Sunday, 26 September 2021

Week 38 One Daily Positive and Project 365

Making the most of the weather and being outdoors, eating breakfast and BBQ'ing. Lots of family time this week, lots of small jobs done around the house.

Blogs views and comments have dropped off, I've done nothing different other than rejoin this group, but at least my DA score hasn't altered (yet).

My chronic pain has flared up again but I'm putting it down to the driving done this week, thankfully no migraines as I'm managing a strict diet which seems to be helping.

261 Off to Edgbaston to the cricket for a mornings work then over to see our grandchild for their 2nd birthday with child 2 and his wife's family and a BBQ. 4 generations. Grandchild, son, MIL, hubby.

262 A lazy morning, an overseas call from a friend and video call with our grandchild. A food shop, roast lunch, dog walk and TV. Screen shot of our grandchild with the play kitchen hubby made.

263 Hubby went to buy wood £190 to make a headboard. We took the car down with the dog, had a coffee together, then Bob and I walked home. Afternoon spent making Christmas cards.

264 I caught the train into Worcester while hubby stayed home to await his order from Amazon. I didn't realise just how many Tudor buildings there were in Worcester.

265 Off to Gloucester to visit child 1 and take her out for the day to see MIL, niece and Great Nephew. We covered the front seat with her jumper to stop her scratching at the material.

266 Dog walk to the GP to collect proof of vaccination letter, confirmed colour of kitchen doors and home to blog, watch TV and do the washing.

267 Spent the day with a friends in the Forest of Dean and Monmouth. Got conned into going on the trampoline with the twins.

On the blog this week:

The importance of wearing your socks correctly with a disability

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  1. It sounds like a lovely week with some fantastic family time. You are organised for Christmas. I haven't even thought about it yet, never mind Christmas cards. x

  2. Lovely to see you on the trampoline, such fun! Sounds like you had a lovely time with your family. Several generations together, that's wonderful. I haven't even started thinking about Christmas. The Tudor buildings are so striking. Hope your pain gets under control.

    1. I've never appreciated everything Worcester has to offer before

  3. Nice to have lots of family time this weekn. I've had a drop off this week of views too. Surprised as usually September is when Christmas content starts building up.

    1. Always great to spend time with the family, still not hugging though

  4. You are not alone with the reduction in views mine is the lowest it has been for a long time. I am wondering if it is the google update everyone was talking about. Sounds like a great week seeing family. Very impressed you are already making Christmas cards, I haven't even thought about it yet.

    1. I've got some travel coming up with a new grandchild so getting some things done early out the way

  5. I have found my blog has dropped again, I think people are getting back to normal and seem so much busier. Those buildings in Worcester are gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better soon

    1. Thank you, I just need to sort my diet back out

  6. Sorry to hear that the chronic pain has flared up, hope that eases off again soon. Lovely photo of 4 generations together. You’re very organised with making Christmas cards! I usually don’t even start to think about Christmas until the start of November! I love that you got on the trampoline with the twins. It looks like fun. #project365

  7. I think blog traffic, linkies and groups are all struggling at the moment as Tiktok reigns supreme! I'm hoping to get creative again soon but not sure I'll find time to make Christmas cards. #pproject365

    1. I'm hoping after FB blackout that numbers will go back up with blogging

  8. I have a drop in views too, I didn't really there was another Google update just saw it in the comments, might explain things.

    Ive never been to Worcester looks really pretty. I do love a tudor building!

    1. I've never really explored worcester until now

