Jumeriah Beach for a coffee in the morning. Not a good day for me, spent most of it sleeping in the afternoon and generally being miserable.

Day 6 Saturday 6th
Out for coffee and a walk round the mall, followed by an afternoon sorting the garden, including assembling the umbrella. Just a fence to erect and some planting to do.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo N is for New Year. A look back over 2017 in photos and my favourite picture of the year.
My favourite blog posts of 2017


  1. It must be so hard keeping up with all the time zones that you need too...Eek!
    It sounds like you have some great plans for this year...Good luck!
    Sending hugs. I hope you get to the bottom of your health issues soon. x

    1. yes the timezones were a nightmare, hopefully next year won't be as bad. fingers crossed we get the results about my health by the end of the month

  2. I really hope your health problems get sorted out soon. It must be horrible to have been feeling rough for so long.

    1. I've suffered with chronic pain in my nexk for 24 years after an accident, so i'm just adding this health issue to the long list of long standing problems and not letting it affect what i do on a daily basis, but it is all starting to get me down now

  3. The health problems sound really annoying, and so disappointing you still don't have an answer.
    If I park my car I always park it near say a sign or in front of a particular shop as I struggle to find mine again as well, glad you did not throw yourself off the roof. Great view from up there.

    1. normally i take a photo of where i'm parked but i was in such a foul mood when i got there and i didn't even pay attention to which stores where there at the door i entered through

  4. Looks like the garden's going to be a lovely place to sit out and relax. Annoying about the results. Hope you get some answers soon

    1. just need to get the fence put up next for some privacy and i will enjoy sitting out in the garden some more

  5. Sounds like a tough week. The health issues must get you down when they have been going on so long. Hope the doctors find some answers soon.

  6. The garden is really coming together, so much better than when you moved in isn't it. I still wish I was sat there enjoying that rose tea with you. Lots of good things to look forward to this year Suzanne, lets hope they finally get your health sorted too. Will definitely need to sort out a catch up when yuo are over. I'm planning on celebrating the big birthday all year :) #365

    1. you're welcome here for rose tea anytime Mary. garden almost finished now, just the fence to go up this weekend

  7. I've read that first paragraph three times and I still can't get my head around it - you are right very complicated! Sounds like a tough week but hopefully it will improve - I think your garden will be lovely!

    1. It's really hard when the clocks change in the UK also and they don't here, my mum finds it hard to remember when she can and can't phone

  8. The garden looks lovely. Do you have to water the plants several times a day in the heat though?! #365

    1. not during the winter as the water doesn't evaporate and the flowers can drown, in the summer it's little and often

  9. I love the garden. Very nice. What a tough sounding week. Hope you get the health sorted soon xx #365

    1. thank you, having a fence erected this weekend

  10. I hate travelling through time zones! Love that tea set though! #365

    1. thanks the tea set was a gift from my friend when i left south africa

  11. You must be so fed up of the countless tests but I hope the next lot of blood makes it all clear. Happy new year to you all Suzanne, hope it's a fab year for you all x

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Oh I hope they can work out your health issues. A resolution would be good for you! Bob and Pushkins are too cute, those faces :)

    1. thank you, Bob and Pushkins certainly provide me with lots of entertainment

  14. I hope you get some answers about your health soon. It's always stressful when they can't work it out!

    Your new home looks lovely.

    1. thank you, i'm really enjoying the new home and the dr's couldn't be any kinder if they tried, i'm very impressed with the service over here

  15. I love the set up of your rose tea photo. Looking forward to finding out more about you during #project365

    1. Thank you, I think 2018 will be an eventful year all round

  16. That's a lot of people and a lot of different times to keep up with!! I hope you get some answers with regard to your health shortly, my dad was rushed to hospital twice before Christmas with an infection but they had no idea what or where, just gave him lots on antibiotics! Wishing you a very Happy 2018 x

  17. I'm sorry that you had a bit of a tough week - I hope things have been a bit better since. I think I'm going to really enjoy looking at your project 365 - seeing how life is in Dubai! A close friend of mine moved to Dubai (in the same sort of area as you I think!) in 2016 and I love heraring about her life there - it sounds like a great place to live.

    1. it is a great place to live, but I've had enough now and I'm ready to come home

