Monday, 22 January 2024

My childhood teddy - Snowy.

June from FancyingFrance linked up to #pocolo a link I co host with Stephanie from BosworthLife with Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

Meet Snowy.

I was given Snowy by my Aunt in America in 1972 for my 1st birthday. 

I can't remember a time that Snowy wasn't part of my life.

Snowy currently lives in our grandchildren's bedroom.

Snowy has lived with me in Wales, the Midlands, Yorkshire, back in the Midlands, he went to live in South Africa, then Dubai and is back now in the Midlands.

Do you still have any toys from your childhood?


  1. How wonderful that you still have something like this from your childhood.
    I had a few teddies from my childhood that my mum threw out when I moved out of the family home. She wasn't a sentimental person which is such a shame. x

    1. Lots of my stuff was thrown away when I left home if no one else wanted it

  2. so, cute!!! I have a lion soft toy since I was 9 years old. my teenage daughter now as it

  3. Oh I love Snowy and he's had such a good life. I don't really have anything from my childhood but I have a doll that was my Mum's. I've never really been a doll person and I was going to sell it, but I fell in love and now she sits on my dressing table. My Mum passed 15 years ago.

    1. Lovely that you've kept something which holds such lovely memories

  4. What a wonderful companion snowy is.

  5. I love Snowy; what a gorgeous bear he is! I'm pleased my Bloganuary prompt encouraged you to write about Snowy 😘 #pocolo

