Saturday, 27 August 2022

Week 34 - One Daily Positive and Project 365

Our mortgage came to an end this month. We'd lowered the payments a few years ago to keep a credit history in the UK while we lived abroad, then sort of forgot about it until we got a letter just before we went away to say there were only 2 payments lefts. 

We've had a packed last week in Australia, but plenty of down time and a lot of sleep.

231 Saturday We drove down early to Byron Bay for the day, the surf was hectic and made swimming impossible but I still went in the sea. We had lunch on a roof top bar then drove up to the lighthouse and were lucky enough to see a whale breaching, however we couldn't stop due to lack of parking. Evening spent in the accommodation and I enjoyed time in the spa and heated pool.

232 Sunday A leisurely morning stroll with coffee through the park then caught up with all my blog reading, sharing and commenting. it does annoy me that I leave more comments than I ever receive especially for the linky I co host each week. We packed once child 3 woke and after packing the car drove up into the Hinterlands to explore before flying back to Sydney at 8pm.

2 days later a whale was caught in the shark nets.

233 Monday A long day, we caught the bus to Coogee Beach and walked the coast to Bondi Beach before catching a bus and train back. The walk was 90 minutes but we stopped for coffee, lunch and to look in every rock pool and it took us 4 hours.

Bondi LifeGuard hut being refurbished.

234 Tuesday Train into Sydney for the day to walk around the city. A glorious morning until 2pm then temperatures dropped and the rain came down, we even had some sleet.

It's not just the wildlife that can harm you.

235 Wednesday We explored Darling Harbour, reaching it by bus and spent a couple of hours in the SeaLife Centre.

View from the train.

236 Thursday Back to Darling to visit the Wildlife park and see the koalas.

237 Friday A day at a local mall and dinner out in the evening in Darling Harbour.

On the blog this week:

Did I tell you about the time I worked at a funeral directors?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. How nice to see the koalas. I found the same with the linky. I'd comment on quite a few posts, and would only get comment from yourself/Steph. I think people just want the link now and not to actually take part

    1. We'll have to rethink the linky, it's a common theme I'm hearing

  2. Congrats on paying all of your mortgage off.
    That pool looks amazing and the beaches look fantastic.
    It is such a shame that people don't comment back on the PoCoLo linky. I'm sorry but that's why I stopped joining in with it every week. I would only ever get comments from you and Stephanie despite commenting on most of the other posts linked up.
    Aww! The koala is so cute.

  3. Koala's are so cute! That beach is stunning...would love to just walk along it!

  4. It must be so lovely to be mortgage free, we can only dream. I would love to see a Koala, such cute animals

  5. Love your pics of Oz. Mortgage complete, yay! #project365

  6. How nice to have finished paying off the mortgage. Sounds like you had a lovely last week in Australia. The beach and swimming pool both look very inviting. What a gorgeous view of Sydney Harbour from the train. Love the photo of the koala. #project365

