Saturday, 10 June 2017

One Daily Positive - Week 23. Doctors and friends.

The teen flew back to school on Monday, I spent the rest of the week, pottering around, tidying, going out for coffee. I had medical appointments Sunday through to Wednesday. Physio x 2 Blood Tests and an MRI, I'm still waiting approval from the medical aid for further eye investigations. Exercises are helping and I'm paying close attention to my diet, having put on 6 kgs over the past 3 years, due mainly to inactivity.

I've found over the years that what helps my chronic pain and migraines is sugary foods, drinks and chocolate. However when we lived in South Africa I was very active with swimming, the gym and my volunteer work, since moving to Dubai, apart from cleaning and walking the dog, I do very little physical activity.

I will be in the UK over the summer so I will have the opportunity to walk places, swim and just generally be more active.

I've not taken many photos this week and I'm lacking enthusiasm with social media, I'm pleased but disappointed with the results of the election, I'd have preferred not to have a coalition, but hey ho, lets just get on with Brexit and then we can start to think about when we move back to the UK.

155 Sunday. Fruit.
Sorted all the medical claims out, popped to Mall of the Emirates to get a few things for the teen, physio and the evening spent on the new #night_swimming_beach and burgers for tea.

156 Monday. Wow. Blood tests £755, thankfully covered by medical aid.

At the airport to drop the teen off at 5am and home by 6am. Walked Bob, did the washing and went for blood tests. I got the sewing machine out, made a dog bed and rest of the day was spent doing bits and pieces of nothing and ended with a manicure.

157 Tuesday. Kids.

A busy morning cooking meals for the freezer for when I'm away. yes Peter is more than capable of looking after himself, but he will work late in the office some nights. I had an MRI scan which wiped me out, got coffee and spent the afternoon in bed.

158 Wednesday. Food & Drink.

After another lie in and physio, I finally got round to doing some more sewing, I sent quite a bit of stuff back with the teen so I have room in my case to take some bunting back to sell and raise funds for Christmas gifts for disadvantaged children in South Africa. Out with friends to Ladies night at Dubai Marina. yes I'm still suffering with this eye pain, but it's my 2nd week now and resting hasn't helped at all, so I had nothing to lose by going out.

159 Thursday. Vote. I registered for a proxy vote this year as my polling papers didn't arrive in 2015 and Peter's were late, guess what? everything came this year and with plenty of time.

Lunch with a friend at the Souk and nothing else all day.

160 Friday. Contrast.

Up early to walk Bob and back to bed with Pushkins, she's been in a foul mood the last few days. We had lunch out went to watch Churchill at the cinema and I started to pack my suitcase for the UK next week, looks like I'll need my waterproofs.

161 Saturday. Tree in Bloom. These Delonix regina - Royal Poinciana, Flame of the Forest trees are producing a lovely orange flower and look stunning at the moment and are adding a welcome patch of colour to the beige Dubai desert.

Off to a friends with coffee and cake for the morning, Bob joined us to play with Jelly.
Food shopping in the afternoon and the kitchen floor got cleaned. Can life get anymore exciting?

On the blog this week:

Expat Life in Dubai - My Sunday Photo - G is for giving
Days Out - Animal Tales - The lost chambers aquarium, The Atlantis, Palm Jumeriah, Dubai.
Parenting - TweensTeensBeyond - I used to be a soccer mum
PoCoLo - Are you a blogger or an advertiser?


  1. I am thinking it will be way to warm over there most of the time to be as active as you would like.
    Thought the teen was finished school?
    I agree a hung parliament is no good for anybody.

    1. it is far too warm here, my only option is walking round the malls and that gets very boring

  2. It just shows you how expensive health care is when you have to pay for it or at least deal with the bills for the insurance. Is the teen actually doing anything at school?

    1. I'm sure private care is more expensive as there is no one to regulate the fees, no the teen is doing nothing but then i guess most year 13's have already left now for exam leave

  3. I'm terrible when it's hot here, I just want to flop, so I'd never cope with being active if I lived in a proper hot country.

    I'm feeling the same about social media too - well, really about IG. Apart from me liking looking at other people's pictures, there's almost no point me sharing mine. Engagement has halved, because I've stopped doing a IG instant daily, my pictures get so few likes compared with a month or so ago,and without those I don't get the interaction to get in the top 9s like I was before so my followers are flat or declining because noone who'd be interested in my kind of photos are finding me. Very demoralising.

    Hope the trip to the UK goes smoothly

    1. my interaction with instagram is very low but i link it with my fb page where i get most of my interaction, i enjoy seeing other peoples pictures on there

  4. You will definitely need your waterproofs in the UK. And your jumpers and your suncream! Hope the blood tests give some answers. I can't believe how expensive they are!

    1. waterproofs are packed as are boots and sun cream

  5. What part of the UK will you be staying in? The last couple of days have been quite nice, but who knows with our UK what it can be like from one day to the next!
    Hope the headaches start to dissappear for you xx

  6. What part of the UK will you be staying in? The last couple of days have been quite nice, but who knows with our UK what it can be like from one day to the next!
    Hope the headaches start to dissappear for you xx

  7. Scary how much medical tests costs isn't it, thank god for insurance and the NHS here. Hope you're feeling better soon. My Dad's postal vote form arrived on the day he had to send it back - luckily he knows the postal workers and they rang him so he could open, sign and return then and there #365

    1. i've no idea if hubbies vote arrived in time or even if my proxy vote went on my behalf but the election went the way i wanted so all ok in my world

  8. We're having all kinds of weather over here so I'd prepare for anything from blistering sunshine to hailstones :/ Hope you get to the bottom of your illness, medical tests are so expensive. Thank the lord for the NHS, at least for now

    1. thank you, despite the medical aid being very complicated to sort, i'd rather have private cover and get quick treatment

  9. Those orange trees look so beautiful and out of this world!glad your proxy vote worked as I heard so many people had trouble. #365

    1. i've no idea if my proxy voter actually cast my vote or not

  10. how much for some blood tests? goodness me! I hope they will help to get to the bottom of whats wrong though. the election was a ruddy farce - all that money spent on an election which we are now no better off for!!! grrrr! how lovely to be spending some more time over here in the UK this summer - fingers crossed you get some sunshine ! x

    1. really hoping for some rain and cooler weather to be honest

  11. Sheesh those medical bills but thank goodness for the medical aid. I hope all your appointments go well. Sounds like you have a lot in a short space of time. Xx

    1. it's really quick with private medical care, yu get everything done in a short space of time

  12. I'd struggle to much exercise in that heat apart from walking around the shops - although when I lived in the states there were running groups that went round shopping malls?!

    1. the exercise in the malls sounds good, it's the only place i can go right now for a walk

  13. Oh wow £755 for blood tests!! Glad its covered.

    Love the pic of the dog and cat, so cute.

    I guess in the heat its hard to be overly active!

    1. it's not just physical activity, i struggle to get my brain going most days also

  14. We are always shocked when we get the statements from the health insurance companies here, and very grateful to have good insurance!

    1. it's unbelievable, I tend to only use the GP once a year when I'm actually ill, I dread to think how much people cost the NHS with trivial matters just because it is free

