Saturday, 6 February 2016

Week 5 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

Not a good week health wise, but a great week for the weather, sadly I've not been able to take advantage of the cooler days and evenings, but the garden is doing well and seeds are germinating. Hubby is away next week, he's taking back gifts for family and friends, birthdays, mother's and father's day, up until the end of June. I felt much better on Saturday and cycled to the Burj Al Arab for an ice-cream and to watch the Dubai Cycle Tour. I also made up some new curtains for the kitchen with material we bought from IKEA on Friday, we had our first row trying to get into the car park and walked around the store in silence.

Sunday Day 31 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎project366‬ this is the only photo I've taken all day other than 'my month of mornings' which will have to wait till tomorrow now for posting. I've had a stinking cold all day and the threat of a migraine hanging over me. I've spent all evening on the internet which hasn't helped either. I decided it was a 'no work at home night' I've written blog posts, watched Harry Potter, read and commented on linkys and I painted my toe nails and had a soak in the bath. Safely tucked up in bed with tablets and a wheat pillow. My Sunday Photo was the World Record LED display on the Burj Khalifa.

Monday Day 32 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎project366‬ late with posting but photos were taken on the day. Home from work early with a migraine, hubby cooked dinner, fetched me plenty of drink and looked after me.

Tuesday Day 33 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎project366‬ the migraine and flu required a trip to the hospital in the evening to spend an hour or so hooked up on a drip as I was in severe pain and could no longer manage the pain. The cat seemed to know I was poorly and didn't leave my side all day. Animal Tales this week is about the advice we were given when camping in the wild in Canada on what to do if we saw a bear.

Wednesday Day 34 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎project366‬ spent most of the morning sleeping before nipping into work for a couple of hours to get next weeks planning done, the cat was pleased to see me back home and lovely to have her want to be with me even after she'd been fed.

Thursday Day 35 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎project366‬ feeling sad today, it's our daughters 28th birthday, our nieces 24th birthday, and there are various other family birthdays on the horizon, it's days like these that I regret our decision to leave the UK. The only positive I can get right now is that Peter is in the UK with work in 2 weeks and will get to visit the family on our behalf, today's photo is the Al Wasl Road, I'm grateful for the fact it's warm and safe here in Dubai to walk Bob, alone at night.
HDYGG? January in the garden, the seeds are germinating and bulbs finally peeking through the soil/sand. 

Friday Day 36 #onedailypositive #project366 the weather is perfect in Dubai right now to spend as much time as possible outdoors. I have coffee, bacon butty, a pile of magazines to read and a gardening book to consult. Later on we're off shopping to spend some of my first pay check on a garden table for outside the back door and some more plants for the garden. I blogged today but how it feels to have an adult child in care 1000's of miles away and the self imposed guilt, which Mumsnet featured as their blog of the day.

Saturday Day 37 #onedailypositive #project366 We visited a garden centre today to get some ideas and I've created a little corner of happiness with the gazebo, lights and scatter cushions, that we already had so I can sit outside in the late afternoon with some shelter from the sun.

Feel free to link up and join in with either a blog post or a selection of photo's from your week. I'll read, comment and send out a link to your post in exchange for you reading and commenting on at least 2 other posts.


  1. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I've been shocked by some of the negative comments you have received on your post about your daughter. Personally I wouldn't expect a parent to care for their heavily disabled adult child alone beyond 16 or 18 (and maybe not even that long) because it would be a life sentence, but there seem to be plenty who presumably aren't in that situation themselves who seem to think others should do just that.

    1. thank you for your comment, Erica, it's the negative comments that i refer to, no one expects us to take responsibility for our other adult children

  2. Looking after a disabled child is hard enough when they are a child, but we all give birth to our children expecting that one day they will fly the nest. I do not think you were wrong and that you could not care for her for ever as you as a human being do have your own life to lead and she needs more than you can both physically and mentally give her.
    Glad you are feeling a bit better and the weather is cooler and therefore more pleasant.

    1. thank you Elaine, making the most of the cooler weather before summer hits soon with full force

  3. I read your post featured on Mumsnet, it's heart-breaking. Glad you're feeling better. Cats always know when we're not feeling well.

    1. thank you for reading my post on mums net, hubby managed a few days in the UK to visit her

