Saturday, 11 March 2017

One Daily Positive Week 10 - Bye Bye Rory

Back to normal this week, with Peter at an exhibition last week, my routine was interrupted as he didn't leave home till 10am, returning at 7pm. I find I'm more productive with physical chores in the mornings and spend the afternoons/early evenings blogging.

After the drama of Bob's emergency vet dash and Rory having to be returned to the kennels, the house was in a mess and both Peter and I were frazzled. I spent 3 hours in the kitchen, cleaning and doing several loads of washing and trying to restore some norm to our lives.

I will carry on supporting rescue dogs in Dubai, without the involvement of Bob and mainly online.

I started packing for my UK trip, bits and bobs for the flat and a few gifts for upcoming birthdays. Looking forward to finally spending some time in the apartment we've bought, that's sitting empty and costing us a fortune in ground rent and council tax.

Sunday taking a break in-between the house work, I managed to comment on all the blog posts I'd linked up with last week. I went for coffee mid afternoon for a change of scenery and took a stroll along our local beach, I needed the break. In the evening it was back to the vets with Bob to have his wounds cleaned again and check on his leg as he's still limping.

Monday was spent sorting out paperwork and making a list of all renewal dates for policies and insurances in the UK and Dubai. Post arrived from child 4 of 5, marked for Mother's Day, as I fly to the UK on the 27th I decided to open the cards and enjoy them while I can. Back to the vets in the evening, Bob is making a good recovery.

Tuesday morning was spent on the beach, there's free wifi in places, restaurants and showers etc down on Kite Beach. I usually cycle there but as I wanted to take my chair and sun tent, I went by car. I sat had a picnic lunch, read, swam, blogged and just generally had a day off from doing nothing, by doing even less. We went out for dinner in the evening. Last trip to the vets with Bob, they're happy with his recovery, but he needs to keep the cone on until the wounds heal and 2 weeks of antibiotics.

Wednesday I attempted to tackle my sewing room, it's become a dumping ground for half finished projects, that I never seem to have time/inclination to do. It was 3.30pm before I realised the time, so I dressed and decided to pop out for coffee and get my nails done. I spent the evening replying to endless emails I'd fired off a few days ago, I'm fed up of people taking advantage of us living outside the UK.

Thursday I went to visit Rory and take her for a walk, she was so excited to see me and I feel so guilty for giving up on her, but Bob comes first. I was early so I stopped for a coffee first. My plans for the week have gone belly up, with Peter working odd hours, he had to go to the Pakastani embassy to collect a visa, so we had lunch out. I'm starting to get quite anxious when I go somewhere new, where there are lots of people and when I'm with others, I cope much better when I'm on my own, I'm getting stuck in my own ways, just doing my own thing, I'm finding it hard to adapt to others.

Friday, no desert trip for us or Bob, it'll be getting to hot soon, so hopefully his wounds will have healed by next week. We went out for brunch at the Crowne Plaza, had too much to eat and drink, got a taxi home and did nothing for the rest of the day.

Saturday we took Rory to hr new kennels out in the desert, sadly I won't be able to visit her daily from now on, I washed Bob and cleaned his wounds, he's healing really well. We had bacon and eggs for brunch and then headed down to the beach for a couple of hours in the afternoon and the evening was spent rehanging curtains in the villa, as hooks had broken and they weren't hanging to my liking.

64/365 Ouch! - Poor Bob, just wants to lick his wounds.

65/365 Surprise - Mother Day Cards from the cat and dog and child 4 of 5.

66/365 Meal - Picnic on our local beach.

67/365 Crisp - more abrupt really.

68/365 Cuppa - No excuse needed here.

69/365 Baby - Teeny, weeny pudding portions, but I made three trips.

70/365 My view.

On the blog this week:


  1. Poor Bob! Glad his wounds are healing well, but it must be horrible for him being stuck in the cone. I like the sound of your picnic on the beach :)

    1. cone will have to stay on another week now, as he opened the wound on his leg when i took it off. The beach is only 1km away, silly not to have lunch on it while the weather permits

  2. Aww poor bob :( I remember my dog from years ago having one of these collars on.

    1. i shall be glad when it comes off, my shins are suffering

  3. Oh no! Poor Bob. I hope he's recovering well.
    hehehe. The mothers day cards from the dog and cat did make me chuckle.
    Those puddings look so good x

    1. the puddings were divine and number 4 child knows how to get in mums good books

  4. Your beach picnics sound great - a bit envious. It sounds like you've done so much for the dogs :)

    1. I'm making the most of being on the beach while i can, it won't be long before it's too hot here

  5. Glad Bob is doing well. I do envy you the picnic on the beach and those desserts look amazing #365

    1. i try to make sure i get out the house and garden every day and as the beach is only 1km away it seems silly not to visit it when i can

  6. I would have loved to join in with your beach picnic, looks fab as do the teeny tiny puddings. No wonder you went back for seconds and thirds :) So lovely of the dog and cat (and child4) to remember Mother's Day

    1. child 4 knows me too well and knows how to make me smile

  7. Loving the beach! Makes me feel warmer :) Little puddings look really yummy, hope you enjoyed them. Sounds like you had a really busy week, so sorry about the dogs as well, I hope they both have a speedy recovery.

    1. Bob has made a full recovery now and I see Rory twice a week on my own to walk her

  8. Poor Bob! I hope he's better soon. Such a shame about Rory, but you are right to put Bob first.

    1. Bob has fully recovered now and I still see Rory twice a week to walk her

  9. Oh dear what a mess with the dogs, glad no one was seriously injured. We never let Lilly off near other dogs as I would not want her to attack another one, and I am always worried that they would quite rightly retaliate and she would be badly injured.
    Glad you have had some relaxing time. Love your view.

    1. Bob is now firmly on lead when we go places, i think i'm more anxious than he is

  10. Poor Bob, I've just read your other post :( Loving the beach view, we've had snow again, so I'm starting to crave the summer sun and our trips to the beach!

    1. I miss the snow and rain, although we did have a couple of weeks of 'winter' weather

  11. I am sorry about the Bob and Rory saga - such a shame that it was not meant to be with regards to Roxy staying with you.
    I love a picnic at the beach - as long as the sand does not get in the way (on the food!). Yummy looking puddings caught my eye!
    Hope you have a good week x

    1. Bob is fully recovered now, it's quite windy on the beach at the moment so eat quickly

  12. I love your work specially beach picnics sound great. Best of luck for bob and thanks.

