Sunday 26 July 2020

One Daily Positive - Week 30 Meeting up with Peter

My whole life is all or nothing. After being apart from Peter since March 24th, we both got permission to travel in and out of Dubai, so I quickly arranged house/pet sitters to fly out to Dubai on August 18th for 3 weeks as I need to renew my visa, but first Peter arrived at Heathrow on Thursday and flies back on the 14th.

Peter and I will be isolating for 2 weeks. I will however still be walking the dog, but close to home. We've been social distancing on walks with Bob since we got him. As Peter hasn't been in the UK since February, we've decided to have social distanced garden visits with family and friends if they are comfortable with visiting us.

To do list:
Sort paperwork
Write up address book
Wash dog
Clean the windows, every one is covered in cat snot

201 Sunday Early start to the retail park to stock up on mums toiletries for the next 2-3 months ahead of her going home next week. I had a mini meltdown with lack of social distancing, regrouped in a coffee shop as it was empty then headed back out to the shops. Even popped into Next to pick up a few basic items, most of my clothes I brought with me are either threadbare or covered in paint and garden stains now. Dropped some flowers with a friend who has a family funeral tomorrow. I mowed the lawns, cleaned half the windows and cooked a roast and did a load of washing also, Bob had a walk, wasn't happy that it was only 20 mins instead of half the day.

202 Monday Spent the day in Monmouth looking after the twins and creating a mud kitchen, gardening and making space for their mum and dad to relax in. Both parents are working full time from home, with 3 year old twins, it's not easy. Peter finally got permission to return to Dubai after his flight to the UK.

203 Tuesday Dr's at 9.20am for blood tests. When I moved the furniture from the flat to the house, I had the double bed assembled in the guest room, thinking our bed would arrive in May, seeing as it's likely to be May 2021 now before it arrives, I spent the afternoon dismantling the double and the single and swopping room so I can have the 'big bed' to sleep in. Due to Peter's unexpected visit, mum and I have had to rethink her visit. She was due to go home next Tuesday, but wanted to see Peter and then isolate for 9 days at home, but we decided she should go home tomorrow and at least she'll be able to go out for walks. I assembled a wooden swing in the garden ready for our grandchild's visit on the weekend.

204 Took mum home via a visit to the bank. I then did a 2 week food shop for her, before the online shopping resumes. Home late, brought the washing in, walked Bob and to bed. This is the 2nd Covid test I've been sent for research purposes.

205 Thursday Got the car cleaned, collected the Tesco order, washed and put everything away. walked Bob, cleaned the house and then drove to Heathrow for 7pm to collect Peter who is here for the next 3 weeks. I drove the long route up the M5, M42, M40, M25 and M4 to Heathrow, parked at T3, which was closed and paid £4.50 to get back out, the trip took me 2 hours. Drove back the 'quick' route. Speed restrictions on the M4, the A419 through Swindon was closed, the entry lane to the M5 was shut at Gloucester and the M50 was closed also, the trip home took 4 hours.

206 Friday A lazy start to the day, full English breakfast, watched TV and just pottered around. Debbie joined us in the evening for chips and wine in the garden. Phone consultation with GP, he wants me to start a course of iron tablets despite me telling him I have an absorption problem and they haven't worked in the past, neither did iron infusions, he's referring my bone marrow biopsy results to a haematologist.
I now have a fully working kitchen tap and a sink that drains properly.

207 Saturday My Covid test came back negative. We made a list of the jobs needing doing around the house and order the tools and items needed to get them done. Child 2, 2a and 2b came round for the afternoon/evening. We adhered to social distancing outside apart from 30 mins in the dining room to eat with the outside door open.

On the blog this week:
My Sunday Photo - Why is this George V post box painted green?

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  1. How lovely to see Peter again! The little swing for your grandchild is so cute. It must have been frustrating to take the bed apart and rebuild it. Your friend must have really appreciated your help with the twins. It must be so hard working full time with two 3 year olds at home.

