Thursday, 18 August 2022

My English August Garden.

Are you still having heat wave?

We're over in Australia where it is winter, but it's like a typical English summer. 

We've left our garden unattented with no requests to water or anything as I feel it will be a pointless exercise.

Our Bougainvillaea hedge (to be) thrives in dry and warm/hot conditions and everything else will come back eventually, but I'm not holding out too much luck for the lawn, at least I won't have to mow it on our return.

How's your garden growing?


Don't expect the lawn to survive much longer

Tomatoes, chillis, peppers and chard

Expect these sunflowers will be in full bloom soon

Peas and beans


  1. The heatwave is over thank goodness but it's still pretty warm. We had rain and my garden needed it, especially the grass. I hope your garden survives until you are back from your travels. I hope you are having a wonderful time. x

    1. we're enjoying ourselves too much to worry about the garden now lol

  2. Thanks so much for the garden tour! Your sunflowers will be stunning!

  3. I'm not a gardener but I've given up on my lawn. Its a goner. Visiting from New England in the US. Hot AF here #pocolo

    1. Apparently it has been raining now in the UK, so hopefully all will be good

  4. Ah! You have such a lovely garden. I will be waiting for your sunflower. My garden is blooming too and m waiting for my peonies. I have bought a whole bunch of Idel Mosaic Flowrboxes. These pretty boxes have added a charm to my terrace garden. You can give them a try. Maybe for your next bunch of sunflowers?

  5. This looks like a very peaceful garden. I have my neighbors terrace right above my garden and it's making me crazy. She's nice but she talks all day. Wish some day we'll have one like yours, it really looks beautiful :)

