Saturday, 13 October 2018

One daily Positive - Week 41

Busy week, lots of walking, driving and spending time with family and friends. Finding the weather cold, but enjoying wrapping up and wearing jumpers and jeans for a change, not enjoying the rain and the wind that nice.

I'm still getting pains in my thigh, I can only describe it as cramp in my bone. I had a migraine on Thursday and fell over in Gloucester after twisting my ankle on a loose drain cover, my ankle is badly bruised and swollen.

280 Sunday Drove home after the wedding via visiting child 5 in Cirencester, went to the pub in the evening.

281 Monday Collected child 2 and visited child 1 in Gloucester for the day.

282 Tuesday Met friends for coffee and had a wedding invite for June 2020, took ourselves for a walk around the sculpture trail in the Forest of Dean, met child 2 for coffee and my nephew joined us. Out for a meal with friends in the evening and saw child 3 for a drink.

283 Wednesday Off to Bath for the day, then visited MIL, met friends for a takeaway on the way home.

284 Thursday Meeting with child 1's carers, then took child 1 for lunch, called into visit friends in their new home and had a couple of drinks.

285 Friday Took mum, Peter and child 3 to Trago Mills for the day, visited the Things in the afternoon and saw child 2 and 2a in the evening.

286 Saturday Took Peter to the airport and spent the afternoon with Mary before heading home.

On the blog this week:

A visit to Cullinan Diamond Mine in South Africa.
Our last wedding of 2018


  1. It must have been lovely to see so much of the kids this week. I love your family photo. Sorry to hear about the twisted ankle and the migraine. Hope you are feeling better now!

    1. thanks, was getting better, now have a sore throat

  2. Hope your ankle is on the mend, I saw your photo on Insta and felt sorry for you. It must have been lovely to see your children, and hope the meeting with the carers was useful and productive. Wedding invite two years in advance sounds super organised.

    1. ankle still painful, but getting better, wedding invite early because thye know we need to make plans for travel

  3. Oh gosh! What a busy week. It sounds like you have been out and about a lot meeting with lots of people and family. So sorry about your ankle. I hope it feels better soon.

    1. ankle still painful but recovering, been a lovely week, meeting up with everyone

  4. Lots and lots of relatives seen this week then. Nice to see so much of them.
    Nice for a last minute meet up with Mary as well.

    1. i guess i wouldn't see so much of them if i was on the doorstep

  5. Hope your ankle is ok now, I do love Bath but it always rains when I go there. Was lovely to see you, scarf posted this morning #365

    1. not had much rain this visit, thanks for the scarf

  6. A walk around the forest sounds great! Hope your ankle is ok now! #365

  7. Oh no re the fall! Hope the ankle is better now. Sounds like another busy week catching up with everyone

    1. it's alwasy busy when I'm in the UK, so little time and so much to do

  8. Busy week! A wedding invite that far in advance, wow! #project365