    1. My friend is loving her new garden, she really needed a break. The swing is so lovely

  2. I am so happy for you and Peter. It must be so nice to be together again.
    How lovely to do a bit of work in the garden. The mud kitchen sounds like it will be fun and the new swing looks fab. x

    1. The twins have been in the garden almost everyday, they've been disappointed not to find me in there lol

  3. Awww how lovely to have Peter home for a while. Even better if you can catch up with people that he hasn't seen for ages. It's a shame your mum missed out on seeing him, but I totally agree with your logic. I hope you get everything sorted out at the doctor's. Why are you getting so many Covid tests through the post ?! :)

    1. The covid tests through the post are part of a research test I was selected for

  4. I must admit I miss the little things like a mud kitchen and swings from when the boys were younger. Glad your COVID test came back clear isolation can be a right pain!

    1. We never had things like this when my kids were little, they just had mud and outside toys

  5. So nice that you have been reunited with Peter.

    The mud kitchen sounds fun...I never made one with the girls.

    1. My kids made their own, just with anything and everywhere in the garden lol

  6. I'm so glad that Peter and you are re-united after such a long time. Hope you have a lovely time together. A mud kitchen and a swing will be much appreciated by the little people. I bet your friends were delighted with your help with the twins.
    The doctor's advice doesn't sound very useful, they don't often listen to what you tell them, do they?

    1. I'll be seeing my gp back in Dubai when I can for an update. It's really strange having Peter around after so long apart

  7. Bet it's so nice that Peter's able to come over, and you're heading back too. Certainly a lot of logistics and people to coordinate with trying to see everyone safely. Hope you get some info back from the tests

    1. My life is always complicated, nothing I do ever involves just me

  8. a mud kitchen sounds like a lot of fun, nice to be able to help out the parents even if it is for a while.
    Glad you have Peter for a while and to extend that by going back will be a great tonic for you.
    My dog seems to think she has the right to a long walk every day as well.

    1. I really enjoyed making the mud kitchen, lots of ideas for when our grandchild is older

  9. So lovely for you to be reunited with Peter again although the trip there and back to pick him up sounded stressful. Lack of social distancing in shops drives me mad – I avoid them now as much as possible. Love the mud kitchen – hope the twins had fun. Glad the Covid test was negative. Looks like you had a lovely family dinner. #project366

    1. It's been a lovely visit with Peter, hopefully it won't be as long before our next meet up

  10. How lovely that Pete is home. The social distancing in shops (or lack of it), drives me insane but glad you managed to regroup and get what you need

    1. I keep returning to my car after each shop and I tend to only visit 2-3 max each shopping trip

  11. I think its fab you two have been reunited. Your smile says it all! What a great idea making a mud kitchen. Gardens are a great space to pass the time these days. I feel safer in them than out in the shops.

  12. You must be so happy to reunite with Peter! and how lovely to have other visitors after you've had so much time on your own. I hope the doctors find some answers for your iron issues. #project366

    1. Thank you, no response from Dr's other than no change with test results, which is frustrating as normal

  13. Awwww ever so glad Peter could make it home to you and everyone else! Shame about the journey taking double time though :( However... he is home! Hope your mum is ok, sounds like she is well stocked up bless her!
    I don't envy you having to clean the windows of animal snot, I used to have to do that all the time as our dog would sit in the window and watch the world go by! Hope you are well and enjoying your time together! Make sure you have left some jobs for Peter to do! ;) Sim x

    1. Plenty of jobs for Peter to be doing around the house and garden

  14. That's quite a busy week. OoooO cool to sign up for research. So nice to see you and Peter together after so long. Great that you test came out negative

  15. How nice for you both to be together again and that you can return to Dubai. I am not good with shops at the moment I don't understand why so many people seem so incapable of being aware of others. Hope you've had a lovely week.

    1. With mum styaing and now Peter here I find i've been sent to the shops more often than I'd like to be going esp with other people's lack of social distancing

  16. It must be lovely for you both to be back together again and great for Peter to be able to catch up with family and friends. Glad the second test was negative too.

    1. We've had a lovely time together seeing the family

