Monday, 8 December 2014

My Sunday Photo - Race for Dubai

I've been torn this week with #mysundayphoto. Our furniture has been packed and is on it's way to Dubai, we spent Saturday at the Alaskan Informal settlement in Mamelodi saying emotional goodbyes to the Viva staff and children and today at Sun City at the Nedbank Golf Challenge.
Today was something different for me, a break from the norm. We've spent 3 months preparing for our move from South Africa to Dubai. I spend my, none paid, working week in various facilities in townships so I thought I'd post a picture of Danny Willet winning the Nedbank Golf Challenge on the Gary Player course  in South Africa as this match marks the #RaceForDubai which I thought quite ironic  considering next year, we'll be living in Dubai and will probably be at that tournament cheering Willet on. 


  1. looks a nice day out watching the golf

  2. What a great shot, I always enjoy little coincidences like this!

    1. we were in Dubai 2 weeks ago when the golf was on there, unfortunately we didn't get time to go as we were house hunting, but next year we'll be there for sure

  3. What a great photo and I love the story that's with it. You two are almost mirroring each others journey

    Thank you for linking up

    1. well we are here now in dubai and ready for action

