Saturday, 24 February 2018

One Daily Positive Week 8

Had a few close calls in the car hire. Went round a mini round about the wrong way, keep stalling it as it's manual, waiting for the pump attendant to fill the tank up and honked my horn in frustration, have been told off for undertaking, driving too close and flashing lights to make cars move out my way. It takes a fair bit of adjusting to driving back in the UK from Dubai. My biggest problem is I keep getting in the wrong side of the car and sitting there like a lemon trying to work out what I've done wrong. The centre console is on the left rather than the right also, and I keep trying to change gears using the door handle.

49 Sunday Took Mum to Newport for a bit of shopping and visited Uncle Tim in hospital, followed by cooking a Sunday roast for Mum, child 4 and 5 and making a picture board for Christine's funeral.

50 Monday Waited in for BT to connect Mum's new line but had to cancel as they weren't coming till nearer 1pm, so went to wish my niece a happy 7th birthday and we all had cake with Thing 1, 2 and 3. The afternoon was Christine's funeral. Such a sad occasion with child 4 & 5 carrying her coffin along with their dad, uncle, and their 2 cousins. One of them Steve her son. Beth paid a lovely tribute to her Mother and we all had a chance to catch up afterwards. I spent the evening with a friend.

51 Tuesday The boiler in the Malvern House we rent out broke down over the weekend and the agents called an emergency plumber, so cross, we have a home care agreement to cover these things, anyway I'm now out of pocket and an engineer has been booked for next Tuesday to replace the fan. Child 4 and I loaded up the car with 15 archive boxes of my Dad's stamp collection and drove up to Warwick where we've left them for a valuation for sale, then we had lunch before I left him at Birmingham Airport. Only 16 days till I fly over to Belfast to see him again. I'm sleeping at my Mum's as the teen has taken over the 1 bed flat I purchased 18 months ago as my bolt hole, somewhere to switch off and relax and get away from the stresses of life. I shall be so glad when his security clearance comes through and we can get him moved for his new job.

52 Wednesday visited my niece and ex MIL and helped them press some flowers from the funeral wreath to preserve for her Mother's memory, we'll turn them into bookmarks, cards etc. Saw another ex SIL for a catch up, did see a bit of her last summer when MIL was in hospital. Visited my nephew and we called in to see see child 2 and 2a who live literally over the road.

53 Thursday spent the day tidying and cleaning the flat, sorting stuff for sale, charity and the tip. Met a friend for coffee, had a long soak in the bath and an early night.

54 Friday Breakfast with a friend and the twins. Kath was my mum's neighbour, before my dad died, and she looked after me and the teen while the paramedics worked in vain the night my father collapsed, we've stayed in touch and have become good friends. Went to visit my Uncle in The Royal Gwent in the afternoon with Mum.

55 Saturday The teen and I went to visit child 1 and had a walk round Gloucester, called in at friends on the way back, cooked lasagna for dinner and went to the pub.

On the blog this week:
My Sunday Photo - The Hoover Dam 2002-2010
TriumphantTales and PoCoLo - Positives of Expat Life


  1. How nice of your parents old neighbour to stay in touch. Often noone even knows their own neighbours. I never would have thought if that with the flower pressing but it sounds lovely #365

    1. mum's neighbour is actually my age and my parents didn't know her, we only became friends after meeting the night my dad died

  2. Your week sounds exhausting, so many things to do. The memory board with all photos is a beautiful tribute to a lovely lady. That photo of her giggling is such a wonderful warm image. Lovely idea to press some flowers from the wreath as well.

    1. it was really hard just selecting only a few photo's we had so many lovely ones to choose from

  3. So much going on in your week. We took my dad's stamp collection to Warwick as well, when our mum died.

    1. going back up on Friday with the cigarette cards

  4. What a week you've had! The photo board you made for the funeral is lovely.
    I had to laugh at your car struggles.

    1. the car is driving me up the wall, I keep getting in the wrong side

  5. The memory boards look great. Hope you have got back used to UK driving now.

    1. I have to remember I'm not driving in Dubai and can't undertake

  6. What a week. I hope you get the hang of driving in the UK soon.
    The photos you put together for the funeral was lovely...
    I hope next week is a little calmer for you x

    1. sadly this week is another roller coaster but mostly in my control involving uk paperwork

  7. some positives in there, nice to do some catching up with old friends. How lovely the old neighbour still keeps in touch and has become a friend.
    Oh dear at trying to drive the non British way in Britain, but yes it must be hard to adjust to. I feel your frustration with people who drive to slow in the outside lane ans have seen many a person undertake.
    Great collection of photo

    1. I always make time to catch up with old friends, just sad I can't see them more often

  8. What a manic week but I love how you manage to get around so many people. Love that photo board. So many memories, I hope it all went ok x

    1. it takes a lot of planning, but I visit people on route too and from places

  9. I love all the smiles in that collage you'd made, happy memories and that's a lovely idea for the flowers too. Hope you don't have too much longer to wait for the security clearance, and I'm glad i'm not a passenger with you at the moment!! :D #365

    1. you'll be pleased to hear I've mastered the driving now (I Think) yes some beautiful smiles from Christine as always

  10. The photo board you made is beautiful, what a lovely tribute. Sounds like a full-on week, glad you were able to catch up with friends. I totally hear you on the driving! Love the photo of the door with the branches across it.

    1. by the time I get used to the driving in the UK I'm back over to Dubai having to adjust again grrrrrr

  11. I would really struggle with the car thing too, haha....

  12. What a lovely idea to press the flowers and the photo board is lovely too. Hope you get the hang of driving back in the UK soon!

  13. I love the photo board! #365

  14. What a busy week! Are all of the boxes stamps? If so it puts my collection to shame! #project365

    1. yep all stamps and there were another 8 boxes to take up at a later date

