Saturday, 10 February 2018

One Daily Positive Week 6 Tour Dubai and Jebal Jais

And so we go around again.

I had so much stuff to sort this week. 2 flights from Dubai to the UK return for Peter. Change my flight to the UK and book a return from the UK to get back in time for child 4 and 4a to visit us, book car hire, 2 flights from Birmingham to Belfast and accommodation to visit child 4 and 4a first. Sort out buildings insurance for our rental property in the UK and email copies to agents and mortgage company. Arrange car insurance for Peter's car in Dubai and his vehicle renewal, book boarding for the cat and dog and make some medical aid claims for previous Doctors visits. Both me and the credit card are physically and mentally exhausted this week.

35 Sunday started with a house inspection, that turned out to be a full maintenance check of the property and the cat taking root under the oven, followed by a trip to take a photo and called in at a friends for cake. It is also child 1's 30th birthday today and child 4 and 4a went for Christmas dinner with my niece whose birthday it is also.

36 Monday I spent the day at home, the dog had 3 walks out of boredom, the cat spent most of the day on the balcony. I caught up with blog posts, did the ironing and sorted through photo's of my SIL to take back for my niece and nephew and I cycled to the coffee shop. I updated mum's address in my book, didn't see the need to cross dad's name out.

37 Tuesday another Dr's appointment, more antibiotics and I got caught in the first day of the Tour Dubai Cycle Race. Not complaining it's great to see some of the world's greatest cyclists/athletes in action while I'm going about my daily business.

38 Wednesday I met my friend for coffee at the Mariana for breakfast and a walk on the beach, I wasn't in the best of moods and on the way home via the supermarket I was sick, must be the meds. Had a sleep and felt much better in the evening, but spent the rest of the day in bed.

39 Thursday Foggy start to the day and Bob and I headed off to My Second Home for a run round for an hour, back home, some gardening, brushed the cat, changed the bed, washing and dusted, the house was full of sand.

40 Friday I woke up and felt like crap, every bone in my body ached, including the ones inside my head, if that makes any sense. Spent the day in bed until 2pm then Peter took Bob and I to a valentines day party at Paw Parking just for an hour, then it was straight back to bed.

41 Saturday I'm so over being ill all the time, although I'm not actually physically ill, just got a cough and feel very tired with every bone in my body aching. It's not stopping me doing anything, it's just slowing me down. Woke with a migraine. Peter had been wanting to go for a drive into the mountains so I decided what the heck I can sleep in the car and see something else other than the 4 walls of the house.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo - More construction in Dubai, the new road layout for the Dubai Water Canal, before and after.
Going Green - Recycling in Dubai and South Africa 
Tweens Teens Beyond - Writing letters and communicating the old fashioned way
Triumphant Tales and PoCoLo - Poor customer service
Best Boot Forward - Stop procrastinating and getting things done
Letter to a stranger - Do you ever worry that you post too much online?


  1. I do not know how you are doing it. I am exhausted just reading the first paragraph! The cycling sounds nice, always interesting to see something different. #365

    1. finished the weekend in bed with a migraine, which is spilling into this week also

  2. What a lot of things for you to arrange, no wonder you feel exhausted. Hope you feel better soon, and get rest for your poor aching bones. Love the photo of the cat hiding under the oven. Great you managed to see the cycling in the centre and visit the mountains.

    1. still got a few more things to finalise and another drs visit this week

  3. there will be some peace of mind knowing that you have all the flights etc booked. Glad Bib is enjoying his doggy sessions and you were quite right to go with Peter, not like you were expending energy in the passenger seat. Looks rather barren, are the 3 silvery streaks roads?

    1. i enjoyed the drive out and yes those silvery lines are roads

  4. Wow sounds like you've had a lot of organising to do! Glad you got some fresh air hopefully it helped you feel better x #project365

  5. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon...It really isn't a wonder you are exhausted, you have so much going on.
    It looks so desolate in the mountains....I hope the trip out helped you feel a bit better x

    1. it's a very popular tourist spot and many locals come out here on the weekends

  6. Sorry to hear you're still feeling ill. That must be exhausting in itself. Great photo of the cyclists and nice pic of you in the mountains.

    1. all switched off now to recover this week ready for my uk trip

  7. That's a mental week for you (and your credit card). I hope you have a much better week but I guess you'll be getting ready to fly back again x

    1. started the week with a migraine, fly on friday ready for the funeral next monday

  8. What a busy week! Hope you feel better soon #365

  9. The mountains do look lovely, and definitely a change from the buildings. I really hope that they can get you on the road to good health soon, but you've got so much to deal with #365

    1. we really must make more of an effort to get out of the city more often

  10. Oh gosh you did have a lot to organise this week! At least it is now all done. Hope you are feeling better now..coughs and colds can really take it out of you. The mountains look amazing

    1. really must spend some more time up the mountains and away from the city when I can

  11. Sorry you are feeling so awful, you have so much going on - you must be physically and mentally exhausted! Sending you good thoughts x #365

    1. thank you, it just seems to be one thing after another all the time, I need a break

  12. I'm with you on the address book. I've bought another to update mine, but haven't got around to filling it in. My current one has quite a few people who have died, but I haven't crossed them out either. The only crossing outs are those that have moved house etc.

    1. I ended up putting a sticker on the address for mum and dad so I didn't have to cross out his name or make a new entry

  13. Love the cat pics, i was cat-sitting this weekend for my parents and miss owning one #project365

    1. the cat takes up more of my time than the 5 kids did lol

  14. I really do hope you have improved since then? And wow that is a lot of cat fur....

    1. the cat moults 24/7 it's a pain to keep the house clean

