Thursday 30 September 2021

My English September Garden

There hasn't been a lot of work done in the garden this month, lawns mowed but apart from that we've been using the garden to just relax in. Peter has been making a headboard and we've been eating outside where and when possible as our dining room is full of boxes that won't be unpacked until the new kitchen and extension is complete. 

We've had the odd few wet days, but I can take my tea and my phone and sit in the shed to get some fresh air, even better now there's a light in there.

Winter seeds in.

I did this last year in November before returning to Dubai and in January I had a knotted mess of sweet peas, beans and peas. As I'm not going away this winter, I've sown some cornflour, cauliflower, cabbage and other flower seeds that I've collected from plants out and about.

Cat and dog loving the September sun.

If I'm outside, they're never far away.

Contemplating getting chickens.

We used to keep chickens hence my social media name - Chickenruby. I'd love to get some more, but with the cat and the dog, I'm not sure it would be a good idea for now.

Greenhouse closed for the first night, Bay and Olive trees will be fleece wrapped soon.

I'm having to remember to open/close and water inside the green house, cloche and cold frame now.

Scaffolding planks ready for making the base for the new shed.

Vulnerable plants in the cold frame.

Gathered all the pots together where they're sheltered from the winter weather.

Bargain buy cloche for £5 from Wilko.

Relocated the tomatoes to the sun.

Pinched out the leaves and reducing the watering.

Pumpkins grown from last years shop bought one. I was late sowing them but hopeful for something.

Breakfast in the garden.

Finally got a light fitted in the shed.

A day out at RHS Malvern Show.

Bright blue skies.

Working in the garden.


Garden visitor. 

I've repurposed the cats old flight box in case it wants to make a home in it.

Octobers plans:
Move all plants and hope for the best to make way for new shed, everything will be planted into the front garden and then moved again in the spring.
No idea if it'll work, we'll just have to try it and see, wish me luck.

How's your garden been this month?


  1. we regularly get a passing hedgehog, maybe more than one they all look alike to me. Hubby has built a hedgehog house so hoping it will be occupied next year.

    1. I don't think this one has moved in, but maybe next year

  2. Love that photo of your snoozing dog!
    I canned 18 pints of beets yesterday, and with that, I think my canning is done for 2021!

    1. wow that's a lot of beets, I've only managed to grow 1 beet

  3. I would love chickens too be amazing getting fresh eggs x #pocolo

  4. I haven't done much in the garden either. I hope we have a few more sunny days before it gets really cold. I have still been sitting out in the garden on a morning, I've just had to put my dressing gown on as there's a chill in the air.
    Ohh! Chickens sound like fun but like you said not a great idea with your cat and dog. x

    1. No more sitting outside for me, but I do sit in the shed now we have a light in there

  5. Looking good - and so nice to be able to sit and enjoy the garden too #PoCoLo

